Evening Roundup - Feria Quarta infra Hebdomadam XXIII post Octavam Pentecostes - Missa 'Dicit Dóminus' - October 31st, 2018
† The Feast of All Saints - In Festo Omnium Sanctorum - Missa 'Gaudeámus' - November 1st, 2018 - Propers † Traditional Latin Mass Calendar - October 29th, 2018 to November 4th, 2018 - Ordo for the Week † You Report: All Saints and All Souls Day TLMs Within the MD/DC/VA/WV Metroplex - November, 2018 (Juventutem DC Blog) CatholicHerald.co.uk (Fr Alexander Lucie-Smith) >> The Church must be clear: Truth is absolute and sinners must convert CatholicHerald.co.uk (Charles A. Coulombe) >> Halloween is more Catholic than you might think Catholic World Report - Blog (CNA Daily News) >> NY auxiliary bishop is credibly accused of sexual abuse CRUX (Christopher White) >> New York auxiliary bishop accused of sexual abuse CRUX (Associated Press) >> Bishop blasts whistleblower who copied sex misconduct files CRUX (Catholic News Service) >> Custom of dressing up for Halloween ‘devotional in spirit,’ says bishop Fr. Z's Blog (Fr. John Z...