
Showing posts with the label Christendom College

UPDATE: Status of TLM Masses in Charles Town, Front Royal, Harper's Ferry, etc.

In response to my post of yesterday , my WV "source" has given me some updated information. The following is a redacted version so it flows as a single story: Next Sunday, February 15th, at 12:30 PM there will be a Solemn High Mass at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Front Royal, VA. It will be the last Mass celebrated by Fr. Pollard before being transferred to St. Isidore in Orange, VA. The Mass will be assisted by Fr. Gee from Christendom College. Fr. Pollard will be replaced by Fr. Richard Carr. Christendom College offers a Latin Novus Ordo Mass on Wednesdays and Fridays at 11:30 AM, and a Mass of Blessed John XXIII -the extraordinary form- on Tuesdays 7:30 AM. Fr. Gee has been recently transferred to Christendom. It was announced yesterday at St. John the Baptist in Front Royal that for the Solemn High Mass, Fr. Gee would be helping. I presume this means that Fr. Gee is interested in the Extraordinary Form. The TLM at St. James is no longer on a weekly ...

Christendom College News and Events: Students Lead Hundreds of Thousands in the March for Life

The News and Events segment of the Christendom College website begins its article of January 23rd this way: On January 22, the entire student body of Christendom College, including members of the faculty and staff , led hundreds of thousands in protesting abortion at the 36th Annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. Select students were given the honor of carrying the lead March for Life banner as well as the official March for Life flags. Photo Credit: Christendom College, Front Royal, VA Fantastic!

Christendom College Choir and Schola Gregoriana

As the website indicates , " The Christendom Choir is a men's and women's choir which sings for Sunday and feast day Masses on campus. The choir sings sacred polyphony by such noted masters as Palestrina, Victoria, and Josquin des Prez. Occasionally the group gives performances off campus." This page from Christendom College has a number of choir pieces available for download free using the interface. The choir includes a variety of seasonal hymns and chants. Have a look. It is a nice collection !

Christendom College News and Events: NDGS Initiates New Programs in Education and Culture

Christendom College's Notre Dame Graduate School is beginning two new programs: one is in Montessori catechesis and one is in Catholic culture . The program in Montessori catechesis is quite intriguing as the original Montessori program was once infused heavily with Catholic religious education before it was revamped for a more secular audience. Please check this interesting story ! H/T: CNA for this story!

AmericanPapist:: Pope trip: Friday Mar 28 Roundup

Thomas Peters of AmericanPapist does a really nice job of gathering five stories germane to the Holy Father's visit in April . One is the story posted below from The New Liturgical Movement . Highly recommended !

Tuesday Evening Report

I seem to have gotten into a Catholic education motif today for some reason. Apropos to that (or perhaps not) a couple of items caught my eye: American Papist has a wonderful story on what blogger Tom Peters calls a "shout out" by Pope Benedict XVI for Christendom College in Virginia. Bravo ! On the other hand, Creative Minority Report has a story about an Indiana University which shunned the advice and protests of the local Ordinary . Finally, