
Showing posts from October, 2008

Early Roundup - Friday, October 31st, 2008

RORATE CAELI >> A new altar for the Cathedra of Saint Peter ? FIRST THINGS: On the Square >> Why this Election is About the Freedom of Religion (Fr. Richard John Neuhaus) WDTPRS >> Holy See on use of psychology in priestly formation WDTPRS >> Something disgusting and evil but very instructive The New Liturgical Movement >> The Vesting of a Bishop in the Pontifical Rites of the Usus Antiquior >> A Philosopher Reissues the Pope's Wager: To Live as if God Exists (Sandro Magister)

UPDATE: Eleventh Hour Election Alert - Fr. John Corapi, SOLT, October 31st, 2008

The three-part series of YouTubes containing the sermon of Fr. John Corapi, SOLT on abortion can be found here . Father has now placed an MP3 containing the entire sermon which can be sent to radio stations or via emails. It is at this location . Finally, EWTN will play the sermon: Also EWTN will air Eleventh Hour Election Alert as a special on Nov. 3 at 5:30pm EST and Nov. 4 at 11:00am EST - so let anybody you know who doesn't have a computer! Just a reminder, clocks are turned BACK one hour this weekend to Standard Time in the U.S.-- "Spring forward; Fall back" !

Rosary Novena to Our Lady of Victory, Day Five, October 31st, 2008

Father John Corapi, SOLT, has asked all Catholics to pray a rosary novena (9 consecutive days) commencing Monday, October 27th, 2008 , to Our Lady of Victory for the cause of LIFE. We should ask Our Lady to assist our Nation in electing those candidates who will promote the cause of LIFE in all its stages in the elections to be held on November 4th. How to pray the Rosary Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel Rosary for Life - Mysteries of the Rosary for Life from the USCCB (Sun & Wed: Glorious; Mon & Wed: Joyful; Tue and Fri: Sorrowful; Thu: Luminous) Sorrowful Mysteries for Life (Friday) Our Lady of Victory, pray for us!

How Do You Pronounce "Deo volente?"

This has been popping up a great deal lately. I invite those who have questions like this to first put the term in the "blog search engine" in the upper left corner. They would have come across this entry from July . Once again, several pronunciations are possible depending upon "classical" or "liturgical" Latin differences. I pronounce the name, Day'-OH VO-Len'-Tay (although the liturgical Latin could render the second name, VO-Len'-Tee).

Visitors ask..Latin Mass Readings or Readings for the Latin Mass or Daily Latin Mass Readings

This is one I have answered before on several occasions, but the Google "search string" is totally critical for locating the answer. To my knowledge, there is NO site online that has the daily LATIN readings for the TLM. It just doesn't exist as yet. However, a good Deacon has a site with the English Translations of the TLM for most days. Today, October 30th, and yesterday were Ferial Days, so only information on the saint was provided. However, here is an example of the readings for the Mass for Saints Simon and Jude for earlier this week . Note that you can subscribe to the RSS output for this site, or use the widget he provides. For English readers, it is a marvelous apostolate!

Early Roundup - Thursday, October 30, 2008

WDTPRS >> St. Paul/Mpls: Archbp. Nienstedt on FOCA and voting WDTPRS >> Rorate Reports: SSPX bishops and Mass at Lourdes - Rosary CRUSADE re: the excommunications (very interesting development!) In the Light of the Law >> Fr. Dresser's urgent invitation to be excommunicated and expelled from the clerical state Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> The Rosary: "Spiritual Weapon in the Struggle Against Evil" Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> "Born Alive"

WDTPRS >> ON FIRE! Bp. Finn of Kansas City - MUST READ

Okay, this is NOT hyperbole. This article by His Excellency, Bishop Robert Finn, is THAT good . God has graced Kansas City, MO!

Rosary Novena to Our Lady of Victory, Day Four, Thursday, October 30th, 2008

Father John Corapi, SOLT, has asked all Catholics to pray a rosary novena (9 consecutive days) commencing Monday, October 27th, 2008 , to Our Lady of Victory for the cause of LIFE. We should ask Our Lady to assist our Nation in electing those candidates who will promote the cause of LIFE in all its stages in the elections to be held on November 4th. How to pray the Rosary Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel Rosary for Life - Mysteries of the Rosary for Life from the USCCB (Sun & Wed: Glorious; Mon & Wed: Joyful; Tue and Fri: Sorrowful; Thu: Luminous) Luminous Mysteries for Life (Thursday) Our Lady of Victory, pray for us!

Evening Roundup - Wednesday, October 29th, 2008

WDTPRS >> Benedict XVI: “Pitiful Diatribes on Exterior Forms” WDTPRS >> Benedict XVI’s Preface to the first volume of his Opera Omnia (on liturgy) WDTPRS >> FLASH! Brisbane… again. Jesus isn’t God after all The New Liturgical Movement >> Guido Marini on Papal Liturgy under Benedict XVI The New Liturgical Movement >> Flagship Parishes of the Reform of the Reform: The Birmingham Oratory

Afternoon Roundup - Wednesday, October 29th, 2008

The New Liturgical Movement >> Preface to the New Edition of the Roman Breviary The New Liturgical Movement >> What English Propers Should We Sing? WDTPRS >> An election prayer (Fr. John Hardon, S.J.) WDTPRS >> Wilmington: Bp. Malooly corrects Sen. Biden in the newspaper WDTPRS >> A "transitional" ad orientem proposal www. >> In the "Opera Omnia" of Ratzinger the Theologian, the Overture Is All about the Liturgy (Sandro Magister)

Eleventh Hour Election Alert - Fr. John Corapi, SOLT

Fr. Corapi produced a half hour video today that all Catholics (and Americans) should see. It expounds upon what Bishop Rene H. Gracida just said boldly in a recent radio spot. (He is the Bishop that ordained Fr. Corapi a Deacon). As YouTube has a ten minute limit on posts, the entire post is divided into three segments--Parts 1, 2 and 3--of ten minutes each. The video can be found here: Eleventh Hour Election Alert !

Rosary Novena to Our Lady of Victory, Day Three, Wednesday, October 29th, 2008

Father John Corapi, SOLT, has asked all Catholics to pray a rosary novena (9 consecutive days) commencing Monday, October 27th, 2008 , to Our Lady of Victory for the cause of LIFE. We should ask Our Lady to assist our Nation in electing those candidates who will promote the cause of LIFE in all its stages in the elections to be held on November 4th. How to pray the Rosary Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel Rosary for Life - Mysteries of the Rosary for Life from the USCCB (Sun & Wed: Glorious; Mon & Wed: Joyful; Tue and Fri: Sorrowful; Thu: Luminous) Glorious Mysteries for Life (Wednesday) PDF link Our Lady of Victory, pray for us!

Te Deum laudamus!: FOCA: Freedom of Choice Act and Barack Obama

Whenever a secular Carmelite speaks, I listen. That may be because I so care for their charism! Diane M. Korzeniewski has a marvelous post of October 2nd that all should consider . Just how radical is the F.O.C.A.? Read here for more information! Ponder its ramifications, my Catholic, pro-life friends... Bishop Finn will enlighten you...

Evening Roundup - Tuesday, October 28th, 2008

The New Liturgical Movement >>Report on McLean Chant Workshop (McClean, VA) WDTPRS >> Bp. Gracida: Catholics can’t vote for pro-abortion candidates WDTPRS >> Card. Castrillon responds to some questions about Summorum Pontificum WDTPRS >> Archbp. Naumann: most important issue to Catholics is abortion WDTPRS >> QUAERITUR: Can a bishop forbid a priest to say Mass ad orientem ?

Afternoon Roundup - Tuesday, October 28th, 2008 - Sts. Simon and Jude

The New Liturgical Movement has an extremely important post relating to Summorum Pontificum, and to the continuity of the Usus Antiquior with the Latin Liturgy. The post is translated from Italian and is entitled, " Response of the Cardinal President of the Pontifical Commission “Ecclesia Dei” to certain questions ." Shawn Tribe posted this and it is a MUST READ! Note the important passage stating again that NO INDULT is necessary! A. Evidently not. This is because, with the publication of the Motu Proprio “Summorum Pontificum,” the regulations for the use of the Missal of 1962, previously given in “Quattuor abhinc annos” and thereafter in the Motu Proprio of the Servant of God, John Paul II “Ecclesia Dei adflicta” have become obsolete. In fact, “Summorum Pontificum” itself, even from Art.1, explicitly affirms that “the conditions of the use of this Missal, regulated in the previous documents “Quattuor abhinc annos” and “Ecclesia Dei”, have been replaced. The Motu Proprio...

Rosary Novena to Our Lady of Victory, Day Two, Tuesday, October 28th, 2008

Father John Corapi, SOLT, has asked all Catholics to pray a rosary novena (9 consecutive days) commencing Monday, October 27th, 2008 , to Our Lady of Victory for the cause of LIFE. We should ask Our Lady to assist our Nation in electing those candidates who will promote the cause of LIFE in all its stages in the elections to be held on November 4th. How to pray the Rosary Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel Rosary for Life - Mysteries of the Rosary for Life from the USCCB (Sun & Wed: Glorious; Mon & Wed: Joyful; Tue and Fri: Sorrowful; Thu: Luminous) Sorrowful Mysteries for Life (Tuesday) Our Lady of Victory, pray for us!

Eight Star Edition: Monday, October 27th, 2008

WDTPRS >> K of C’s: radio ad features heartbeat of 10-week-old unborn child WDTPRS >> QUAERITUR: Bought a Baronius Missal… how to set up the ribbons Creative Minority Report >> Gianna Jessen responds to Obama

Afternoon Roundup - Monday, October 27th, 2008

American Papist >> National Catholic Reporter editors endorse Obama, and I lose it >> Eve of Christian-Muslim Forum in Rome. The Perspective of a Jesuit Participant FIRST THINGS: On the Square >> Frodo in a world of Boromirs (Kurt Luchs) WDTPRS >> Nice photo from the Pontifical Mass (Salute by K of C 4th Degree Knight) Whispers in the Loggia >> Shot of the Day

Rosary Novena to Our Lady of Victory, Day One, Monday, October 27th, 2008

Father John Corapi, SOLT, has asked all Catholics to pray a rosary novena (9 consecutive days) commencing Monday, October 27th, 2008 , to Our Lady of Victory for the cause of LIFE. We should ask Our Lady to assist our Nation in electing those candidates who will promote the cause of LIFE in all its stages in the elections to be held on November 4th. How to pray the Rosary Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel Rosary for Life - Mysteries of the Rosary for Life from the USCCB (Sun & Wed: Glorious; Mon & Wed: Joyful; Tue and Fri: Sorrowful; Thu: Luminous) Joyful Mysteries for Life (Monday) Our Lady of Victory, pray for us!

Evening Roundup - Sunday, October 26th, 2008

WDTPRS >> Monsignori In the Light of the Law : Responses to Rex Pilger's comments on clerical continence (does clerical continence apply to married deacons?) The New Liturgical Movement >> The Parish Book of Chant, Embedded (the book is embedded at this link...go on, take it out for a "test drive! ") The New Liturgical Movement >> Chant in Ontario

Rosary in Latin

Some searches have found the Rosary Novena mentioned below , but also wish to see the prayers in Latin . Go here to the Una Voce site . The prayers of the Rosary in Latin can be found at this location.

Noon Roundup - Sunday, October 26th, 2008 - Feast of Christ the King

WDTPRS >> Ave Maria Univ.: TLM Cantata (this Mass is being sung TODAY for the Feast of Christ the King) WDTPRS >> Synod on Scripture proposes making women Lectors… er… Lectrices WDTPRS >> Christ the King (1962MR) (this is from an article in The Wanderer) WDTPRS >> FSSP celebrates in Rome Whispers in the Loggia >> In First State, Biden and More (Bishop Malooly clarifies things for Sen. Biden)

Rosary Dedicated to Our Lady of Victory for Life, Day One

Father John Corapi, SOLT, has asked all Catholics to pray a rosary novena (9 consecutive days) commencing Monday, October 27th, 2008 , to Our Lady of Victory for the cause of LIFE. Upon commencing the daily rosary, we should ask Our Lady to assist our Nation in electing those candidates who will promote the cause of LIFE in all its stages in the elections to be held on November 4th. How to pray the Rosary Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel Rosary for Life - Mysteries of the Rosary for Life from the USCCB (Sun & Wed: Glorious; Mon & Wed: Joyful; Tue and Fri: Sorrowful; Thu: Luminous) Our Lady of Victory, pray for us!

