
Saturday Roundup - Saturday of Our Lady - Missa 'Salve Sancta Parens' - July 9th, 2016

8th Sunday after Pentecost - Dominica VIII Post Pentecosten - Missa 'Suscépimus Deus' - July 10th, 2016 - Propers Traditional Latin Mass Calendar - July 4th to July 10th, 2016 - Ordo for the Week Aleteia (Deirdre Mundy) >> Fulton Sheen and the Invasion of the Body Snatchers Aleteia (Daniel Esparza) >> Enjoying that latte? Thank Pope Clement VIII Aleteia (Aleteia Image Department) >>  Flowers for the Queen Catholic Stand (Felix Whelan) >> With Laudato Si’, Pope Francis Outmaneuvers Both the Left and the Right Catholic Stand  (Steffani Jacobs) >> The Power of Counsel in Conflict Catholic World Report - Blog (Carl E. Olson) >> Dallas, Cupich, Sarah, Kondo, Francis, the Reign of Gay, and more Catholic World Report - Blog (Carl E. Olson) >> The Noble Heart and the Good Samaritan Communio (Paul Zalonski) >> Vincentians elect new superior general: Father Tomaz Mavric Community in Mission (Msgr. Charles Pope) >>

8th Sunday after Pentecost - Dominica VIII Post Pentecosten - Missa 'Suscépimus Deus' - July 10th, 2016 - Propers

Image Credit: Joe Catholic Blog - The Unjust Steward 8th Sunday after Pentecost Dominica VIII Post Pentecosten Missa 'Suscépimus Deus' 2nd Class Green [Gloria & Creed; Preface of the Holy Trinity; 2nd Vespers of the 8th Sunday after Pentecost] Extraordinary Form: Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin - Complete Version ( Click Here; DivinumOfficium.Com, 7-10-2016 ) Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin - Complete version ( Click Here; ) Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin - Complete version ( Click Here; Daily Catholic.Org ) Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin, PDF Format ( Click Here; MaternalHeart.Org: EIGHTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST ) Downloadable Latin Mass Propers, - Full Latin  ( Una Voce, Orange County, Click Here ) Downloadable Latin Mass Propers - Full Latin, PDF Format - Complete version ( Usus Antiquior; St. Stephen's Church, Cleveland, OH ) Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin - Complete version  ( Click Here; Introibo ad

Evening Roundup - St. Elizabeth of Portugal, Queen & Widow - Missa 'Cognovi' - July 8th, 2016

Traditional Latin Mass Calendar - July 4th to July 10th, 2016 - Ordo for the Week A Catholic Life (Matthew) >> Fr. Peter Carota (RIP) Aggie Catholics (Marcel) >> Violence, Sesame Street, and Jesus Catholic Answers (Trent Horn) >> Why It’s Wrong to Force to Offer Gay Dating Services Charlotte was Both (Amy Welborn) >> 7 Quick Takes Cosmos + Sun (Fr. Mark White) >> Shooting Down in Downtown Dallas Creative Minority Report (Matthew Archbold) >> Fewer Young "Pro-Lifers" But More Against Abortion Dymphna's Road >> For the Police Officers and Their Mothers..... Friar Musings >> Good Samaritan: parable Happy Catholic* (Julie D.) >> Worth a Thousand Words: A Love Story National Catholic Register Bloggers (Glenn Stanton) >> This is What Police Officers Do National Catholic Register Bloggers (Rebecca Hamilton) >> Jesus Christ is God, and He Alone Can Bring Pe

Saturday of Our Lady - Missa 'Salve Sancta Parens' - Sanctae Mariae Sabbato - July 9th, 2016 - Propers

Image Credit: Catholic Tradition - Litanies Saturday of Our Lady Sanctae Mariae Sabbato Missa 'Salve Sancta Parens' 4th Class White [Gloria; Preface of the Blessed Virgin Mary; 1st Vespers of 8th Sunday after Pentecost]   Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin - Complete version ( Click Here; DivinumOfficium.Com, 7-9-2016 ) Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin - Complete version ( Click Here; Tridentine Latin Rite Missal Project ) Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin - Complete version ( Click Here; ) Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin, PDF Format ( Click Here; MaternalHeart.Org; Common of the BVM: Missa 'Salve Sancta Parens' ) Downloadable Latin Mass Propers - Full Latin, PDF Format - Complete version ( Usus Antiquior; St. Stephen's Church, Cleveland, OH ) Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin - Complete version  ( Click Here; Introibo ad altare Dei.Fr, Latin/French ) ♫ The Chant of Le Barroux: Office for 2016-07-09 ++++++++++

Morning Roundup - St. Elizabeth of Portugal, Queen & Widow - Missa 'Cognovi' - July 8th, 2016

Traditional Latin Mass Calendar - July 4th to July 10th, 2016 - Ordo for the Week Aleteia (Elizabeth Scalia) >> Pray for Dallas; God help us all Aleteia (Larry Peterson) >> Once we met Saint Dymphna, everything changed for the good Arise! Let Us Be Going! (Fr. George David Byers) >> Dallas slaughter of police (Staff Reporter) >> Dallas bishop urges prayers after five police officers are shot dead (Judith Sudilovsky) >> Italians restore 900-year-old mosaics at Bethlehem church (Clare Bowskill) >> Evelyn Waugh’s forgotten battle to preserve the Latin Mass Catholic Stand  (Dom Cingoranelli) >> Dogs In Church: A Good Idea? Catholic Stand (Gene Van Son) >> The Consequences of 50 Years of Poor Catechesis: 2 Clutching My Rosary >> Saint Elizabeth, Queen of Portugal Community in Mission (Msgr. Charles Pope) >> When Israel Was a Child I Loved Him – A Me

Evening Roundup - SS. Cyril & Methodius, Bishops & Confessors Or Jesus Christ the High Priest - July 7th, 2016

Traditional Latin Mass Calendar - July 4th to July 10th, 2016 - Ordo for the Week Arise! Let Us Be Going! (Fr. George David Byers) >> Reversing PIT maneuvers with feelings to get followed from ahead Catholic Answers (Karlo Broussard) >> Why the Universe Can’t Be Merely a Brute Fact (Madeleine Teahan) >> Pope names Archbishop Cupich to Congregation for Bishops (Jonathan Wright) >> When Japan’s Christians rose up against the state (Staff Reporter) >> Vatileaks: monsignor and PR expert found guilty of conspiring to leak documents Charlotte was Both (Amy Welborn) >> Blessed Peter To Rot Creative Minority Report (Matthew Archbold) >> Why Isn't Planned Parenthood Proud of the Number of Abortions for Black Women? Friar Musings >> Good Samaritan: neighbors Fr. Z's Blog (Fr. John Zuhlsdorf) >> ACTION ITEM! Birettas for Seminarians Project! Fr. Z's B

St. Elizabeth of Portugal, Queen & Widow - S. Elisabeth Reg. Portugaliae Viduae - Missa 'Cognovi' - July 8th, 2016 - Propers

Image Credit: - Saint Elizabeth of Portugal St. Elizabeth of Portugal, Queen & Widow S. Elisabeth Reg. Portugaliae Viduae Missa 'Cognovi' 3rd Class White [Gloria; Common Preface] Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin - Complete version ( Click Here; DivinumOfficium.Com, 7-8-2016 ) Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin - Complete version ( Click Here; ) Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin ( Click Here; Daily Catholic.Org; Jul. 8 - St Elizabeth, Queen and Widow: Missa 'Cognovi' ) Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin - Complete version  ( Click Here; Introibo ad altare Dei.Fr, Latin/French ) ♫ The Chant of Le Barroux: Office for 2016-07-08 +++++++++++++++++++++++ LiveMass.Net (Live Mass Online) Christ the King (FSSP), Sarasota, FL, Guadalajara, Mexico and Fribourg, Switzerland (Mass Time Clocks can be found at the LiveMass website!) +++++++++++++++++++++++ Friday of the Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time USCCB Daily

Morning Roundup - SS. Cyril & Methodius, Bishops & Confessors Or Jesus Christ the High Priest - July 7th, 2016

Traditional Latin Mass Calendar - July 4th to July 10th, 2016 - Ordo for the Week A Catholic Life (Matthew) >> Feast of Ss Cyril & Methodius Aleteia (Daniel Esparza) >> The Virgin Mary has a house in Vermont (Lise Alves) >> Brazilian archbishop who sheltered priests accused of paedophilia resigns (Associated Press) >> Divorced and remarried Catholics should abstain from sex, says US archbishop Catholic Stand  (Donald R. McClarey) >> The Angel of the Trenches Catholic Stand (Gene Van Son) >> The Consequences of 50 Years of Poor Catechesis: 1 Clutching My Rosary >> Saints Cyril and Methodius, Bishops and Confessors, Apostles of the Sclaves Communio (Paul Zalonski) >> Spirit is manifest Community in Mission (Msgr. Charles Pope) >> Were the Pagan Gods Actually Demons? The Scriptural View and Why It Matters Crisis Magazine (John Horvat II) >> A Civics Lesson from a Zu

