
Showing posts from 2024

Saturday Mass Edition - Saturday of Our Lady - Missa 'Salve Sancta Parens' OR St. Pantaleon, Martyr - Missa 'Lætábitur' - July 27th, 2024

†         Saturday  of  Our  Lady,   Sanctæ   Mariæ  Sabbato,   Missa  'Salve  Sancta  Parens', Commemoration:  St.  Pantaleon,  Martyr - July 27th, 2024 - Propers   †         St.  Pantaleon,  Martyr,  S.  Pantaleonis,  Martyris,  Missa  'Lætábitur' - July 27th, 2024 - Propers † (Live & Recorded Daily TLM Masses) †         Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - July 22nd, 2024 to July 28th, 2024 - Propers for the  Week | St. James, Apostle | St. Anne, Mother of the BVM | 10th Sunday after Pentecost L ITURGICAL >> Saint Pantaleon Per Ipsum (TLM Gospel of the Day) >>  Saturday of the Blessed Virgin (Salve sancta parens)   [St. Pantaleon] The +Ecu-Men+ >> July 27 – St Pantaleon, Martyr Lives of the Saints >> July 27  Saint Pantaleon of Nicomedia,  Physician and Martyr  († 303) CatholicSaints.Info:  27 July Boston Catholic Journal, Roman Martyrology >> July 27th   B LOGS, NEWS, OPINION AND CO

Friday Mass Edition - St. Anne, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Sanctæ Annæ Matris Beatæ Mariæ Virginis - Missa 'Gaudeámus Omnes' - July 26th, 2024

†         St.  Anne,  Mother  of  the  Blessed  Virgin  Mary,  Sanctæ  Annæ  Matris  Beatæ  Mariæ  Virginis,   Missa  'Gaudeámus  Omnes' - July 26th, 2024 - Propers † (Live & Recorded Daily TLM Masses) †         Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - July 22nd, 2024 to July 28th, 2024 - Propers for the  Week | St. James, Apostle | St. Anne, Mother of the BVM | 10th Sunday after Pentecost L ITURGICAL Sermonry >> Saint Anne Per Ipsum (TLM Gospel of the Day) >>  St Anne, mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary The +Ecu-Men+ >> July 26 – St Anne, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary Lives of the Saints >> July 26  Saint Anne, Mother of the Blessed Virgin  (†ca. 3 B.C.) CatholicSaints.Info:  26 July Boston Catholic Journal, Roman Martyrology >> July 26th   B LOGS, NEWS, OPINION AND COMMENTARY Aleteia (Philip Kosloski) >> Why was St. James called a “son of thunder”? American Thinker (Allan J. Feifer) >> Russia vs. A

Thursday Mass Edition - St. James the Greater, Apostle - S. Jacobi, Apostoli - Missa 'Mihi Autem' - Commemoration: St. Christopher, Martyr - July 25th, 2024

†         St.  James  the  Greater,  Apostle,  S.  Jacobi,  Apostoli,   Missa  'Mihi  Autem', Commemoration:  St.  Christopher,  Martyr - July 25th, 2024 - Propers † (Live & Recorded Daily TLM Masses) †         Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - July 22nd, 2024 to July 28th, 2024 - Propers for the  Week | St. James, Apostle | St. Anne, Mother of the BVM | 10th Sunday after Pentecost L ITURGICAL Sermonry >> Saint James the Greater Per Ipsum (TLM Gospel of the Day) >>  St James the Greater, apostle   The +Ecu-Men+ >> July 25 – St James the Great, Apostle Lives of the Saints >> July 25  Saint James the Greater, Apostle, Patron of Spain  († 44) Lives of the Saints >> July 25  Saint Christopher, Martyr  († 251) CatholicSaints.Info:  25 July Boston Catholic Journal, Roman Martyrology >> July 25th   B LOGS, NEWS, OPINION AND COMMENTARY Aleteia (J.P. Mauro) >>  Global population could peak by 2080; birth

