Feria - Missa 'Si Iniquitates Observaveris' Or St. Hilarion, Abbot Or St. Ursula & Companions, Virgins & Martyrs - October 21st, 2013 - Propers

Image Credit: Saints.SQPN.com - Saint Hilarion of Gaza

Feria Secunda infra Hebdomadam XXII post Octavam Pentecostes
Missa 'Si Iniquitates Observaveris'
Commemoratio S. Hilarionis Abbatis; Ss. Ursula et sociabus mm
Commemoration: St. Hilarion; St. Ursula & Companions
4th Class
[Common Preface; Commemoration: St. Hilarion, St. Ursula & Companions]

Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin with Commemorations - Complete version (Click Here; DivinumOfficium.Com, 10-21-2013)


St. Hilarion, Abbot
Missa 'Os Iusti'
Commemoration: St. Ursula & Companions
4th Class
[Gloria; Common Preface; Commemoration of St. Ursula & Companions]

Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin (Click Here; Virgomaterdie.com)

Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin (Click Here; Traditional Latin Mass Missal Project)

***Add the Collect, Secret and Postcommunion for Commemoration of St. Ursula & Companions as found below (Baronius Missal, page 1056):


Da nobis, quaesumus, Dómine, Deus noster, sanctárum Vírginum et Mártyrum tuárum Ursulæ et Sociárum eius palmas incessábili devotióne venerári: ut, quas digna mente non póssumus celebráre, humílibus saltem frequentémus obséquiis.

Grant us, we beseech Thee, O Lord our God, to reverence with unceasing devotion the victories of Thy holy virgins and martyrs Ursula and her companions; that those whom we cannot fittingly celebrate, we may at least approach with lowly homage.


Inténde, quaesumus, Dómine, múnera altáribus tuis pro sanctárum Virginum et Mártyrum tuárum Ursulæ et Sociárum eius festivitáte propósita: ut, sicut per hæc beáta mystéria illis glóriam contulísti; ita nobis indulgéntiam largiáris.

Graciously accept the sacrificial gifts offered You, O Lord, through the merits of Thy holy virgins and martyrs Ursula and her companions, and grant they may prove an unfailing aid for us.


Præsta nobis, quaesumus, Dómine: intercedéntibus sanctis Virgínibus et Martýribus tuis Ursula et Sociábus eius: ut, quod ore contíngimus, pura mente capiámus.

We who have been refreshed by the richness of Your divine sacrament beseech You, O Lord our God, that through the intercession of Thy holy virgins and martyrs Ursula and her companions, we may forevermore abide in its participation.


St. Ursula and Companions, Virgins and Martyrs
Missa 'Loquebar'
Commemoration: St. Hilarion, Abbot
4th Class
[Gloria; Common Preface; Commemoration: St. Hilarion, Abbot]

Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin (Click Here; Traditional Latin Mass Missal Project)

(Substitute the Collect, Secret and Postcommunion for St. Ursula and Companions as in the text found above; the Epistle for this Mass is from Missa 'Vultum Tuum' beginning "Fratres, de virginibus..." (First Letter of Blessed Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians, 7: 25-35; Baronius Missal, page 1060)

Add the Collect, Secret and Postcommunion for Commemoration of St. Hilarion as found here

♫ Monastero San Benedetto: Mass & Office, for 21 OCT 2013

♫ The Chant of Le Barroux: Office for 2013-10-21


LiveMass.Net (Live Mass Online)

Christ the King (FSSP), Sarasota, FL & Guadalajara, Mexico (Mass Time Clocks can be found at the LiveMass website!)


Monday of the Twenty-ninth Week in Ordinary Time    
USCCB Daily Mass Readings; Click here

Boston Catholic Journal:  Roman Martyrology, Complete, October 21st

SQPN.com: Saints of the Day & Link to Daily Divine Office MP3's

Saint of the Day: St. Hilarion

Season after Pentecost
Tags: TLM Propers; USCCB Mass Propers; Feria Secunda infra Hebdomadam XXII post Octavam Pentecostes; St. Hilarion, Abbot; St. Ursula & Companions, Virgins & Martyrs; LiveMass TLM Link
