
Showing posts from July, 2008

The Black Biretta: All rights are inalienable but none are absolute

Father John Trigilio clarifies his positions regarding the desecration of the Holy Eucharist in the context of an expression of "freedom of speech ." Please read his comments.

Visitors ask...How do you pronounce "Humanae Vitae?"

This is one I should have seen coming! And now, the didacticism must be brought in. Latin as a language underwent development as in any other language. The Church uses a pronunciation called "Ecclesiastical Latin." Many of the courses taught to young people reading Caesar and Virgil were taught the "Classical Latin" pronunciation. Here are two great sites to check Latin pronunciation. The first is focused on pronouncing Ecclesiastical Latin--Church Latin . This site has a nice listing of Latin prayers including more basic prayers such as the Pater Noster (Our Father) . The pronunciation would utilize that taught by the Church and used in the Mass. This site is the National Shrine of the Franciscans in San Francisco and does a splendid job in differentiating "ecclesiastical Latin" pronunciation from "classical Latin ." So, what does this have to do with " humanae vitae ?" The Church pronounces the phrase using the "eccl...

Visitors ask...Catholic Newspapers in Baltimore?

The Catholic newspaper for the Archdiocese of Baltimore is "The Catholic Review" which I cite often. You will also find the link in the "right menu" under "blogroll and favorite websites." Note that the newspaper has an electronic edition which will open in a new browser window. One can then scroll through the entire published version (the latest edition published) page by page. It is quite a neat feature! The online version is of interest to me in that stories appear a bit more quickly and have permanent hyperlinks that can be referenced.

WDTPRS >> QUAERITUR: Before the Council we had the TLM, so why did things go wrong

This is a second article of interest today. It is detailed enough that I placed it as a separate link . The questioner has an excellent comment. Fr. John then tries to get to the details of the matter which are not simple. It is worthy of note as a starting point for a LONG discussion.

WDTPRS >> RORATE: on Summorum Pontificum, SSPX, unity - enlightening

Some of you must get the impression that this blog is simply WDTPRS (Eastern U.S. Annex). That is not true. Fr. John Zuhlsdorf posts some fascinating articles and comments and not everyone finds his blog. There was a story posted this morning, an interview, with Professor Luc Perrin, that I linked to on RORATE CAELI . Fr. Zuhlsdorf reads it critically and makes some interesting observations . One, in particular, is worth mentioning from the interview (the quote is taken as found on the WDTPRS blog; BOLD portions are from Fr. Zuhlsdorf, and RED portion s are HIS comments : However we should consider two facts that need time to be fully received by the Church. First fact: the status of the traditional Roman rite (Extraordinary Form) has been firmly settled as never before . [But some will complain that it isn’t becaues Benedict XVI changed the Good Friday prayer. They are wrong, of course, and this guy right. But that doesn’t change the grousing.] On the very long term, ...

Early Afternoon Roundup - Thursday, July 31st, 2008

The New Liturgical Movement >> Classical Architecture on a Budget: It Can Be Done The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> Mass and Vespers Standing on My Head >> Cardinal Kasper Clarifies the Situation Shrine of the Holy Whapping >> Sacred Art Competition and Exhibition at Latrobe, Pennsylvania, this Fall ( Note, postmark deadline August 1st!)

WDTPRS >> Card. Kasper at Lambeth calls for a New Oxford Movement

Fr. John Zuhlsdorf examines the marvelous report in www.Chiesa Forum by Sandro Magister posted today (link in Early Roundup and also here ) in great detail. He then adds his commentary which is quite valuable. I strongly suggest reading both Magister's complete article on Cardinal Kasper's address and the analysis on WDTPRS.

Early Roundup (Part II) - Thursday, July 31st, 2008

RORATE CAELI >> EWTN to telecast Sydney Pontifical Vespers (Thursday night and Friday morning; check EWTN TV) The New Liturgical Movement >> Fr. Tim Finigan gives an inside view of the Oxford U.A. Sessions The Way of the Fathers >> Basque in This The Way of the Fathers >> Topkapi Tourism Traditional Latin Mass Propers in English >> St. Ignatius of Loyola, Confessor

Early Roundup - Thursday, July 31st, 2008 - Feast of St. Ignatius Loyola

www.Chiesa: Focus >> At Lambeth, Cardinal Kasper Calls for Another Newman (Sandro Magister) RORATE CAELI >> A Historian Observes the Catholic Moment. One year of Summorum Pontificum and the SSPX (Professor Luc Perrin) The Recovering Choir Director >> Juventutem photos - final list (Aristotle returns to posting!) St. Peter Canisius Apostolate >> Friday: a Day of Penance (this is also discussed at length by Jimmy Akin for further reading) Standing on My Head >> Kolbe and Therese (two of my favorite saints!)

WDTPRS >> Card. Kasper speaks to Lambeth: “dialogue has taken a step backwards”

Cardinal Walter Kasper gave a "no nonsense" evaluation of dialogue with the Anglican Communion . His comments are reported by Father Zuhsldorf of WDTPRS. Here is a snippet: “Our dialogue has been made dynamic by the desire to remain faithful to the will expressed by Christ that his disciples should all be one” so that “the world may believe,” Cardinal Walter Kasper, President of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of Christian Unity, said on Wednesday afternoon. The cardinal noted that these efforts at dialogue have been “based on the Gospel and on our ancient common traditions” and motivated by “fidelity to Christ.” And yet, “now it seems that full and visible communion as the goal of our dialogue has taken a step backwards,” Cardinal Kasper lamented. Read the entirety here .

10 Star Edition: Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The New Liturgical Movement >> DVD of a Solemn Mass in the Dominican Rite The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> Some pics and news from Merton Faith & Family Live! >> 40 Years of Humanae Vitae

Evening Roundup - Wednesday, July 30th, 2008

AmericanPapist >> Unearthed Vatican Letter to Bishops Emphasizes Choice of Defiance (that also brings this retrospection by Cardinal Stafford into the fore once again ) AmericanPapist >> Text: Excerpt of Vatican's communique to ex-bishop Lugo Update : Here is a link to the "unearthed letter" mentioned by Thomas Peters above . It is startling to say the least.

CNA: Dozens of medical professionals attest that personhood begins at conception

CNA yesterday carried a story from Denver concerning the testimony of various physicians and pharmacists who attested that "personhood" begins at conception . This testimony was in reference to the Colorado for Equal Rights initiative. "We are honored to have received these endorsements from such respected physicians," stated Kristi Burton, head of Colorado for Equal Rights. "Science clearly proves that life begins at the time of fertilization. We are secure in the fact that we have science and reason on our side, and we are pleased to have the medical community supporting our efforts." Of course, the group might also have consulted an embryology textbook as some others have done .

Audio files of the Mass on MP3 - Update

It seems that more and more people from every corner of the globe are seeking MP3 files of the Ordinary of the Mass. At one time, the Latin Society of Ireland had these online. However, those files are not present any longer and only the Latin/English text of the Mass is now present. In the header to this blog, you will see a link which reads: Sancta Missa TLM Online Tutorial . This link was added today. Sancta Missa's link will take you to the Mass. The tutorial on the left and right is divided into sections. If you click the left column, you will be taken to photos and video links . If you click the right, you are taken to the "Ordo Missae of the Mass" divided in a step-by-step fashion . If you click the Latin of the Mass (in the left column), an MP3 file recites the prayer for you . It is quite an amazing feat. One can literally go through the Mass section by section. Note too that Sancta Missa has a marvelous DVD to offer as well. I hope this solves the...

The Black Biretta: Biologist Balks at Request to Apologize

Fr. John Trigilio, President of the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy, yesterday asked Catholics for a day of "reparation" on the Feast of St. Alphonsus Liguori for the intentional desecration of the Holy Eucharist . Today, Father posts the response to his request which was posted on the blog of the individual . I believe that Fr. Trigilio is correct and that Catholics should fast on Friday, August 1st which is First Friday and the Feast of St. Alphonsus . For those in the Baltimore area, St. Alphonsus Church has scheduled a special "Liturgical" weekend of Masses (some TLMs) and the adoration of the relic of the Parish's patron saint. More can be found here .

Early Roundup - Wednesday, July 30th, 2008

Creative Minority Report >> Why Pro-Lifers Will Win FIRST THINGS: On the Square >> Interview with an Ex-Vampire Novelist (Fr. Dwight Longenecker interviews Anne Rice) St. Peter Canisius Apostolate >> Grace Depends on Nature The Way of the Fathers >> We Wuz Robbed ! (good-natured advice offered...) The Way of the Fathers >> Why He Lives at the P.O. (I love these titles!)

Ten Star Edition: Tuesday, July 29th, 2008

WDTPRS >> PCED response about TLMs for children The New Liturgical Movement >> Extraordinary Form Rubrical Question (If you know the answer to this question, please address your answer to Fr. Thompson, O.P. on the NLM) Standing on My Head >> Rowan William's Speech

Evening Roundup - Tuesday, July 29th, 2008

AmericanPapist >> Noted: Excommunication Lifted for 3 in St. Louis AmericanPapist >> Planned Parenthood's latest teen site most offensive yet

Special: The Black Biretta - Catholic Clergy Call for Reparation in Response to Communion Desecration (Fr. John Trigilio)

Father John Trigilio, President of the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy, has issued a press release on his blog-- The Black Biretta --carried by Christian . It states in part: The Confraternity of Catholic Clergy (a national association of 600 priests & deacons) respond to the sacrilegious and blasphemous desecration of the Holy Eucharist by asking for public reparation. We ask all Catholics of Minnesota and of the entire nation to join in a day of prayer and fasting that such offenses never happen again. (suggested: one Holy Hour before the Blessed Sacrament and one whole day of fasting on Friday, August 1st, Feast of St. Alphonsus Ligouri) Read the full post here .

Visitors ask...Syro-Malabar Catholic Missions in the Area?

I have had this question on several occasions, but was unable to find anything on the Archdiocesan website. That would not be a surprise as I believe the Syro-Malabar Church falls under its own Bishop . With some searching, I found this is true and located in Chicago. With a bit of searching, I found a Syromalabar Mission of Baltimore at this website . This gives more explanation about the Syro-Malabar Church . And this link has the list of services and the location of the Church . The Syro Malabar Diocese of Chicago has a list of Churches and Missions . Note that this list includes a Church in Hagerstown, MD but the website link directs one to a Parish in Ohio. St. Mary Catholic Church 224 W. Washington Street Hagerstown, MD 21740 Please inquire locally about this Mission in Hagerstown and whether it is still active.

Afternoon Roundup - Tuesday, July 29th, 2008

The New Liturgical Movement >> Should a Parish Impose Uniformity in Music (Jeffrey Tucker; Mr. Tucker suggests "diversity" in music is still the best approach) Pontifications >> Is the Episcopal Church a Truly Catholic Church

Visitors ask...How do you pronounce "Deo volente?"

Sigh... You never know what you'll find in the "search string queue." One questioner looked for the 'how to pronounce site!' Assuming this is for real, Deo is pronounced "Dā'-ō" with the accent on the first syllable. Volente is pronounced "Vō-Len-Tee" or "Vō-Len'-Tā" (my preference) with the accent on the second syllable. The phrase/name means "Lord willing" or "God willing."

St. Peter Canisius Apostolate >> Tuesdays with St. Thomas: Our Ultimate Goal: Introduction (A New Blog!)

I am grateful to Dom Bettinelli, Jr., author of, for pointing out this new blog ! St. Peter Canisius Apostolate's aim is to catechize the Catholic Faithful . The blog is designed beautifully and will cover different subjects each day. As today is Tuesday, it is Tuesday With St. Thomas Aquinas . The blog is authored by Jeff Vehige . Read his personal account of his "journey." The blog will be listed in the Blogroll in the right menu.

Early Roundup - Tuesday, July 29th, 2008 - Feast of St. Martha

WDTPRS >> NYT - John L Allen's op-ed on Humanae vitae WDTPRS >> Oshkosh & Appleton, WI - regular TLMs FIRST THINGS: On the Square >> Atheism and Evil (Michael Novak) FIRST THINGS: On the Square >> When Mother Comes Home (Frederica Mathewes-Green) The New Liturgical Movement >> Sights from Merton College, Oxford Standing on My Head >> Waffle House

Nine Star Edition - Monday, July 28th, 2008

WDTPRS >> The NCR dissents from Humanae vitae, the Church’s moral teaching (This is a very disturbing report ...) WDTPRS >> Quincy, IL: TLM parish to be established (In case you wondered, this is the home page of the F.S.S.P. and here are the Apostolates within the U.S. )

NLM: Plainsong Must Return to Our Parishes

Jeffrey Tucker presents a very lucid argument for returning plainsong now as the new Liturgical translations are being implemented . Read his essay and see if you agree. The Church in her wisdom accommodates this with the musical structure of the Roman Rite. It gives the parts that change the least to the priest. The parts that change a bit more but still not much are assigned to the people generally (the ordinary). The parts that are very difficult and change every week are assigned to the choir, precisely because people with a musical vocation love change and variety and can handle that from a technical point of view. So consider using the new Mass texts as a way to completely rethink the way music is used in the parts that generally belong to the people. By using plainsong, we make the transition easier, and also take a huge step to using the music that is most suitable to the Roman Rite. The full article is here .

Creative Minority Report: X-Files is a Hateful Anti-Catholic Movie

Here is a hat tip to Matthew Archbold who saved me at least $10 from seeing this movie . I admit, I was a fan of the first "X-Files" movie, watched the TV show on occasion and had planned to see this flick. However, Matthew's review was a money-saver. Gratias! By the way, Fr. Andrew is spot on...the movie is not doing very well.

Visitors ask...Mass cards for someone who has died in Maryland?

Update, August 6th, 2008. After writing this post and seeing several queries, it struck me to inform you that ANY Catholic Rectory will agree to offer a Mass for someone who has died. You can even choose the date (this helps as the family may wish to attend the Church on that day). The Parish will invariably have "Mass Cards" and these can be sent to the family of the bereaved. The donation is very modest for something like this. Note that it is not necessary to go to the location or town where the person died. A Mass said in location X is a Mass " beyond time and location ." It is not as if it needs to be "local." ~D.v. Times arise when we learn that someone has died in another state. We'd like to get to their funeral, but can't. How does one send a Mass card to the family? We can call a Parish in that area, but is there another way? I am from the generation that kept a desk drawer of these cards at the ready for such a contingency. ...

The New Liturgical Movement: The Manner of Receiving Holy Eucharist: Some Considerations

Shawn Tribe has written a beautiful essay on the issue of kneeling while receiving Holy Communion on the tongue - the historical pre-Vatican II practice. It is well written and considered; I recommend it highly.

Afternoon Roundup - Monday, July 28th, 2008

Creative Minority Report >> Liturgical Institute Answers Liturgical Questions Online (this is a seminarian's dream! Yes, there is a link to email questions to the Faculty!) Summorum Pontificum >> Why I Quit the SSPX The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> Merton Conference begins

The Catholic Thing: The Quiet Power of Benedict XVI - Robert Royal

Robert Royal writes a powerful essay on Pope Benedict's trip to WYD and his seeming modus operandi . He states, "If JPII was a Shakespearean king, Benedict is a Mozart symphony." Here is just a highlight from his essay: Yet we see even more clearly after WYD2008 that Benedict has his own quiet and powerful way of truth telling. He virtually summed up his whole position during the welcoming ceremony at Bangaroo: “There are many today who claim that God should be left on the sidelines, and that religion and faith, while fine for individuals, should either be excluded from the public forum altogether or included only in the pursuit of limited pragmatic goals. This secularist vision seeks to explain human life and shape society with little or no reference to the Creator. It presents itself as neutral, impartial and inclusive of everyone. But in reality, like every ideology, secularism imposes a world-view. If God is irrelevant to public life, then society will be shaped i...

NLM: Fantastic interview with Stift Heiligenkreuz monk

Jeffrey Tucker has part of an interview with a one of the monks from the Viennese monastery whose Gregorian Chant CD has hit the top of the chart. The interview is from the San Francisco Chronicle . It is easy to learn chant if you practice 3 and one half hours per day! Catholic Clergy Challenge Colleagues to Reacquaint Themselves and Their People With Humanae Vitae

Catholic Citizens of Illinois has a very nice summation of the recent Convocation of the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy held in Baltimore . In addition to summarizing the six unanimous resolutions posted on the Confraternity's website , the site adds a note of background from the meeting itself posted on the Christian Newswire. It is worth reading !

Early Roundup - Monday, July 28th, 2008

WDTPRS >> Father Zuhlsdorf is asking for prayers for a special intention. Please say an "Ave" on his behalf! FIRST THINGS: On the Square >> Pervasively Unconstitutional (Joseph M. Knippenberg) Shouts in the Piazza >> Noble Simplicity (Part TWO) Standing on My Head >> The ABC Urges Unity Standing on My Head >> Cardinal Levada's Letter to the TAC Standing on My Head >> Brideshead Abandoned Summorum Pontificum >> Changes at the Oratory

Decent Films Guide by Steven D. Greydanus: "High Noon (1952)" - DVD

I can't presume the age of those who visit this site. So, if you check out my blogger profile and see the movie "High Noon" listed under the favorites, you may not have a clue what it is about or who starred in it. Steven D. Greydanus of Decent Films Guide reviews the 1952 epic now on DVD starring Gary Cooper, Thomas Mitchell, (a very young) Lloyd Bridges, Katy Jurado, Grace Kelly, Otto Kruger, Lon Chaney, Jr., Henry Morgan and Ian MacDonald. The movie was directed by Fred Zinnemann who also directed "A Man for All Seasons" (another of my favorites and "a movie for all people"). Needless to say, Mr. Greydanus does a splendid job analyzing this masterpiece in which an old pendulum clock plays such a pivotal role . He gives it the recognition it deserves. And, in a case of sheer serendipity, I feel the ballad opening sung by Tex Ritter is essential to the film as well. I couldn't imagine the movie without it! In the interest of fair disclo...

Catholic Sentinel: Indulgences a way mercy is applied to sin's unseen effects - Bishop Robert Vasa

Bishop Robert Vasa has a beautiful column on indulgences as applied to those promised for specific actions within this "Pauline Year ." It is well worth reading his column. Here is but a snip: Information has been sent to every pastor and occasional reminders will be generated throughout this Year of Saint Paul about the possibility of gaining a plenary indulgence on the occasion of a prayerful visit to one of these churches with the fulfillment of designated spiritual works including recent reception of the sacrament of reconciliation, reception of Holy Communion and prayers for the Holy Father. There is perhaps some concern raised the moment the Church begins to make reference to “indulgences” since the concept is frightfully plagued by rumors, innuendoes, misconceptions, myths, lies and accusations. First, a definition: An indulgence is a remission before God of the temporal punishment for sins, whose guilt is forgiven, which a properly disposed member of the Christian ...

WDTPRS >> ANGELUS: Interviews SSPX excomm’d bishops (part III: R. Williamson)

This is the third "installment" in the series of interviews of SSPX Bishops presented by Father John Zuhlsdorf . He has already presented interviews (and extensive comments on their replies) on Fellay and Tissier de Mallerais . Here is his interview with Williamson.

Training Session for the TLM at Oxford

Fr. Tim Finigan is reporting on a TLM training session for "beginners" starting tomorrow . He will be celebrating the "public Mass." Go here for more information . The New Liturgical Movement fleshes this story a bit more in depth here . The blog is calling this event, "...the Most Thorough Usus Antiquior Training Session to Date." Again, head to the TLM for their thorough take on this story .

Catholic Review Online: Lecture will explore dangers of New Age movement - August 3rd

George P. Matysek, Jr. has a story on an upcoming lecture by Matthew D'Adamo on the New Age Movement in this week's Catholic Review . Here is a brief snippet: Mr. D’Adamo, who has since attended Catholic seminars about the New Age movement and has studied the phenomenon extensively, will give a free talk on the dangers of the New Age movement beginning at 7 p.m. on Aug. 3 at the Church of the Annunciation. Mr. D’Adamo said he is concerned that New Age principles are entering the mainstream and leading people away from the Catholic faith. He cited a book promoted by Oprah Winfrey, titled “A New Earth” by Echart Tolle. Mr. D’Adamo said that the popular volume presents an alluring spirituality and philosophy that is at odds with Christianity. To read the entire story, check Mr. Matysek's article . Note too that Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. of EWTN has written on this phenomenon as well. His book is excellent.

Visitors ask...Franciscan Monastery in Washington, D.C.?

I get frequent questions on Monasteries, so I try to publicize those in the vicinity. I dusted off this old post on the Franciscan Monastery, Commissariat of the Holy Land in Washington, D.C . I have several friends who go on "short pilgrimages" to this location about three times a month! Here is how to get to the Monastery . Masses and Confessions are frequent so it is a great place to go for confession virtually on the hour . Here is a virtual tour of the Holy Land . Finally, on great feasts and holidays, there are special events . I know for Christmas, the location is packed so if you wish to go, plan well in advance and call the number provided. It is a place of great beauty. And it seems to be a "local" secret!

Noon Roundup - Sunday, July 27th, 2008, Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost

The Black Biretta >> Class, Real Class (R.N., Fr. Trigilio) WDTPRS >> Oldie PODCAzT 39: Augustine on Christ the Mediator; “for all” or “for many” ? The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> English Catholic History blog The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> Fr George Pell at Oxford (1979) The New Liturgical Movement >> Catholics come home Traditional Latin Mass Propers in English >> Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost

11th Sunday after Pentecost - Missa 'Deus In Loco'

INTROIT ¤ Ps. 67. 6, 7, 36 Deus in loco sancto suo: Deus qui inhabitare fecit unanimes in domo: ipse dabit virtutem, et fortitudinem plebi suae. -- Exsurgat Deus, et dissipentur inimici ejus: et fugiant, qui oderunt eum, a facie ejus. V.: Gloria Patri . . . -- Deus in loco sancto suo . . . God in His holy place; God who maketh men of one mind to dwell in a house; He shall give power and strength to His people. -- ( Ps. 67. 2). Let God arise and let His enemies be scattered: and let them that hate Him flee from before His face. V.: Glory be to the Father . . . -- God in His holy place . . . Traditional Latin Rite Missal Project

Late Afternoon Roundup: Saturday, July 26th, 2008

WDTPRS >> U of Minnesota refuses to act about P.Z. Myers AmericanPapist >> Is anything different 40 years later? Yes. The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> Best bit of "Into Great Silence" The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> TLM at Lisieux Traditional Latin Mass Propers in English >> Saint Anne, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary

WDTPRS >> Holy See: Recognitio of the Ordinary of Mass - Fr. Z reacts

Fr. John Zuhlsdorf of " What Does the Prayer Really Say ?" now points out his reaction to the " recognitio " of the Ordinary of the Mass . His story is a must read as he lends more of an insider's view to what has happened. His efforts toward gaining accurate liturgical translations is one I have always deeply admired. D.v.

Whispers in the Loggia: "...And With Your Recognitio"

No posting until this afternoon. I have a baptism to attend. In the meantime, Rocco Palmo nicely sums up the confirmation on the Liturgical translations . There has been no confirmation yet of the story concerning "pro multis" being translated as "for many." I pray that story didn't "jump the gun!" I've been praying for that change for years!

EWTN - World Over Live - Joseph Pearce, "The Quest for Shakespeare"

The "World Over Live" with Raymond Arroyo featured Dr. Joseph Pearce on July 25th, author of the historical book, "The Quest for Shakespeare." His book is available from Ignatius Press . Pearce gave a very interesting interview and delved into the fact that Will Shakespeare's mother and father, John, were both "recusant" Catholics. His book goes into great detail into the life and history of Shakespeare and the fact that some of his cousins and friends were tried and died for being Catholic . Of interest to me is the fact that Pearce is now writing the second of perhaps several books. The book being written now will cover three of Shakespeare's plays and illustrate the deep " catholicity " found in each play. Pearce's contention is, in fact, that only by understanding the Catholic mindset of William Shakespeare can one really understand more than just a superficial gloss on his writings. Look for this on "encore."...

Catholic World News: Vatican approves new English translation for Mass (pro multis is now "for many")

Catholic World News confirms previous stories on the new English translation but adds an important point: At the Consecration, the priest will refer to Christ's blood which is "poured out for you and for many"-- an accurate translation of pro multis -- rather than "for all" in the current translation . Laus Deo!!

CNA - Life and Family | Humanae Vitae | The Year of the Peirasmòs - 1968 | Cardinal James Francis Stafford

CNA Resources has published an article (or better yet, a "meditation or reflection") by Cardinal James Francis Stafford, Major Penitentiary of the Apostolic Penitentiary, on the events following the release of Humanae Vitae . The reflection is long, detailed and documents an important series of events that resonate still. It is a reflection well worth reading. As Cardinal Stafford concludes: The whole people of God, including children and adolescents, now must look into the abyss and see what dread beasts are at its bottom. Each of us shudders before the wrath of God, each weeps in sorrow for our sins and each begs for the Father’s merciful remembrance of Christ’s obedience.

RORATE CAELI: Levada to Traditional Anglican Communion

New Catholic at RORATE CAELI has posted a breaking story on his blog . The Messenger , the official newsletter of the Traditional Anglican Communion, has disclosed a letter sent by Cardinal Levada, Prefect of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, along with the TAC response.

AmericanPapist: Report: First to press: Vatican Approves New English Translation for the Order of the Mass

Thomas Peters had a "heads up" earlier today, but now confirms his story on the approval of the new English translation for the Order of Mass . The story has also been confirmed by The New Liturgical Movement . Both blogs reveal some of the changes in the "first section." The full Ordo has not been released as yet apparently. Meanwhile, the full text is awaited in anticipation by Fr. Finigan . The Library of the Popes Is Closed. But on the Web, It's More Open Than Ever

Sandro Magister's weekly post is on the Vatican Library . While the actual library is closed for extensive renovations, the material accessible via the internet now is amazing. The new website provides news on the status of the restoration work. But above all, it gives access to the catalogs of the works kept in the library. The main new development is that in addition to the catalog for printed works, there is now also a catalog for manuscripts. For now, it contains a limited amount of information. But it has already been supplemented – for the manuscripts accompanied by complete descriptions – with a selection of images freely available for view. Read more here . An Anglican Inquisition

Damian Thompson has the exclusive story here . Among the developments: American and Canadian liberals are apoplectic, reckoning that the new body will serve as a Roman-style Holy Office with the authority to discipline them. African evangelicals, in contrast, are thrilled, because the new commission could well end up being dominated by conservatives who support the Gafcon agenda. Read the details here ...

Early Roundup - Friday, July 25th, 2008 - Feast of St. James

AmericanPapist >> Humanae Vitae 40th Anniversary Post FIRST THINGS: On the Square >> The Anniversary of Humanae Vitae (Joseph Bottum) The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> Ironia pós-conciliar The New Liturgical Movement >> Fœderatio Internationalis Juventutem - Report following WYD WDTPRS >> LA STAMPA: Hans KÜNG on Pres. Bush and Pope Benedict XVI

7 Star Edition: July 24th, 2008 - Kudos Continue for Mundelein and Cardinal George

WDTPRS >> Mundelein Liturgical Institute (Chicago): required course on TLM NCR >> Four Sfumature from the Pope’s trip to Sydney (John L. Allen, Jr. weekly column; sfumature … small nuances that can be meaningful ) The Way of the Fathers >> Look Homeward, Melito The Way of the Fathers >> Praise and Parcheesi in Ancient Britain

HOT 5 Star!

Creative Minority Report >> Liturgical Institute, Mundelein, Adds Course on the Extraordinary Form Summorum Pontificum >> Mundelein Adds Required Course on the Extraordinary Form AmericanPapist >> Report: Superior English translation of the Mass approved by the Holy See (Confirmation needed as it is embargoed) WDTPRS >> An interesting Curial shift coming up WDTPRS >> UK Petition to the Bishops for the TLM WDTPRS >> QUAERITUR: advice for a wymynpryst wannabe Creative Minority Report >> On Christian Unity

Early Afternoon Roundup - Thursday, July 24th, 2008

Summorum Pontificum >> I Can't Get No - Satisfactionem (Damian Thompson reports once again and what a splendid idea!) The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> A New Liturgical Journal, " Usus Antiquior " The New Liturgical Movement >> John Browne from the Eton Choir Book

Early Roundup - Part II - Thursday, July 24th, 2008

The Black Biretta >> St. John's Valdosta Blog - For Priests and Deacons: ARE YOU WILLING TO PREACH WHAT ISN'T POPULAR ? Creative Minority Report >> Forgive Him Father, He Knows Not What He Does FIRST THINGS: On the Square >> The Mass Man (Joseph Bottum on José Ortega y Gasset ) The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> Canonical considerations on clerical blogging (interesting post with consideration of Canon Law!) The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> Dilemmas of a would-be Traddy Womynpriest Traditional Latin Mass Propers in English >> Saint Christina, Virgin and Martyr

Early Roundup - Part I - Thursday, July 24th, 2008

WDTPRS >> ANGELUS: Interviews SSPX excomm’d bishops (part II: Tissier de Mallerais) WDTPRS >> Good News from St. Louis: reconciliation draws closer The New Liturgical Movement >> The Advent of a New Scholarly Liturgical Journal dedicated to Usus Antiquior, edited by Alcuin Reid and Laurence Hemming RORATE CAELI >> The meaning of a new foundation RORATE CAELI >> Clouds over Spain Shouts in the Piazza >> To Live is to Change

10 Star Edition: Wednesday, July 23rd, 2008

Creative Minority Report >> Seen Souls in Purgatory Lately? The Marytown Mosaics (Marytown...the Militia of the of my favorite links!) AmericanPapist >> Breaking: Arch. of STL & Board Members Sue St. Stanislaus for Control AmericanPapist >> "Gay Bishop Must Resign or Confess, Says Sudan Church Head "

4 Star Edition, Wednesday, July 23, 2008

AmericanPapist >> Update: Author believes California bishops' response to "gay marriage" was "tepid" Standing on My Head >> Lord, Thank you that I am Not in the Churchagod (More comments on Flannery O'Connor) The Black Biretta >> Vatican Letter to Priests on the Feast of St. John Vianney The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> Society of Pope Paul VI

Afternoon Roundup - Wednesday, July 23rd, 2008

WDTPRS >> Card. Diaz to Lambeth: “spiritual Alzheimer’s … ecclesial Parkinson’s” Standing on My Head >> Lambeth Zulu Conference WDTPRS >> Clapping in Church Standing on My Head >> Flannery Favorites (I HAD to weigh in...) AmericanPapist >> Good: "U.S. bishops launch Natural Family Planning Awareness Week" AmericanPapist >> Update: "No action to be taken against professor who threatened to desecrate Eucharist, university says "

Early Roundup - Wednesday, July 23rd, 2008

WDTPRS >> ANGELUS: Interviews with SSPX excomm’d bishops (part I: Fellay) WDTPRS >> SSPX & Womenpriests: similar? dissimilar? FIRST THINGS: On the Square >> In Search of Realism (Joseph Loconte) RORATE CAELI >> In the Anglican Areopagus The New Liturgical Movement >> Alcuin Reid reviews Britt's Dictionary of the Psalter The Recovering Choir Director >> Juventutem 2008 Audio - Christus Factus Est (Anerio) (MP3)

Visitors ask...TLM (or Latin Mass) in Wyoming (or some state)

This question seems to be a perennial. Wyoming, in particular, has the marvelous Wyoming Catholic College which features the TLM and that engenders hope of finding the TLM in other locales. Sadly, that also applies to the Eastern Shore counties of Maryland as well where vistors often check to see if things have changed. There is even a link on the Blogroll to "sign up to keep abreast of things." In the header to this blog, I now have a link to the TLMs listed by Ecclesia Dei , the premier Coalition that handles all of North America (US and Canada). By clicking that link in the header, I got to the Coalition for Ecclesia Dei website, clicked Wyoming, and got this answer: Wyoming CHEYENNE Diocese None at present Please Pray! That answer would apply to many sites within the U.S. So, your work is cut out for you! Pray, speak to priests, and give them all the assistance they can use. Pray for them, o...

The Catholic Thing: Marriage: The Crisis without Statecraft - Hadley Aarkes

The Catholic Thing is a new online magazine that I will be quoting extensively. It has some great writers and will comment on Catholic thought in the public square (much like FIRST THINGS). Here is what the "e-magazine is about with a list of its writers . The post for today is on Marriage and the crisis engendered by those unwilling to defend it adequately . The writer is Hadley Aarkes, Ney Professor of Juriprudence at Amherst College. As always, his columns are "eye-opening."

Evening Roundup - Tuesday, July 22nd, 2008

Faith & Family Live >> Humanae Vitae: Lasting Truth The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> Genuine Ecumenism The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> Sunday High Mass (video montage) WDTPRS >> Liverpool: bad TLM news ( Please read the last line of this post carefully; it may prove most helpful to many . ) WDTPRS >> Let's all pitch in and buy the Pope more ermine

Late Afternoon Roundup: Tuesday, July 22nd, 2008

LatinMassNetwork >> Traditional Latin Mass in Vermont on the Feast of the Assumption, August 15th (Burlington, VT) The Way of the Fathers >> Belief and Unbelief in the Dark Night (Michael Novak book news) The Way of the Fathers >> Greek Fathers Eeking Back Webward (Thesaurus Linguae Graecae)

Early Afternoon Roundup - Tuesday, July 22nd, 2008

WDTPRS >> Under the Lambeth Big Top The New Liturgical Movement >> The Double Life of William Byrd (free download of "A Byrd Celebration" edited by Richard Turbet in PDF format)

CNA: Cardinal Rigali defends conscience protections for pro-life health workers

Catholic News Agency carries a story on a letter written by Cardinal Justin Rigali , Archbishop of Philadelphia and Chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee for Pro-Life Activities, to all members of Congress. The story states in part: Cardinal Rigali...wrote the July 18 letter in response to a New York Times article about a draft proposal requiring that any program run or funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) must certify that it will not refuse to hire nurses and other healthcare workers who object to abortion and abortifacient contraceptives. News of the proposal prompted criticism from abortion rights supporters. On Friday Sen. Hillary Clinton said the draft was a "gratuitous, unnecessary insult" to women. While noting that he was not specifically responding to the reported proposal, Cardinal Rigali said some of the proposal’s critics had made “sweeping” charges that did not acknowledge the legal tradition of freedom of...

Early Roundup - Tuesday, July 22nd, 2008 - Feast of St. Mary Magdalen

AmericanPapist >> On leaving Mass right after Communion AmericanPapist >> Confraternity of Catholic Clergy defends Humanae Vitae on its 40th Anniversary The Black Biretta >> News Bytes: Clash of Opinions on Humanae Vitae (NB: Fr. John Trigilio who posts the blog, The Black Biretta , is President of the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy) www.Chiesa : Focus >> From the "New World" Symphony of Benedict XVI. An Anthology (Sandro Magister) FIRST THINGS: On the Square >> Christopher Nolan's Achievement: The Dark Knight (Thomas S. Hibbs) The New Liturgical Movement >> More from the recent ICRSS Ordinations The Way of the Fathers >> Virtual Bible (namely, the Codex Sinaiticus) Traditional Latin Mass Propers in English >> Saint Mary Magdalen

Visitors ask...When in Maryland, Visit the National Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes

I checked over the "site stats" today on a whim, and found that the most sought item was " Mt. St. Mary's Seminary ." What an excellent choice! If you are visiting Maryland, you MUST get out to see the National Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes located just above the Mount Saint Mary's University in the Catoctin Mountains in Emmitsburg, MD. Here is the Grotto Home Page , and here is a link to Sunday Masses in the Chapel which are at Noon . T he link to the Pilgrim's Center is here . Here is a link to the Seminary . Sunday Masses in the Church are not listed. It might be best to contact Fr. Lombardi by email before arriving. His email address is on the Grotto page.

Ten Star Edition: Monday, July 21st, 2008

WDTRPS >> Iconic documents The New Liturgical Movement >> An Anglican Use Requiem Shouts in the Piazza >> Noble Simplicity Ars Catholica >> In the meantime (For those who may have missed it, Ars Catholica will be posting "sparsely" in the near term due to work schedules. I'm sorry, since his contribution to "all things Catholic" has been sorely missed. Still, the Blogroll link will always remain. "Domers" do that for one another. I must confess that I am a Villanova "Wildcat," however. Oh well, I hope that didn't blow a great friendship [to paraphrase Monsieur Rick's final words to Inspector Renaud!])

Evening Roundup - Monday, July 21st, 2008

The New Liturgical Movement >> Solemn Vespers from Malta The New Liturgical Movement >> On Loudness and Deafness

Late Afternoon Roundup: Monday, July 21st, 2008

RORATE CAELI >> No Leaving the Church of England? (Separate "discrete" dioceses proposed) The New Liturgical Movement >> Schola Catharina and Gregorian chant The New Liturgical Movement >> The Pope's New Youth Mass (Jeffrey Tucker from The Wanderer) The New Liturgical Movement >> A Small Mission Church in Quebec restores Ad Orientem The Way of the Fathers >> Maddening (Thomas Madden's new book)

Early Afternoon Roundup - Monday, July 21st, 2008

WDTPRS >> WYD Sydney: "deathly retail silence " WDTPRS >> QUAERITUR: small shoulder capes on altar boys WDTPRS >> Boston Globe: another article on the invalid ordination of women Creative Minority Report >> T.V. Got a Lot Worse Today

Early Roundup - Monday, July 21st, 2008

RORATE CAELI >> Papal Mass in Saint Mary's Cathedral Sydney RORATE CAELI >> Traditional Latin Mass Pictures from the Philippines FIRST THINGS: On the Square >> Those Whitewashed Walls (Matthew J. Milliner) Traditional Latin Mass Propers in English >> SAINT PRAXEDES, Virgin The Catholic Thing >> Promethean Green (Ralph McInerny; a new website !)

Latest Newsflash - Inside the Vatican: WORLD YOUTH DAY CONCLUDES IN FINE FASHION

Andrew Rabel filed this story on the Newsflash site of "Inside the Vatican," one of my favorite "print" Catholic magazines . The story gives high praise to Sydney, though this was perhaps the smallest attendance for a WYD. Read the story here !

Evening Roundup - Sunday, July 20th, 2008

RORATE CAELI >> Transalpine Redemptorists change their name Whispers in the Loggia >> And Now, the Cleanup The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> BBC bias on World Youth Day The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> New ICEL texts at Sydney Creative Minority Report >> When Christians Act Like Christians The New Liturgical Movement >> Report on Chant Australia The New Liturgical Movement >> What am I getting out of Mass ?

WDTPRS >> SCHOLION: Benedict XVI’s closing sermon for WYD

Father Zuhlsdorf once again makes extensive comments on the Holy Father's homily from yesterday's Closing Mass at WYD . He makes some excellent points and helps us tie all the talks together citing a poem from Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844–89).

Noon Roundup - Sunday, July 20th, 2008, Tenth Sunday after Pentecost

Whispers in the Loggia >> See You in Madrid WDTPRS >> South Ashford Priest reorders the sanctuary Creative Minority Report >> Vandals Deface Pro-Life Banner The New Liturgical Movement >> Coverage of the Final Papal Mass at World Youth Day (Shawn Tribe; this is re-posted from yesterday. The NLM post has a lot of photos and some comments apparently made by Shawn as the Mass progressed. The "comments section" also has over 300 posts.)

10 Star Edition: Saturday, July 19th, 2008

The New Liturgical Movement >> Coverage of the Final Mass at WYD [Ongoing Updates] Whispers in the Loggia >> HOMILY OF POPE BENEDICT XVI, MASS FOR THE XXIII WORLD YOUTH DAY -- CELEBRATION OF CONFIRMATION, RANDWICK RACECOURSE, SYDNEY WDTPRS >> WYD Video Wrap WDTPRS >> Detroit: Bp. Athanasius Schneider at Assumption Grotto - 20 & 27 July

WDTPRS >> SCHOLION: Benedict XVI’s address at the Vigil during WYD

Father Zuhlsdorf again provides marvelous commentary on the address by Pope Benedict at the Vigil of WYD . Reminder: the Papal WYD Mass is scheduled for 7 EDT.

Regional Mass News and Special Events - Feast of Saint Alphonsus Liguori, August 1st, 2008

The feast of Saint Alphonsus Liguori , is on August 1 st (the "Arthritis Saint"). We will have a Triduum celebration of our Patron Saint at Saint Alphonsus Church in Baltimore, MD . The schedule is: Friday, August 1: 7:00 A.M. Mass, Prayers & Exposition, Veneration of St. Alphonsus Relic, Confessions at 11:30 A.M., 12:10 noon Mass and prayers. Saturday, August 2: 7:00 A.M. Mass, Prayers & Exposition, Veneration of St. Alphonsus Relic, Confessions at 11:30 A.M., 12:10 noon Mass Tridentine Latin , 1:00 P.M. Holy Hour consisting of the Rosary, Divine Mercy, Prayers, Benediction and Veneration of Relic. Sunday, August 3: 8:30 & 10:00 A.M. Mass, 11:30 High Mass Tridentine Latin Rite , Prayers, Benediction and Veneration of the Relic. PLEASE JOIN US !