Early Evening Roundup - Feria - Missa 'In Voluntáte Tua' - October 31st, 2017
The Feast of All Saints - Omnium Sanctorum - Missa 'Gaudeamus' - November 1st, 2017 - Propers Traditional Latin Mass Calendar - October 30th, 2017 to November 5th, 2017 - Ordo for the Week You Report: TLMs for All Saints and All Souls in the DC/MD/VA/WVA/PA Metroplex - November 1st & 2nd, 2017-Update ABYSSUS ABYSSUM INVOCAT / DEEP CALLS TO DEEP (Bishop Emeritus Rene Gracida) >> The silence of Francis does not even appear consistent with Cardinal Muller’s position on AL 305 (n.351). That is why the Church needs Francis to clarify his position – not his surrogates and not Cardinal Muller. Whereas before it looked like Cardinal Muller might join in and support a Formal Correction, it now appears that he will sit it out. That would be unfortunate. Acton Institute PowerBlog (Rev. Ben Johnson) >> Make Maximilian Kolbe of Auschwitz ‘the patron saint of entrepreneurs’: Petition Adult Catechesis in the Roman Catholic Tradition >> 3 (or 4) types of mar...