Thursday Mass Edition - St. Lawrence Justinian, Bishop and Confessor - Missa 'Státuit' OR Jesus Christ the High Priest - Missa 'Juravit Dóminus' - September 5th, 2024

†          St.  Lawrence  Justinian,  Bishop  and  Confessor,   S.  Laurentii  Justiniani  Episcopi  et  Confessoris,   Missa  'Státuit' - September 5th, 2024 - Propers

†          Jesus  Christ  the  High  Priest,   Missa  de  D.  N.  Iesu  Christo  Summo  et  Æterno  Sacerdote,   Missa  'Juravit  Dóminus',   Commemoration:  St.  Lawrence  Justinian,  Bishop  and  Confessor -  September 5th, 2024 - Propers

†         Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - September 2nd, 2024 to September 8th, 2024 - Propers for the  Week | Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost
