Wednesday Mass Edition - Feria Quarta infra Hebdomadam XXI post Octavam Pentecostes OR SS. Chrysanthus & Daria, MM OR USA: St. Isidore the Farmer, Conf. - October 25th, 2023

†       Feria,  Feria  Quarta  infra Hebdomadam  XXI post Octavam Pentecostes,  Missa  'In Voluntáte Tua',     Commemoration:  SS. Chrysanthus and Daria, Martyr - October 25th, 2023 -  Propers

†       SS. Chrysanthus & Daria, Martyrs,   Ss. Chrysanthi et Dariæ Martyrum,   Missa 'Intret' - October 25th, 2023 - Propers

†       USA:  St. Isidore the Farmer, Confessor,  S. Isidori Agricola, Confessoris,  Missa 'Iustus Ut Palma', Commemoration: SS. Chrysanthus & Daria, Martyrs - October 25th, 2023 - Propers

†       Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - October 23rd to October 29th, 2023 - Propers for the Week | Christ the King