Five Star Edition: Saturday, October 25th, 2008

WDTPRS >> KC: Old St. Patrick's - nearing its consecration WDTPRS >> Consecration and Pontifical Mass The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> Una Voce report on SP implementation (French website) The Way of the Fathers >> Vital Origen

NLM: Benedict's Preface to the Ratzinger Opera Omnia: What is and is he not saying about Liturgical Orientation?

The Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, is publishing a complete set of all his works including some which have not been published. Shawn Tribe has written a thoughtful essay based on an article in Zenit dealing with the liturgy and orientation of the priest and people during worship . It is an excellent synopsis and a MUST read!

Afternoon Roundup - Friday, October 24th, 2008

Charlotte was Both >> Alternative Reality Charlotte was Both >> The impact of the law FIRST THINGS: On the Square >> An Election About the Nature of the Church (Fr. Richard John Neuhaus) Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> Archbishop O'Brien Dedicates Baltimore JP II Prayer Garden

WDTPRS >> REVISITED: Mount St. Mary Seminary

I am delighted that Fr. Zuhlsdorf found time to "revisit" his prior post on the Mount . From this post, it sounds as if the seminarians in Emmitsburg are being introduced to the Usus Antiquior , and in a positive manner. Please check out this post! The photos are fantastic, and the Church is as beautiful as I remember it. I hope the good Father visitors had the time to visit the Shrine of Lourdes on the Hill.

Special: Midnight High Mass on Christmas Eve at Historic St. Peter's in Harpers Ferry, WV.

Thanks to M. for sending this along. Please mark it on your calendars. Also, note that St. James of W.V. has formed a Yahoo Group and all are invited to join. There will be a Midnight High Mass on Christmas Eve at Historic St. Peter's in Harpers Ferry, WV. St. Peter's is a mission church of St. James Catholic Church . The celebrant will be Monsignor Richard Hughes. Please pass this information along to anyone interested in attending. Anyone interested in supporting this effort can join the Yahoo Group at: Laus Deo!

Afternoon Roundup - Thursday, October 23rd, 2008

WDTPRS >> On board with Summorum Pontificum (USS Theodore Roosevelt) WDTPRS >> The Naval Academy at Annapolis (I told you it was beautiful!) WDTPRS >> Bp. Martino of Scranton rolls up his sleeves The New Liturgical Movement >> Fruits of Summorum Pontificum: St. Stanislaus, Michigan The New Liturgical Movement >> What to do when the liturgy committee goes for the throat The New Liturgical Movement >> Winter Chant Intensive, San Diego Whispers in the Loggia >> Ratzi Standard Time = More Delays Whispers in the Loggia >> Martino: "I Own This Building "

Special: TLM at St. Bartholomew's Catholic Church on Sunday, October 26th, 2 PM

I just received this note today. I'm sorry for the late notice but thank J. for sending it on! Sorry to be coming in so late with this but we are having another Extraordinary Form Mass at St. Bartholomew's new church in Manchester this Sunday October 26 at 2 pm . This is the Feast of Christ the King in the old calendar . The celebrant will be Fr. Lee Gross and our little schola will sing the Ordinary and Propers. All are most welcome. Many have been faithfully checking back to this site for another TLM Mass at Saint Bartholomew's Church in Manchester, MD. Here is your chance!

Afternoon Roundup - Wednesday, October 22nd, 2008 >> The Church in Vietnam Isn't Afraid. But the Communist Regime Is (Sandro Magister) FIRST THINGS: On the Square >> The Danger of Abstract Words (Wilfred M. McClay) WDTPRS >> Shrine of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton WDTPRS >> Was I was wrong about the congregation singing the Pater Noster? Whispers in the Loggia >> The Specter Of...

AmericanPapist: Breaking: US Bishops set the record straight in today's statement

Thomas Peters of American Papist is announcing this breaking story. The USCCB has published a press release clarification of the issues dealing with abortion and the Freedom of Choice Act in response to those who would attempt to move the discussion away from Roman Catholic teaching. Please read this "must read" story! The clarification, here posted in PDF format , was co-signed by Justin Cardinal Rigali and Bishop Murphy of Rockville Centre, NY.

