Regional TLMs
Updated: January 8th, 2023
- National Shrine of Saint Alphonsus Liguori, Baltimore, MD, Sunday: 7:30 AM Traditional Latin Mass, 9:30 AM Traditional Latin Mass, 11:30 AM Traditional Latin Mass (High); Monday through Friday, 7:00 AM Traditional Latin Mass; Tuesday, Thursday & Friday, 12:10 PM Traditional Latin Mass; Saturday, 7:00 AM Traditional Latin Mass followed by Exposition, Holy Hour, & Benediction
- Arlington Latin Mass Society
- Canons Regular of the New Jerusalem, Priory of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 219 South George Street, Charles Town, WV 25414 (Mass schedule is posted online).
- Carmel of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, 327 Water St. Fairfield, PA 17320 (Monday through Saturday: 8:00 AM; Sunday: 9:00 AM)
- Christ the King Chapel at Christendom College, Front Royal, VA; intended for students]
- Holy Family Church, Latrobe, PA, Sundays at 1:00 PM
- Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church, Philadelphia, PA, Sundays at Noon (Missa Cantata)
- Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Gainesville, VA, Sundays at 12:30 PM
- Latin Mass Directory Worldwide and in the USA
- Mater Dei Latin Mass Parish, Irving, Texas (F.S.S.P.)
- Renaissance Montessori School (Nokesville, VA), located within the parish boundaries of All Saints Church, Manassas, VA
- Mount Calvary Church, Baltimore, MD (Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter, exclusively celebrates Mass according to the Ordinariate Missal, a.k.a. the Anglican Use)
- Nationwide Traditional Latin Mass Directory-Commission in Support of Ecclesia Dei
- Old St. John the Evangelist Church, TLM Congregation, Our Lady Queen of Poland Parish, Silver Spring, MD, Sundays at 8:00 AM
- Our Lady's Center in Ellicott City, MD - TLM Times & Dates Vary (Check Events)
- Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter (FSSP) - Apostolates and Locations (North American District)
- Reverent Catholic Mass
- Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, Winchester, VA (in Sacred Heart Academy)
- Saint Andrew the Apostle Church, 6720 Union Mill Road, Clifton, VA, 20124; Sundays at 10:30 AM (Latin Novus Ordo)
- St. Andrew's Catholic Church, Johnstown, PA; 7 PM Low Mass every Monday
- Saint Anthony Mission, King George, VA (in the main church) - Effective, September 8, 2022
- Saint Benedict's Parish, Chesapeake, VA, Sundays at 7 AM, 9:15 AM, 11:15 AM, 1:15 PM
- Saint Bernadette Church, Silver Spring, MD
- Saint Catherine of Siena, Great Falls, VA, Sundays at 12:00 Noon (Latin Novus Ordo)
- Saint John the Apostle Church, Leesburg, VA (in the Historic Chapel)
- Saint John the Baptist Church, Front Royal, VA (in Chelsea Academy)
- Saint John the Beloved, McLean, VA (in the main church)
- Saint Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Richmond, VA (Sundays at 8:30 AM Low Mass; 11:00 AM (High Mass); 4:30 PM; Monday, Tuesday & Thursday at 7:00 AM & 9:00 AM; Wednesday & Friday at 7:00 AM & 6:00 PM; Saturday at 9:00 AM
- St. Joseph Catholic Church, 440 Saint Joseph Street, Lancaster, PA, 17603, Sundays at 1:00 PM
- Saint Lawrence Chapel at St. Patrick's Cathedral, Harrisburg, PA [Mater Dei Community]
- Saint Lawrence, Franconia, VA, Sundays at 12:30 PM
- Saint Louis the King, Alexandria, VA
- St. Luke's at St. Ignatius Church, 2315 Brinkley Road, Fort Washington, MD, 20744-3008, USA. (Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter, exclusively celebrates Mass according to the Ordinariate Missal, a.k.a. the Anglican Use)
- The Basilica of Saint Mary, 310 South Royal Street, Alexandria, VA 22314, 3rd Fridays at 7:30 PM
- Saint Mary's Catholic Church, 140 W Hector St. Conshohocken, PA, Sundays at 8:00 AM (Low Mass), 10:30 AM (High Mass) & 1:00 PM (Low Mass); Monday thru Thursday at 7:15 AM; Wednesday & Friday at 12:05 PM; Friday at 6:30 PM; Saturday at 9:00 AM
- Saint Mary's Catholic Church, Hagerstown, MD, Sundays, 11:30 AM (Major Feast Days, 6:30 PM)
- St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, Reading, PA, 2nd Sunday of each month at 12:30 PM
- Saint Mary, Mother of God, Washington, DC, Sundays at 9:00 AM [Sung Mass (Missa Cantata) on 1st and 3rd Sunday, except July and August and Low Mass 2nd, 4th & 5th Sundays; Fridays at 8:00 AM (Sacred Heart Altar); First Saturdays at 9:00 AM (See Calendar for additional EF Masses)
- Saint Michael's Parish, Scranton, PA, Sundays at 8:00 AM (Low) and 10:15 AM (High); Monday thru Thursday - 7:45 AM; Friday at 6:00 PM; Saturday at 9:00 AM
- Saint Patrick Church, Fredericksburg, VA
- Saint Patrick's Church, 1414 N. King Street, Wilmington, DE, Sundays at 8:00 AM & 11:00 AM; Mondays & Wednesdays at 5:30 PM; First Fridays at 6:00 PM; First Saturdays at 9:00 AM
- Saint Raymond of Peñafort, Springfield, VA, 1st & 3rd Fridays of each month at 7:00 PM
- Saint Rita Church, Alexandria, VA (in the main church)
- Saint Stephen of Hungary, Allentown, PA, Sundays at 7:00 AM (Low Mass), 8:30 AM (Low Mass) & 10:30 AM (High Mass); Monday thru Saturday at 8:00 AM; First Fridays at 7:00 PM
- The Society of St. Hugh of Cluny (TLMs in NJ, NY and CT)
- TLM Community in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia (Various Churches)
- Queen of Archangels, Clarence, PA; Saturday Masses at 11:00 AM (Facebook page)
- Queen of Peace, Patton, PA; weekly TLM at 11:00 AM (High Mass first and third Sundays, Low Mass second and fourth)