Traditional Latin Mass Calendar - December 2nd, 2019 to December 8th, 2019 - Ordo for the Week - Season of Advent

December, 2019
- Monday, 2nd - St. Vivian, Virgin & Martyr, S. Bibianæ Virginis et Martyris, Missa 'Me Exspectavérunt', 3rd Class, Red [Gloria; Common Preface or Preface of Advent; Commemoration: Feria of Advent]
- Tuesday, 3rd - St. Francis Xavier, Confessor, S. Francisci Xaverii Confessoris, Missa 'Loquébar', 3rd Class, White [Gloria; Common Preface or Preface of Advent; Commemoration: Feria of Advent] (Missions: "Principal Patron", 1st Class, White, Gloria & Creed, Commemoration: Feria of Advent, 2nd Vespers of St. Francis Xavier)
- Wednesday, 4th - St. Peter Chrysologus, Bishop, Confessor & Doctor, S. Petri Chrysologi Episcopi Confessoris et Ecclesiæ Doctoris, Missa 'In Médio Ecclésiæ', 3rd Class, White [Gloria; Common Preface or Preface of Advent; Commemorations: Feria of Advent, St. Barbara, Virgin & Martyr]
- Thursday, 5th - Feria of Advent, Feria Quinta infra Hebdomadam I Adventus, Missa 'Ad Te Levávi', 3rd Class, Violet [Common Preface or Preface of Advent; Commemoration: St. Sabbas, Abbot]
- Thursday, 5th - Jesus Christ the High Priest, Missa de D. N. Iesu Christo Summo et Æterno Sacerdote, Missa 'Iuravit Dóminus', 3rd Class, White [Gloria; Common Preface or Preface of Advent; Commemorations: Feria of Advent, St. Sabbas, Abbot]
- Friday, 6th - St. Nicholas, Bishop & Confessor, S. Nicolai Episcopi et Confessoris, Missa 'Státuit', 3rd Class, White [Gloria; Common Preface or Preface of Advent; Commemoration: Feria of Advent]
- Friday, 6th - Sacred Heart of Jesus, Sanctissimi Cordis Domini Nostri Jesu Christi, Missa 'Cogitatiónes Cordis, 3rd Class, White [Gloria; Preface of the Sacred Heart; Commemorations: Feria of Advent, St. Nicholas, Bishop & Confessor]
- Saturday, 7th - St. Ambrose, Bishop, Confessor & Doctor, S. Ambrosii Episcopi Confessoris et Ecclesiæ Doctoris, Missa 'In Médio Ecclésiæ', 3rd Class, White [Gloria; Common Preface or Preface of Advent; Commemoration: Feria of Advent; 1st Vespers of the Immaculate Conception (with Commemoration of the 1st Vespers of the 2nd Sunday of Advent)]
- Saturday, 7th - Immaculate Heart of Mary, Immaculati Cordis Beatæ Mariæ Virginis, Missa 'Adeámus Cum Fidúcia', 3rd Class, White [Gloria; Preface of the Blessed Virgin Mary; Commemorations: Feria of Advent, St. Ambrose, Bishop, Confessor & Doctor; 1st Vespers of the Immaculate Conception (with Commemoration of the 1st Vespers of the 2nd Sunday of Advent)]

- Sunday, 8th - Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, In Conceptione Immaculata Beatæ Mariæ Virginis, Missa 'Gaudens Gaudébo', 1st Class, White [Gloria & Creed; Preface of the Blessed Virgin Mary; Commemoration: 2nd Sunday of Advent; 2nd Vespers of the Immaculate Conception (with Commemoration of the 2nd Vespers of the 2nd Sunday of Advent)]
Usus Antiquior - Ordo for the 2020 Liturgical Year
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