Father John Corapi, SOLT - A Call for a Rosary Novena

This appears on Fr. Corapi's website and was in his last weekly email . I urge all to consider his request! No other issue, not all other issues taken together, can constitute a proportionate reason for voting for candidates that intend to preserve and defend this holocaust of innocent human life that is abortion. I strongly urge every one of you to make a Novena and pray the Rosary to Our Lady of Victory between October 27th and Election Day, November 4th. Pray that God’s will be done and the most innocent and utterly vulnerable of our brothers and sisters will be protected from this barbaric and grossly sinful blight on society that is abortion. No woman, and no man, has the right to choose to murder an innocent human being. Amen!


My friend sent this to me today by email and I thought I'd share it with all... PRESS RELEASE DIVINE MERCY CARE’S PRO-LIFE PHARMACY OPENS IN CHANTILLY, VA Contact: Bob Laird - 703-934-5552 (office)/703-732-0681 (cell) (10/21/08, Chantilly, VA) – DMC Pharmacy opened today in Chantilly, VA with a blessing of the building by the Most Reverend Paul S. Loverde, Bishop of Arlington. The DMC pharmacy is the newest addition to the Divine Mercy Care family of healthcare services. DMC Pharmacy is a pro-life pharmacy specifically designed to meet the pharmaceutical needs in a prolife, pro-woman, and pro-family atmosphere. Located in the Sully Place Shopping Center, in the heart of Chantilly, VA, DMC Pharmacy provides a convenient opportunity for families and individuals to have their prescriptions filled and their pharmaceutical questions answered in a friendly environment. Divine Mercy Care is a 501(c)(3) non-profit Catholic healthcare organization in Northern Virginia that also operates the...

Afternoon Roundup - Tuesday, October 21st, 2008

WDTPRS >> At Mount St. Mary Seminary (Welcome, Fr.!) In the Light of the Law >> Falling canonical dominoes: from matrimonial form to defection from the Church (Dr. Edward Peters) The Black Biretta >> BRAVO Bishop Martino The New Liturgical Movement >> Video from Clear Creek Monastery The New Liturgical Movement >> Colombo Statement on Liturgy as it relates to Sacred Music Whispers in the Loggia >> American Church Moves South. Literally. Whispers in the Loggia >> "This Is Madness, People": In Surprise Cameo, Scranton Bishop Repudiates USCCB, Dems, Et al. Whispers in the Loggia >> "The New Catholic Politics" ?

Afternoon Roundup - Monday, October 20th, 2008 - Saint Paul of the Cross

FIRST THINGS: On the Square >> Brain Science and the Soul (R.R. Reno) The Black Biretta >> Joe Biden Says He Is NOT a John Paul Guy The New Liturgical Movement >> Superior General of FSSP celebrates Mass at Tomb of St. Peter The New Liturgical Movement >> The Arrival and Greeting of a Prelate: Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos arrives at Ss. Trinita The New Liturgical Movement >> Choirs Preparing for Advent Whispers in the Loggia >> From the Cloister to the Crozier Whispers in the Loggia >> On Pius, Don't Pressure the Pope Whispers in the Loggia >> In Big D, SMU Swims the Tiber

Monday, October 20th, 2008 - Fr. John Zuhlsdorf Is Visiting Baltimore!

On the way to Baltimore Steubenville: Missa Cantata York, England: TLM news Healing in Utrecht and TLM news QUAERITUR: Can the congregation sing the Our Father at the TLM ? Archd. of Los Angeles: new TLM

Afternoon Roundup - Sunday, October 19th, 2008

WDTPRS >> Meeting seminarians American Papist >> Abp. Chaput names, criticizes Obama and Kmiec openly in address Bonfire of the Vanities >> What our new Archbishop said about the Extraordinary Form of the Mass The New Liturgical Movement >> Propers of Christmas: the CD The New Liturgical Movement >> DVD now available of Sept. 14th ICRSS Mass on EWTN

Morning Roundup - Saturday, October 18th, 2008 - Feast of Saint Luke

Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> Render unto Caesar The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> New options for the end of Mass The New Liturgical Movement >> First Images from FSSP in Rome The New Liturgical Movement >> More Photos from the Recent IBP Ordinations The New Liturgical Movement >> 20th Anniversary FSSP Celebrations Begin in Rome WDTPRS >> QUAERITUR: Can "ad orientem" worship be forbidden ?

The Witherspoon Institute: Public Discourse - "Little Murders" by Archbishop Charles J. Chaput

The Witherspoon Institute on its website " Public Discourse - Ethics, Law and the Common Good " features an excellent address given by Archbishop Charles J. Chaput of Denver . Here is just a bit of what His Excellency had to say: The abortion conflict has never simply been about repealing Roe v. Wade . And the many pro-lifers I know live a much deeper kind of discipleship than ''single issue'' politics. But they do understand that the cornerstone of Catholic social teaching is protecting human life from conception to natural death. They do understand that every other human right depends on the right to life. They did not and do not and will not give up - and they won't be lied to. So I think that people who claim that the abortion struggle is ''lost'' as a matter of law, or that supporting an outspoken defender of legal abortion is somehow ''prolife,'' are not just wrong; they're betraying the witness of every person ...

Seven Star Roundup: Friday, October 17th, 2008

The New Liturgical Movement >> Possible Changes in the Roman Curia (possible BIG changes...Cardinal Arinze and Archbp. Ranjith both gone?) The New Liturgical Movement >> Parish Book of Chant is back (and available at WDTPRS >> New opportunity for traditional Ambrosian Rite Masses

Afternoon Roundup - Friday, October 17th, 2008 >> The Synod Wants Better Homilies. With the Pope as the Model FIRST THINGS: On the Square >> At Long Last: Obama, Abortion, and the Courts (Fr. Richard John Neuhaus) >> The Synod on the Bible looks for middle ground; A 'poignant' press conference (John L. Allen, Jr.) Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> Respect Life! RORATE CAELI >> Mass Could End With More Than "Go in Peace" The New Liturgical Movement >> Reforming the Reform: Parishes that lead the Way The New Liturgical Movement >> News from ICRSS Apostolate in St. Louis WDTPRS >> San Diego, CA: FSSP parish WDTPRS >> How to write to the Holy See about liturgical abuses or anything else WDTPRS >> Two greats speak at the Synod: Card. Zen and Archbp. Burke WDTPRS >> Vote... Life... (posted here earlier!)

Afternoon Roundup - Thursday, October 16th, 2008

The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> Robert George on Obama's pro-abortion extremism WDTPRS >> QUAERITUR: Are bishops obliged to establish “personal parishes” ? WDTPRS >> Great church makeovers… gotta see this ! (WOW!) Whispers in the Loggia >> For Shock Coadjutor, a Warm Welcome >> The Art of Reading the Scriptures. A Lesson for Today's Illiterates (Sandro Magister) St. Peter Canisius Apostolate >> The Incarnation

Late Afternoon Roundup: Wednesday, October 15th, 2008 - St. Teresa of Avila, Doctor

Residuum Revertetur >> The Majesty of Catholic Art (or where have all the artists gone?) The Black Biretta >> Pennsylvania Conference of Bishops The New Liturgical Movement >> Catholic World News :Vatican Rumors Point to Struggle over the Liturgy The New Liturgical Movement >> A Call to Priests The New Liturgical Movement >> More Benedictine Arrangements [UPDATED]

Ten Star Edition: Tuesday, October 14th, 2008

Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> Benedict XVI: "Bible must be read through Faith " RORATE CAELI >> Summorum Pontificum clarification document The Traditional Latin Mass in Michiana >> Extraordinary Form for All Saints Day in South Bend

Early Afternoon Roundup - Tuesday, October 14th, 2008

The New Liturgical Movement >> Instruction on Summorum Pontificum in Early January 2009 ? WDTPRS >> More about the upcoming CDW changes WDTPRS >> Pope Benedict speaks up at the Synod on problems and directions of exegesis WDTPRS >> Lourdes: Latin forbidden? TLM “absolument interdit”? Obligatory concelebration ? In the Light of the Law >> Bp. Kicanas on Catholic pro-abortion politicians The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> Interview with Cardinal Pell

Nine Star Edition - Monday, October 13th, 2008

In the Light of the Law >> American Sign Language as a Catholic pastoral language The Way of the Fathers >> Interpreting Ephesians The Way of the Fathers >> The Blond Fathers WDTPRS >> A glimpse back to last week WDTPRS >> Joint Statement of the Bishops of Dallas and Forth Worth, USA WDTPRS >> In Italian: De Mattei’s intervention at the Rome “Summorum Pontificum” conference

EWTN Program Alert: Sunday, October 26th - "Into Great Silence"

A friend mentioned this in an email. Check the TV lineup on EWTN for Sunday, October 26th, 2008 . At 9 PM Eastern time, " Into Great Silence " is being shown in its entirety. Either print out this calendar or mark this date! US only! Step into the riveting silence of Philip Groning's stunning new documentary on the spirituality of Carthusian monks. Filmed without narration and very little dialogue at the Monastery of the Grand Chartreuse in France, Mr. Groning captures the brimming vitality of monastic life and the overpowering sound of God.

