Morning Roundup - St. Monica, Widow - Missa 'Cognovi' - May 4th, 2010
ADW Blog >> Truth in the New Translation Series: The Opening of the Roman Canon (excellent explanation on the new and more faithful liturgical translation; part of a new series) Ars orandi >> Collect of the Day: St. Monica A Trail of Flowers >> Feast of St. Monica Catholic Hour >> Growing up with Vatican II Creative Minority Report >> Suicide Keeps Your Kids Out of Jail Domine da mihi hanc aquam >> Not the peace we are longing for Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> Tuesday, Easter Wk 5: "They stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city, supposing that he was dead. " Mulier Fortis >> Video clips... (of a TLM Mass!) Musings of a Pertinacious Papist >> Divine grace & the conversion of Hadley Arkes New Liturgical Movement >> Bishop Peter J. Elliott: Keying Into the Emergent New Liturgical Movement Secondhand Smoke >> “The Whispers of Strangers,” or How I Got Myself Into This Mess (compelling!) S...