The Catholic Thing: The Quiet Power of Benedict XVI - Robert Royal

Robert Royal writes a powerful essay on Pope Benedict's trip to WYD and his seeming modus operandi. He states, "If JPII was a Shakespearean king, Benedict is a Mozart symphony." Here is just a highlight from his essay:

Yet we see even more clearly after WYD2008 that Benedict has his own quiet and powerful way of truth telling. He virtually summed up his whole position during the welcoming ceremony at Bangaroo: “There are many today who claim that God should be left on the sidelines, and that religion and faith, while fine for individuals, should either be excluded from the public forum altogether or included only in the pursuit of limited pragmatic goals. This secularist vision seeks to explain human life and shape society with little or no reference to the Creator. It presents itself as neutral, impartial and inclusive of everyone. But in reality, like every ideology, secularism imposes a world-view. If God is irrelevant to public life, then society will be shaped in a godless image, and debate and policy concerning the public good will be driven more by consequences than by principles grounded in truth.”
The Catholic Thing is proving to be a treasure for Catholic thought. I urge you to "bookmark" this website. Sadly, it is not offered by RSS at this point.
