Traditional Latin Mass Calendar - July 1st, 2019 to July 7th, 2019 - Ordo for the Week

Image Credit: Introibo ad altare Dei.Fr - 4ème Dimanche après la Pentecôte July, 2019 TEMPUS PER ANNUM POST PENTECOSTEN Monday, 1st - Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Pretiosissimi Sanguinis Domini Nostri Iesu Christi , Missa 'Redemisti Nos' , 1st Class, Red _ [Gloria & Creed; Preface of the Holy Cross; 2nd Vespers of the Most Precious Blood] Tuesday, 2nd - Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, In Visitatione Beatæ Mariæ Virginis , Missa 'Salve Sancta Parens' , 2nd Class, White [Gloria & Creed; Preface of the Blessed Virgin Mary; Commemoration: SS. Processus & Martinianus, Martyrs; 2nd Vespers of the Visitation] Wednesday, 3rd - St. Irenaeus, Bishop & Martyr, S. Irenæi Episcopi et Martyris , Missa 'Lex Veritátis' , 3rd Class, Red [Gloria; Common Preface] Thursday, 4th - Feria, Feria Quinta infra Hebdomadam III post Octavam Pentecostes , Missa 'Réspice In Me' ,...