
Showing posts with the label Ascension Thursday

Evening Edition - Feria After the Ascension - Missa 'Viri Galilaei' or St. Boniface, Martyr - May 14th, 2010

Acton Institute PowerBlog >> Interview: Economics and the Reality of Things (Rev. Robert Sirico) Catholic Herald, UK >> Pope: Catholics should be ready for martyrdom in a secular society (Anna Arco & John Thavis) Catholic Herald, UK >> Robin Hood inflated to epic size (Andrew M. Brown) First Thoughts >> Contracepting the Passions Musings of a Pertinacious Papist >> Predestination for Dummies New Liturgical Movement >> St Theodore the Studite on Sacred Images New Liturgical Movement >> Ascension Thursday, North Lincolnshire, England Patrick Madrid >> Pope Benedict implores Catholics to join him in evangelizing The Cathoholic >> Love Actually: Girls on their own, and hating it The hermeneutic of continuity >> New blog - Motus Septentrionalis WDTPRS >> MAN BITES DOG ! (as they say about " taste ," "De gustibus non est disputandum." ) WDTPRS >> Benedict XVI in Oporto: “How m...

Ascension Thursday, Traditional (Gregorian, Tridentine) Masses Locally

Some are seeking the location of a "Traditional Latin Mass" (Gregorian, Tridentine, Usus Antiquior) for the Feast Day, Thursday. I use the term TLM after a discussion on the blog "What Does the Prayer Really Say?" and this was the consensus choice over other choices. Saint Alphonsus Church in Baltimore has the TLM scheduled on Thursday night at 7:00 PM. In addition, on Thursday, there is a Solemn High Mass being celebrated at St. John the Baptist in Front Royal, VA at 7 PM, and a TLM at Saint Bernadette Church in Silver Spring at 7:30 PM. Here are the Propers for that Mass, Missa 'Viri Galilaei' ( Tridentine Latin Rite Missal Project ). Please let me point out that two of the Masses above are posted on the Events Calendar used by this blog . In addition, kindly note that the link to this calendar is also in the "header" (the blue field containing the blog title) as well. Finally, anyone may post an event on this calendar! When someone does...

Ascension Thursday Solemn High Mass - St. John the Baptist Church, Front Royal, VA

I just received this email: Dear friends, Just passing this information: St. John the Baptist Church in Front Royal, VA will be offering a Solemn High Mass on Thursday - Ascension Thursday- at 7:00 pm. I checked the Parish bulletin for May 17th and there was no mention of this. As St. John's did have a May Crowning yesterday after their Sunday TLM, I pray that this was announced then. My source has been totally reliable!

Afternoon Roundup - Saint John Baptist de la Salle (EF) and Saint Isidore (OF) - May 15th, 2009

Acton Institute PowerBlog >> Interview: Adriana Gini, neuroradiologist and bioethicist Creative Minority Report >> Angels and Demons: A Cinematic Bomb New Liturgical Movement >> New ICEL music but why the secrecy? New Liturgical Movement >> Annual Eucharistic Procession from the Angelicum with Archbishop Raymond Burke Transalpine Redemptorists at home >> + "No other name ..." To refuse submission to Pope Benedict is not an option + WDTPRS >> QUAERITUR: What office to say on Ascension Thursday WDTPRS >> ICEL preparing musical settings based on Gregorian chant WDTPRS >> My rant about Ascension Thursday Sunday WDTPRS >> Talking points for the Notre Dame scandal WDTPRS >> New books argues concerning TLM and Communion in the hand, altar girls Whispers in the Loggia >> At Catholic-Jewish Desk, the Torch-Pass Begins

Reminder: Saint Bernadette, Silver Spring, MD - Usus Antiquior, Ascension Thursday, May 21st, 2009

Folks, I have a fair number of people who frantically search for the TLM Mass when it is offered at Saint Bernadette's Church in Silver Spring, MD. I gather that it must be a very popular venue. This Mass on the Ascension was posted on this date . I IMPLORE you to remind those at Saint Bernadette's to also check here . You will find the Mass on the calendar for May 21st. The first thing I do when I received notice is to post Masses for St. Bernadette's on the Public Calendar. I hope this assuages some fears!