
Showing posts with the label Chrism Mass Homily

Catholic Review Online: Chrism Mass a privileged moment

His Excellency Archbishop Edwin O'Brien has posted his homily from the Chrism Mass in his weekly column entitled, "Thoughts on Our Church," in the Catholic Review Online . Here is a part of his homily: Good Catholic people – and I humbly address all of you and all whom you represent – deacons and consecrated sisters and brothers, seminarians and laity at every level of diocesan and parish leadership: I know that I speak for your priests, here in such impressive numbers, in expressing our thanks for your indispensible collaboration in preaching the love of Christ and promoting the life of the Church in this great Archdiocese. And I pray that you will see in this Mass a significant opportunity to demonstrate your love and appreciation of your priests. If it be God’s will, may the intended priestly focus of this Chrism Mass stress the uniqueness of ordained priesthood and generate the graces so necessary to encourage many more priestly vocations of the kind we see here. A...

WDTPRS: The Holy Father’s Vigil Sermon - theological starting points for liturgy, ad orientem worship

I listened to the Homily of His Holiness Pope Benedict at the Chrism Mass and I was enthralled by his thoughts. He had many "nuggets" for thought in his reflection. He ended by mentioning this sentence, " In the early Church there was a custom whereby the Bishop or the priest, after the homily, would cry out to the faithful: " Conversi ad Dominum " – turn now towards the Lord . As many of you know, this subject of " ad orientem " worship has been discussed fairly often by Father John Zuhlsdorf of " What Does the Prayer Really Say ?" He has an analysis of the Holy Father's Homily and it is a MUST read .