Wednesday Mass Edition - Feria OR St. Christina, Virgin & Martyr - S. Christínæ, Virginis et Martyris - Missa 'Me Exspectavérunt' - July 24th, 2024

†         Feria,  Feria Quarta  infra  Hebdomadam  IX  post  Octavam  Pentecostes, Missa  'Ecce  Deus  Adiuvat', Commemoration:  St.  Christina,  Virgin &  Martyr - July 24th, 2024- Propers †         St. Christina, Virgin & Martyr, S.  Christínæ, Virginis  et  Martyris, Missa 'Me Exspectavérunt' - July 24th, 2024 - Propers † (Live & Recorded Daily TLM Masses) †         Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - July 22nd, 2024 to July 28th, 2024 - Propers for the  Week | St. James, Apostle | St. Anne, Mother of the BVM | 10th Sunday after Pentecost L ITURGICAL >> Saint Christina (295) Per Ipsum (TLM Gospel of the Day) >>  Feria   [St. Christina, Virgin and Martyr († c. 300)] The +Ecu-Men+ >> July 24 – St Christina, Virgin & Martyr Lives of the Saints >> July 24  Saint Christina, Virgin and Martyr  († 300) CatholicSaints.Info:  24 July Boston Catholic Journal, Roman Martyrology >>

Tuesday Mass Edition - St. Apollinaris, Bishop and Martyr - Missa 'Sacerdótes Dei' - Commemoration: St. Liborius, Bishop and Confessor - July 23rd, 2024

†         St.  Apollinaris,  Bishop  and  Martyr,  S.  Apollinaris  Episcopi  et  Martyris,  Missa  'Sacerdótes  Dei', Commemoration:  St.  Liborius,  Bishop  and  Confessor - July 23rd, 2024 - Propers † (Live & Recorded Daily TLM Masses) †         Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - July 22nd, 2024 to July 28th, 2024 - Propers for the  Week | St. James, Apostle | St. Anne, Mother of the BVM | 10th Sunday after Pentecost L ITURGICAL Sermonry >> Saint Apollinaris Per Ipsum (TLM Gospel of the Day) >>  St Apollinaris, bishop and martyr The +Ecu-Men+ >> July 23 – St Apollinaris, Bishop & Martyr Lives of the Saints >> July 23  Saint Apollinaris of Ravenna, First Bishop of Ravenna and Martyr  († 79) CatholicSaints.Info:  23 July Boston Catholic Journal, Roman Martyrology >> July 23rd   B LOGS, NEWS, OPINION AND COMMENTARY Aleteia (Isabella H. de Carvalho) >> Vatican helps define terms for end-of-life disc

Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - July 22nd, 2024 to July 28th, 2024 - Propers for the Week | St. James, Apostle | St. Anne, Mother of the BVM | 10th Sunday after Pentecost

Image Credit: Just  a  Thought - The  Justifying  Prayer JULY, 2024, ANNO DOMINI TEMPUS PER ANNUM POST PENTECOSTEN Monday,  22nd   -    St.  Mary  Magdalene,  Penitent,  S.  Maríæ  Magdalénæ,  Pæniténtis,  Missa  'Me  Exspectavérunt',    3rd  Class,  White   [Gloria;  Common  Preface] Tuesday,  23rd    -    St.  Apollinaris,  Bishop  and  Martyr,  S.  Apollinaris  Episcopi  et  Martyris,  Missa  'Sacerdótes  Dei',   3rd  Class,   Red    [Gloria;  Common  Preface;  Commemoration:  St.  Liborius,  Bishop  and  Confessor] Wednesday,  24th   -    Feria,    Feria   Quarta  infra  Hebdomadam  IX  post  Octavam  Pentecostes,   Missa  'Ecce  Deus  Adiuvat',    4th  Class,   Green    [Common  Preface;  Commemoration:  St.  Christina,  Virgin  and  Martyr] Wednesday,  24th   -    St.  Christina,  Virgin  and  Martyr,   S.  Christínæ,  Virginis  et  Martyris,   Missa  'Me  Exspectavérunt',     4th  Class,   Red    [Gloria;  Common  Preface] Thursday,  25th    -

Monday Mass Edition - St. Mary Magdalene, Penitent >> S. Maríæ Magdalénæ, Pæniténtis - Missa 'Me Exspectavérunt' - July 22nd, 2024

†         St.  Mary  Magdalene,  Penitent,  S.  Maríæ  Magdalénæ,  Pæniténtis,  Missa  'Me  Exspectavérunt' - July 22nd, 2024 - Propers †         Ninth  Sunday  after  Pentecost,   Dominica  Nona  post  Pentecosten,   Missa  'Ecce  Deus  Ádjuvat' - July 21st, 2024 - Propers † (Live & Recorded Daily TLM Masses) †         Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - July 15th, 2024 to July 21st, 2024 - Propers for the  Week |  Ninth Sunday after Pentecost L ITURGICAL Sermonry >> Saint Mary Magdalen Per Ipsum (TLM Gospel of the Day) >>  St Mary Magdalen, Penitent   The +Ecu-Men+ >> July 22 – St Mary Magdalene Lives of the Saints >> July 22  Saint Mary Magdalen, Penitent  (First century) CatholicSaints.Info:  22 July Boston Catholic Journal, Roman Martyrology >> July 22nd   B LOGS, NEWS, OPINION AND COMMENTARY A Catholic Life (Matthew) >> A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 75 American Thinker (David Prentice)

Sunday Mass Edition - Ninth Sunday after Pentecost - Dominica Nona post Pentecosten - Missa 'Ecce Deus Ádjuvat' - July 21st, 2024

†         Ninth  Sunday  after  Pentecost,   Dominica  Nona  post  Pentecosten,   Missa  'Ecce  Deus  Ádjuvat' - July 21st, 2024 - Propers † (Live & Recorded Daily TLM Masses) †         Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - July 15th, 2024 to July 21st, 2024 - Propers for the  Week |  Ninth Sunday after Pentecost L ITURGICAL Fr. Z's Blog (Fr. John Zuhlsdorf) >> WDTPRS – 9th Sunday after Pentecost: O God, ever distant, ever near New Liturgical Movement (Michael P. Foley) >>  Weeping Over Jerusalem: The Ninth Sunday after Pentecost and Two of Its Prayers Sermonry >> Ninth Sunday After Pentecost The Divine Lamp - Extraordinary Form >> Commentaries for the Ninth Sunday After Pentecost (Dominica IX Post Pentecosten) Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's - The Church's Year >> INSTRUCTION ON THE NINTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST Voice of the Family (a Dominican Friar) >> A house of prayer: sermon on the ninth Sunday

Saturday Mass Edition - St. Jerome Emiliani, Confessor - Missa 'Effúsum' - Commemoration: St. Margaret, Virgin and Martyr - July 20th, 2024

†         St.  Jerome  Emiliani,  Confessor,  S.  Hierónymi  Æmiliani  Confessoris,  Missa  'Effúsum', Commemoration:  St.  Margaret, Virgin  and  Martyr - July 20th, 2024 - Propers † (Live & Recorded Daily TLM Masses) †         Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - July 15th, 2024 to July 21st, 2024 - Propers for the  Week |  Ninth Sunday after Pentecost L ITURGICAL Sermonry >> Saint Jerome Emilian Per Ipsum (TLM Gospel of the Day) >>  St Jerome Emilian, confessor The +Ecu-Men+ >> July 20 – St Jerome Æmilian, Confessor The +Ecu-Men+ >> July 20 – St Margaret, Virgin & Martyr Lives of the Saints >> July 20   Saint Jerome Emiliani, Founder of the Somascans  (1481-1537) Lives of the Saints >> July 20   Saint Margaret of Antioch, Virgin and Martyr  († 275) CatholicSaints.Info:  20 July Boston Catholic Journal, Roman Martyrology >> July 20th   B LOGS, NEWS, OPINION AND COMMENTARY Aleteia (John Touhey