Evening Roundup - Sunday, October 12th, 2008

The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> CDW Rumors (more Archbp. Ranjith discussion) WDTPRS >> CDW changes... curial politics at work (see above for hint of content...) WDTPRS >> Bp. Serratelli: FOCA - an alarm for decent Americans to wake up (Bp. Serratelli "telling it like it is...") WDTPRS >> Madison, WI: Call To Action types attack Bp. Morlino in the local newspaper (rant warning!) WDTPRS >> Anointing with "Oil of Gladness" will now stop WDTPRS >> D. of St. Cloud, MN: norms for TLM

Early Afternoon Roundup - Sunday, October 12th, 2008

The Black Biretta >> Voting for Politicians The New Liturgical Movement >> Solemn Requiem (Usus Antiquior), Rome WDTPRS >> UK seminaries: the seminarians are making the difference WDTPRS >> Arizona: TLM news Whispers in the Loggia >> "An Inspiration for India"

WDTPRS >> TULSA: Vocation of spiritual motherhood for priests

Fr. John Zuhlsdorf of " What Does the Prayer Really Say ?" has found one of those marvelous stories that just makes one smile. Spiritual motherhood? Read on and kudos to the Diocese of Tulsa and their marvelous Bishop, H.E. Bishop Slattery ! What a great idea!

Noon - Saturday, October 11th, 2008

The Catholic Review >> Catholic Medical Association adds new life (Paul McMullen; this is on the CMA's Annual Meeting being held in Baltimore over this past week) St. Peter Canisius Apostolate >> Shine like the stars in the sky The Way of the Fathers >> Doctors of the Church--Surgeons too The Way of the Fathers >> Two Cities, One Lecture (Fr. Joseph Koterski, S.J. to appear at St. Vincent College, Latrobe, PA) Whispers in the Loggia >> Cheers in the Aula Whispers in the Loggia >> On Marriage

Three Star Edition: Friday, October 10th, 2008

American Papist >> Rumor: Abp. Burke's St. Louis replacement NCR >> Synod on the Bible: Shaping the imagination of 1.2 billion Catholics (John L. Allen, Jr.) RORATE CAELI >> ...ongoing rumor on Archbishop Ranjith... (we have this version ) WDTPRS >> Rumors about the CDW and Archbp. Ranjith (AND this version !) WDTPRS >> QUAERITUR: We have two TLM places - should we push for more ? WDTPRS >> Please pray! (the Leonine prayer to St. Michael!)

Evening Roundup - Thursday, October 9th, 2008

The New Liturgical Movement >> Rumour Watch: Ranjith to be Promoted to Metropolitan Archbishop of Colombo and "Little Ratzinger" Cañizares New CDW Prefect? (a more upbeat take on this than Rocco's take...) WDTPRS >> Scranton, PA anti-Catholic political cartoon WDTPRS >> Booklets for liturgical ceremonies from the Office of Pontifical Ceremonies ( here is the location )

Afternoon Roundup - Thursday, October 9th, 2008

Whispers in the Loggia >> Heading Home? (Rocco says The Tablet is reporting that Archbp. Malcolm Ranjith, a favorite of traditionalists, is now leaving CDWDS and heading home to be Archbishop of Colombo...sad...) Whispers in the Loggia >> "An Encounter with the Word": Synod Requests "Lectio"-n Day WDTPRS >> From a seminarian: “priests of the future are excited about tradition” WDTPRS >> QUAERITUR: In what colors are a priest to be buried ? WDTPRS >> The Bux protocol Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> Pray for India

Regional Mass News and Special Events - Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos to Celebrate TLM at the National Shrine in D.C.