Evening Roundup - Feria Or St. Maria Goretti, Virgin & Martyr - Missa 'Me Exspectant Peccatores' - July 6th, 2016

Traditional Latin Mass Calendar - July 4th to July 10th, 2016 - Ordo for the Week ABYSSUS ABYSSUM INVOCAT / DEEP CALLS TO DEEP (Bishop Emeritus Rene Gracida) >> “STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES” FOREST GUMP Arise! Let Us Be Going! (Fr. George David Byers) >> The sins of my Coat of Arms (revision) Arise! Let Us Be Going! (Fr. George David Byers) >> Sunset / Sunrise for another friend (Carol Glatz) >> Pope tells the poor to pray for those who take advantage of them (Catholic News Service) >> Catholic ministries in Mississippi impacted by Supreme Court rulings (Catholic News Service) >> Malawian bishops plead for food aid to avert humanitarian disaster Catholic World Report - Blog (CWR Staff) >> Cardinal Robert Sarah's address "Towards An Authentic Implementation of 'Sacrosanctum Concilium'" Friar Musings >> Good Samaritan: questions Fr. Z's Bl

SS. Cyril & Methodius, Bishops & Confessors - Missa 'Sacerdotes Tui' Or Jesus Christ the High Priest - July 7th, 2016 - Propers

Image Credit: Logismoi SS. Cyril & Methodius, Bishops & Confessors Ss. Cyrilli et Methodii Pont. et Conf. Missa 'Sacerdotes Tui' 3rd Class White [Gloria; Common Preface] Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin - Complete version ( Click Here; DivinumOfficium.Com, 7-7-2016 ) Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin - Complete version ( Click Here; Daily Catholic.Org ) Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin - Complete version ( Click Here; ) Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin, PDF Format ( Click Here; MaternalHeart.Org: Jul. 7 - Ss Cyril and Methodius, Bishops and Confessors: Missa 'Sacerdotes Tui ') Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin - Complete version  ( Click Here; Introibo ad altare Dei.Fr, Latin/French ) Or Jesus Christ the High Priest Missa de D. N. Iesu Christo summo et æterno Sacerdote Missa 'Juravit Dóminus' Commemoratio: Ss. Cyrilli et Methodii Pont. et Conf. Commemoration: SS. Cyril and Methodius, Bishops &a

Morning Roundup - Feria Or St. Maria Goretti, Virgin & Martyr - Missa 'Me Exspectant Peccatores' - July 6th, 2016

Traditional Latin Mass Calendar - July 4th to July 10th, 2016 - Ordo for the Week Aleteia (Daniel Esparza) >> The staircase St. Joseph built in New Mexico Aleteia (Fr. Robert McTeigue, SJ) >> What humans can do that angels can’t Catholic Stand  (Dawn Carpenter) >> Wealth and the Spirituality of Social Solidarity Catholic Stand (Melanie Jean Juneau) >> Caught Not Simply Taught, Then Swept Into The Heart of The Church (Sandro Magister) >> “Amoris Laetitia.” Basic Tips For Not Losing the Way Community in Mission (Msgr. Charles Pope) >> The Story of Hosea and What It Teaches About God and Holy Matrimony Crisis Magazine (Mitchell Kalpakgian) >> Fanatical Ideas and Reasonable Convictions   Crisis Magazine (K.E. Colombini) >> Summer Books for a Billionaire Crisis Magazine (Stephen M. Krason) >> Free Trade and Catholic Social Teaching   Da Mihi Animas (Padre Steve) >> Saint of the Day: Maria

Evening Roundup - St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria, Confessor - Missa 'Sermo Meus' - July 5th, 2016

Traditional Latin Mass Calendar - July 4th to July 10th, 2016 - Ordo for the Week Aleteia (Joan Lewis) >> Pope Francis to visit “the most sacred place of Franciscan spirituality” Catholic Answers (Trent Horn) >> Neil DeGrasse Tyson Shows Why Science Can’t Build a Utopia (Dan Hitchens) >> Cardinal Sarah asks priests to start celebrating Mass facing east this Advent (Carol Glatz) >> Vatican calls for rights of seafarers to be respected Catholic World Report - Blog (James V. Schall, S.J) >> The Washington Post "explains" Pope Francis to us Creative Minority Report (Matthew Archbold) >> Government Lawlessness Leads to Violence DCLatinMass.Com (rockcreekcatholic) >> Fr. Carr to offer TLM this Wednesday, Saturday Friar Musings >> Good Samaritan: context Fr. Z's Blog (Fr. John Zuhlsdorf) >> ASK FATHER: Calling the Host “bread”, the Precious Blood “wine” Fr. Z's