St. Henry the Emperor, Confessor - S. Henrici Imperatoris Confessoris - Missa 'Os Iusti' - July 15th, 2020 - Propers

Image Credit: CatholicIreland.Net - St Henry the Good (972-1024): Holy Roman Emperor
St. Henry the Emperor, Confessor
S. Henrici Imperatoris Confessoris
Missa 'Os Iusti'
3rd Class
[Gloria; Common Preface]

Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin - Complete version  (Click Here; DivinumOfficium.Com, 7-15-2020)

Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin, PDF Format (Click Here; ST HENRY July 15)

Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin - PDF Format  (Click Here; Latin Mass Propers: ExtraordinaryForm.Org, JULY 15, ST. HENRY OF GERMANY)

Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin - Complete version  (Click Here; Introibo ad altare Dei.Fr, Latin/French; St Henri, empereur et confesseur)

Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin  - Complete version (Click Here; Commune Confessóris non Pontíficis (I)   /   S. Henrici, Imperatoris et Confessoris)

♫ The Chant of Le Barroux: Office for 2020-07-15

+++++++++++++++++++++++ (Live & Recorded TLM Masses)
Memorial of Saint Bonaventure, Bishop and Doctor of the Church
USCCB Daily Mass Readings; Click here

Boston Catholic Journal: Roman Martyrology, Complete, July 15th

CatholicSaints.Info: Saints of the Day: 15 July

Saint of the Day (Catholic Online): St. Bonaventure

Tags: TLM Propers; St. Henry the Emperor, Confessor; Missa 'Os Iusti'; Memorial of Saint Bonaventure, Bishop and Doctor of the Church (N.O.); 2020; F.S.S.P. Link to Live & Recorded TLM Masses on; S. Henrici Imperatoris Confessoris