Update 2, 9:08 PM, 10/08/08: I just received the email below. The initial "outline" of this event is indeed accurate. The only thing remaining is whether Cardinal Castrillon-Hoyos will accept. Thanks to John for his email! When asking my source about details on the Hoyos Mass at the National Shrine, he said that Cardinal Hoyos has indeed been invited to the Shrine to offer Holy Mass . The Archdiocese of Washington approved the invitation, and the date Cardinal Hoyos was asked to say (or sing!) Mass was December 13th . His Eminence has not (yet?) accepted the invitation, so the entire event remains up in the air . I wish I had better news, but I thought a follow-up was in order. Update : I've made several attempts to verify this information, but to no avail. As much as I want to believe this , it is possible that this was more rumor than fact. I apologize if this is the case. If I learn that this special event WILL take place, I will post ...

WDTPRS >> Holy Smoke: Are traditional Catholics losing hope? - Fr. Z responds

This is a response to an article by Damian Thompson that has made its way around the blogosphere . It is an excellent report and a MUST read especially for those who desperately want a TLM and don't know where to turn next. Fr. Zuhlsdorf has posted good advice for many of us.

Afternoon Roundup - Wednesday, October 8th, 2008 >> While Rome Talks, Québec Has Already Been Lost (Sandro Magister) St. Peter Canisius Apostolate >> The Word and the Trinity Summorum Pontificum >> Trad bloggers finally touching the Third Rail WDTPRS >> NCR: Richard McBrien interview on “one issue” politics Whispers in the Loggia >> Fall of the Philippines ?

5 Star Edition: Tuesday, October 7th, 2008 - Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary

LatinMassNetwork >> Traditional Latin Mass for St Joseph's Cathedral, Wheeling, WV (This is scheduled for the first Sunday of each month . If becomes a regular Sunday Mass, please notify me immediately and I'll list it!) RORATE CAELI >> Notes (Institute of Christ the King changes status!) The New Liturgical Movement >> Institute of Christ the King Now of Pontifical Right WDTPRS >> More (future Cardinal) Burke news WDTPRS >> K of C’s: radio ad features heartbeat of 10-week-old unborn child In the Light of the Law >> Hesburgh on women's "ordination"

Evening Roundup - Monday, October 6th, 2008

WDTPRS >> Fr. Bux responds to the “not enough Scripture” argument against TLM WDTPRS >> Pontifical Commission “Ecclesia Dei” - BIG NEWS ! (follow up to news from yesterday...) Summorum Pontificum >> A bit of good news regarding bishops and Summorum Pontificum (Brian Kopp) The New Liturgical Movement >> New Edition of the Breviarium Romanum (EF), with Imprimatur The New Liturgical Movement >> First "UA" Mass of Non-FSSP Priest at Ss. Trinita, Rome

Evening Roundup - Sunday, October 5th, 2008

Ars Catholica >> First Things on Art Standing on My Head >> Pro Life Chain Greenville, South Carolina The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> Linacre Ethics Forum The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> Worldwide Rosary for the Unborn The New Liturgical Movement >> The 4th Annual NLM All Souls Appeal; Priests: Wear Black

Afternoon Roundup - Sunday, October 5th, 2008

The New Liturgical Movement >> Official "Summorum Pontificum" Website of the Ecclesia Dei Commission Online ( website is here ) The New Liturgical Movement >> Opening Mass of the Synod of Bishops RORATE CAELI >> Defending the readings of the Traditional Mass Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> Respect Life !

Respect Life Sunday - Sunday, October 5th, 2008

Courtesy of ...

WDTPRS >> From a priest: I must “protect myself from persecution and ridicule” over the TLM

Fr. John Zuhlsdorf carries a post this evening from a young priest who is suffering terribly over his love for the Traditional Latin Mass. The post is heartbreaking. Please read it if you can at this link . I pray for the Holy Father, for bishops and for priests every day. They need our prayers . A post such as this is just one manifestation of what suffering may occur in being an " alter Christus ."

Noon - Saturday, October 4th, 2008 with Father John Zuhlsdorf

Catholics pro-abortion politicians, canon 915, and Red Masses ALERT: Wireless microphones banned by the US’s FCC (this needs wide circulation as many Churches use wireless mics!) QUAERITUR: Rights of students on campus to TLM under Summorum Pontificum AFRICA: Johannesburg … Pretoria … Summorum Pontificum No physical remains of Card. Newman in coffin at Rednal, England Benedict at the Popes’ old digs