
Morning Roundup - Passion Sunday - Dominica I Passionis - Missa 'Iudica Me Deus' - March 17th, 2013

Bonfire of the Vanities (Fr. Martin Fox) >> Does U of Dayton not want to be Catholic?  Daily Meditations with Fr. Alfonse >> John 11:1-45 Defender and Lover! Domine, da mihi hanc aquam! (Fr. Philip Neri Powell, OP) >> Go and sin no more. . . Godzdogz (The English Dominican Studentate) >> Fifth Sunday of Lent  Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> "Go, and sin no more": Forgiveness is a Person and Being Forgiven is a Relationship Orbis Catholicus Secundus (John Sonnen) >> Coat-of-Arms of New Roman Pontiff RORATE CÆLI >> Passiontide What is true Humility? SHIRT OF FLAME (Heather King) >> I LOVE, THEREFORE I AM   SOUTHERN ORDERS (Fr. Allan J. McDonald) >> BOMBSHELL, THE HOLY FATHER GIVES HOLY COMMUNION TO THE DEACONS BY WAY OF INTINCTION AS THEY KNEEL BEFORE HIM AT THE PARISH CHURCH OF SAINT ANNA'S AND THEN DOES NOT DISTRIBUTE HOLY COMMUNION TO THE LAITY NOR ANY OF THE BISHOPS, THE TWO DEACONS DISTRIBUTE ONLY THE

Evening Roundup - Feria of Lent - Sabbato infra Hebdomadam IV in Quadragesima - Missa 'Sitientes' - March 16th, 2013

A Priest Life (Fr. Kevin Cusick) >> Saint Francis on honoring the Lord in the Eucharist: " ... buy beautiful chalices and beautiful vessels for the altar" Accepting Abundance (Stacy Trasancos) >> So You Think You Know How the Morning After Pill Works? Archdiocese of Washington (Msgr. Charles Pope) >> Counting the Cost of Condemnation: A Homily for the 5th Sunday of Lent Catholic World Report - Blog >> New pope meets with journalists, discusses why he chose “Francis”   (Catherine Harmon) Catholic World Report - Blog >> The Country of Death: 40 years, 330 million abortions, 196 million sterilisations   (Carl E. Olson) Catholic-Hierarchy News >> Curia Restoration (Sandro Magister) >> The Name of Francis, the Rule of St. Ignatius, and the Example of Jonah Creative Minority Report >> Card. Mahony Tweets On Liturgy, So Do I HOLY SOULS HERMITAGE (Fr. George David Byers) >> Update: Pope Francis

Passion Sunday - Dominica I Passionis - Missa 'Iudica Me Deus' - March 17th, 2013 - Propers

Image Credit: Catholic-Resources - Passion Sunday (John 8:46-59) Passion Sunday Dominica I Passionis Missa 'Iudica Me Deus' 1st Class Violet [Creed; Preface of the Holy Cross; 2nd Vespers of Passion Sunday; NOTE: In locations where the Feast of St. Patrick is of the 1st Class , 2nd Vespers of Passion Sunday with Commemoration of St. Patrick] Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin - Complete version ( Click Here; DivinumOfficium.Com, 3-17-2013 ) Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin - Complete Version ( Click Here: Daily Catholic.Org ) Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin ( Click Here; ) Latin Mass Propers Online ( Click Here; Traditional Latin Mass Missal Project ) Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin, PDF Format ( Click Here; MaternalHeart.Org, Passion Sunday ) Downloadable Latin Mass Propers, ( Una Voce, Orange County, Click Here ) Summorum Pontificum Wangaratta - Propers for Passion Sunday   (English Only) In the Sight of Angels: DOMINICA I PA

Morning Roundup - Feria of Lent - Sabbato infra Hebdomadam IV in Quadragesima - Missa 'Sitientes' - March 16th, 2013

Archdiocese of Washington (Msgr. Charles Pope) >> On Honesty and Sincerity as Seen in a Commercial Catholic Answers >> The Search for "Miracle Cures"   (Peggy Frye) Catholic In The Ozarks (Shane Schaetzel) >> The Pope And The Press Catholicseeking (Helen Gonsalves) >> "Christ is the heart of the Church, without Him, Peter and the Church would not exist” Daily Meditations with Fr. Alfonse >> John 7:40-53 Getting To Know Jesus Dymphna's Road >> random thoughts First Thoughts >> Silencing religious voices in Canada   (Mathew Block) HOLY SOULS HERMITAGE (Fr. George David Byers) >> Holy Souls Hermitage Pickup Truck Dies… Yikes! HOLY SOULS HERMITAGE (Fr. George David Byers) >> Fisking the *spirit* of sede vacantism in those who condemn Pope Francis while saying they recognize his pontificate LES FEMMES - THE TRUTH (Mary Ann Kreitzer) >> Pope Francis and the Jesuits Musings of a Pertinacious Papist &

Evening Roundup - Feria of Lent - Feria Sexta infra Hebdomadam IV in Quadragesima - Missa 'Meditatio Cordis Mei' - March 15th, 2013

Catholic Answers >>  Pope Francis's Lenten Letter   (Matt Fradd) Catholic Answers >>  A Pope of Contradictions   (Todd Aglialoro) Catholic World Report - Blog >> Watch: Pope Francis greets cardinals one-on-one (Catherine Harmon) Catholic World Report - Blog >> Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople to attend Pope Francis’ installation Mass   (Catherine Harmon) Catholicseeking (Helen Gonsalves) >> The Pope kisses the hand of Vietnamese Cardinal Pham Minh Man. Creative Minority Report >> Biden, Pelosi to Represent USA at Papal Domine, da mihi hanc aquam! (Fr. Philip Neri Powell, OP) >> Christ was sent and so are we. . . First Thoughts >> Francis Is Not Criticizing Benedict By Being Himself   (David Mills) First Thoughts >> New Pope’s Conservative Populism   (R.R. Reno) First Thoughts >> Pope Francis: “No Ties to the Dictatorship”   (Anna Williams) In the Light of the Law (Dr. Edward Peters) >> When noth

Afternoon Roundup - Feria of Lent - Feria Sexta infra Hebdomadam IV in Quadragesima - Missa 'Meditatio Cordis Mei' - March 15th, 2013

Archdiocese of Washington (Msgr. Charles Pope) >> It is not the Job of the Church to Conform to Modern Notions, for Jesus was a Sign of Contradiction Canterbury Tales (Dr. Taylor Marshall) >> Pope Francis: Devotion to Mary and the "New Evangelization" Catholic Answers >> Pope Francis' Lenten Letter   (Matt Fradd) Catholic Church Conservation (Christopher Gillibrand) >> Pope Francis DID approve a Latin Mass Centre Catholic World Report - Blog >> Ukrainian Catholic Patriarch: Pope Francis "knows our Tradition very well, as well as our Liturgy. "  (Carl E. Olson) Catholic World Report - Blog >> Vatican responds to accusations about Cardinal Bergoglio and the "Dirty War"    (Catherine Harmon) Creative Minority Report >> Pope Francis Has ties to Hate Group Crisis Magazine >> Pope Francis—The Journey Begins   (Sean Fitzpatrick) (Steven D. Greydanus) >> Oz the Great and Powerf

Feria of Lent - Sabbato infra Hebdomadam IV in Quadragesima - Missa 'Sitientes' - March 16th, 2013 - Propers

Image Credit: Catholic-Resources.Org - John 8:12-20 Feria of Lent Sabbato infra Hebdomadam IV in Quadragesima  Missa 'Sitientes' 3rd Class Violet [Preface of Lent; 1st Vespers of Passion Sunday] Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin - Complete version with Commemoration ( Click Here; DivinumOfficium.Com, 3-16-2013 ) Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin - Complete Version ( Click Here: Daily Catholic.Org ) Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin with Commemoration ( Click Here; ) ♫ Monastero San Benedetto: Mass & Office, for 16. Mar 2013 ♫ The Chant of Le Barroux: Office for 16. Mar 2013 +++++++++++++++ Saturday of the Fourth Week of Lent            USCCB Daily Mass Readings, Click here Saints of the Day & Link to Daily Divine Office MP3's Saint of the Day: St. Clement Mary Hofbauer +++++++++++++++ 

Evening Roundup - Feria of Lent - Feria Quinta infra Hebdomadam IV in Quadragesima - Missa 'Laetetur Cor' - March 14th, 2013

Accepting Abundance (Stacy Trasancos) >> Would There Be Science Without Christianity? Canterbury Tales (Dr. Taylor Marshall) >> Traditionalists and Pope Francis: Can We Take a Deep Breath and Please Calm Down? Catholic Answers >> NEWSFLASH: The Catholic Church is Not a Political Movement   (Christopher Check) Catholic In The Ozarks (Shane Schaetzel) >> Welcome Holy Father Francis !!! Catholic World Report - Blog >> Fr. Fessio on Pope Francis: “I’m overjoyed ”  (Catherine Harmon) (Jorge Mario Bergoglio) >> "When we walk without the cross…" Creative Minority Report >> Pope's 1st Trip Was to Lay Flowers in Front of Image of the Virgin Mary First Thoughts >> Weigel: Progressives “Used” Bergoglio in 2005 Conclave   (Matthew Schmitz) First Thoughts >> An Argentine and a Jesuit   (Anna Williams) IDLE SPECULATIONS (Terry Prest) >> Pope Francis: The Eucharist and Mary Insight Scoop |

Feria of Lent - Feria Sexta infra Hebdomadam IV in Quadragesima - Missa 'Meditatio Cordis Mei' - March 15th, 2013 - Propers

Image Credit: Newberg Churches Feria of Lent Feria Sexta infra Hebdomadam IV in Quadragesima Missa 'Meditatio Cordis Mei'   3rd Class Violet [Preface of Lent; Preces] Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin - Complete version with Commemoration ( Click Here; DivinumOfficium.Com, 3-15-2013 ) Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin - Complete Version ( Click Here: Daily Catholic.Org ) Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin with Commemoration ( Click Here; ) ♫ Monastero San Benedetto: Mass & Office, for 15. Mar 2013 ♫ The Chant of Le Barroux: Office for 15. Mar 2013 +++++++++++++++ Friday of the Fourth Week of Lent           USCCB Daily Mass Readings, Click here Saints of the Day & Link to Daily Divine Office MP3's Saint of the Day: St. Louise de Marillac +++++++++++++++ 

Morning Roundup - Feria of Lent - Feria Quinta infra Hebdomadam IV in Quadragesima - Missa 'Laetetur Cor' - March 14th, 2013

Archdiocese of Washington (Msgr. Charles Pope) >> Which Francis? Either Saint Francis has some things our New Pope may need and have in Mind Catholic World Report - Blog >> Cardinal Dolan: Pope Francis took the bus back from St. Peter’s, too   (Catherine Harmon) >> Pope Francis: in his own words Charlotte was Both (Amy Welborn) >> Who is Pope Francis? Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture >> Pope Francis   (Srdja Trifkovic) Crisis Magazine >> Following the Bad Council of the Media   (George Neumayr) Crisis Magazine >> Pope Francis Knows What Must Be Done   (Scott P. Richert) Domine, da mihi hanc aquam! (Fr. Philip Neri Powell, OP) >> Sweep the stables, Holy Father! FIRST THINGS: On the Square >> Pope Francis and the Papacy   (Thomas G. Guarino) First Thoughts >> Pope Francis on Politics   (Matthew Schmitz) HOLY SOULS HERMITAGE (Fr. George David Byers) >> POPE FRANCIS XAVIER, S.J. J