
Showing posts with the label Auto Accident

In Memoriam: Dr. Thomas Dillon, President, Thomas Aquinas College

I am stunned by the number of searches for information on Dr. Thomas Dillon who tragically died in an auto accident in Dublin, Ireland. The number of searches on this little blog for articles has been nothing short of astonishing. He must have been an incredible soul, and I pray that he rests in Eternal Peace. Here is a short summary of just some of the articles appearing today to help those looking for information: Cardinal Newman Society VenturaCountyStar Catholic Exchange Catholic News Agency Catholic Blog Articles on Dr. Dillon Last night I posted an article by Robert Moynihan, Editor of Inside the Vatican . It has not been cited a great deal, but it is a very moving precis. Look for it on late Wednesday, April 15th on this blog. It was the first article I could find.