Wednesday Mass Edition - Wednesday of the Third Week of Lent (Feria of Lent) - Feria Quarta infra Hebdomadam III in Quadragesima - Missa 'Ego Autem' - March 26th, 2025
† Wednesday of the Third Week of Lent (Feria of Lent), Feria Quarta infra Hebdomadam III in Quadragesima, Missa 'Ego Autem', Station: S. Sisto (SS. Nereo e Achilleo) - March 26th, 2025 - Propers
† Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - March 24th, 2025 to March 30th, 2025 - Propers for the Week | Annunciation of the B.V.M. | Fourth Sunday of Lent (Lætare Sunday)
- Per Ipsum (TLM Gospel of the Day) >> Wednesday of the Third Week in Lent
- The +Ecu-Men+ >> March 26 – Wednesday of the Third Week of Lent
- Lives of the Saints >> March 26 Saint Ludger, First Bishop of Munster († 809)
- CatholicSaints.Info: Saints of the Day: 26 March
- Boston Catholic Journal, Roman Martyrology >> March 26th
- A Catholic Life (Matthew) >> The Certainty of Sainthood: How the Church Recognized Saints Through the Ages
- Aleteia (Philip Kosloski) >> How Mary’s “yes” is renewed by every saint and martyr
- American Thinker (M. Walter) >> There Are EVs And There Are Teslas. They Are Not The Same.
- American Thinker (Amil Imani) >> The Activist Judges Who Think They Outrank the President
- American Thinker (Charlton Allen) >> Go, Canada! Breaking Up Is Not Hard to Do
- >> One Minute Reflection – 25 March – – ‘… Speak the word that is transitory and embrace the Word which is everlasting!’
- A Pilgrim's Journey (Fr. Christopher George Phillips) >> The Solemnity of the Annunciation
- CatholicCulture.Org - Commentary >> Intrinsically Evil Acts and Repentance (Fr. Jerry Pokorsky)
- Catholic Daily Reflections >> The Height of the New Law
- Catholic Exchange (Patrick O'Hearn) >> Raising Saints: Solitude
- Catholic Exchange (Fr. Nnamdi Moneme, OMV) >> Prioritize our Battles with Temptations
- Catholic Insight (Pope Saint John Paul II) >> Homily of JP II in the Basilica of the Annunciation
- Catholic Insight >> Our Lady’s Role in Redemption
- Catholic Journal (Fr Mario Attard OFM Cap) >> Maltese Archbishop emeritus: To the Father’s House
- Catholic Stand (Sara Grace) >> “He That Hath Two Coats, Let Him Give to Him That Hath None”
- Catholic Stand (Ray Sullivan) >> From Worrier to Warrior
- Catholic World Report - Blog (Larry Chapp) >> Baptism, salvation, and the necessity of the Church
- Catholic World Report - Blog (Dr. Kelly Scott Franklin) >> Reading Flannery O’Connor for the first time
- Catholic World Report - Blog (CWR Staff) >> Joseph Ratzinger: The Mystery of the Annunciation is the Mystery of Grace
- Charlotte was Both (Amy Welborn) >> Flannery O’Connor at 100
- Charlotte was Both (Amy Welborn) >> The angel and the girl are met
- City Journal (Colin Wright) >> Defund Universities That Embrace Trans Insanity
- City Journal (Patrick Pullis) >> How Detroit Came Fighting Back
- Complicit Clergy >> Why Are Some Churchmen So Opposed to the Return of the Latin Mass?
- Crisis Magazine (Michael J. Ortiz) >> Contra Frequent Holy Communion?
- Crisis Magazine (Daniel B. Gallagher) >> How Young May the Next Pope Be?
- Crux (Charles Collins) >> As England leans closer to legalizing assisted dying, bishop urge Catholics to speak up
- Dominicana (Br. Barnabas Wilson, O.P.) >> The First Light Shines
- First Things (Jack Fitzhenry) >> Wisconsin Denies the Religious Dimensions of Charity
- Fr. Z's Blog (Fr. John Zuhlsdorf) >> ASK FATHER: Is speeding a sin?
- Fr. Z's Blog (Fr. John Zuhlsdorf) >> LENTCAzT 2025 – 21: Tuesday of the 3rd Week of Lent – Annunciation
- Jimmy Akin's Mysterious World >> The Zodiac Killer’s Hidden Victims – Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World
- LES FEMMES - THE TRUTH (Mary Ann Kreitzer) >> Of Puffery and Pulchritude: White-washing the Bad Bishops!
- LifeSiteNews (Tim Young) >> Disney’s new ‘Snow White’ review: a woke nonsensical mess of a movie
- Meeting Christ in the Liturgy (Fr. Kevin Cusick) >> In Annuntiatione Beatæ Mariæ Virginis ~ Duplex I. classis
- National Catholic Register (Thomas Griffin) >> Feeling Anxious? This Annunciation, Give Your Worries to God Like Mary Did
- New Liturgical Movement (Gregory DiPippo) >> The Annunciation 2025: Dante and the Virgin Mary
- OnePeterFive (Joseph Shaw, PhD) >> Children: Culture, and Demography
- Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter (Fr. Daniel Alloy, FSSP) >> Frodo, Gandalf, Aragorn…and Jesus Christ
- Public Discourse (Paul Coleman) >> Reclaiming Free Speech: Can America’s New Leadership Turn the Tide?
- The American Catholic (Donald R. McClarey) >> The Annunciation and the Fall of Barad Dur
- The Catholic Thing (Dominic V. Cassella) >> The Model for the University
- The Pillar >> ‘It’s all legal!’: How the nuncio installed Detroit’s archbishop by his own decree
- The Stream (Gayle McQueary) >> The Brew: Trump, Tesla, and Epic Takedowns
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