Sunday Mass Edition - Third Sunday after Easter - Dominica Tertia Post Pascha - Missa 'Iubiláte Deo' - May 8th, 2022

Third Sunday after Easter, Dominica Tertia Post Pascha, Missa 'Iubiláte Deo', May 8th, 2022 - Propers

Gregory Nazianzen, Bishop, Confessor & Doctor of the Church, S. Gregorii Nazianzeni Episcopi Confessoris Ecclesiæ Doctoris, Missa 'In Médio Ecclésiæ', May 9th, 2022 - Propers

Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - May 2nd, 2022 to May 8th, 2022 - Propers for the Week | Third Sunday after Easter
