When visitors get frustrated...
I am extremely happy to see the many visitors who end up on this site. As I am using Site Meter, I also get to see which search terms you have used in "Google" that lands you here. It is a bit disconcerting, however, when visitors put in search terms (which I can see) which lead them here but do not find the correct story they are looking for immediately on screen. Worse yet, I know that story is here because I posted it. Google has "cached" these terms you have entered and knows the story is somewhere on this blog (but may appear more than once). By the way, this explains the numerous labels I've entered after each story; this is to help you define a search string. Please note that in the upper left hand corner, there is a Blogger icon with a field to search this blog. If your story does not pop into view immediately, you can enter the search terms to check the archives. I was able to find several recent stories instantly using the search string the u...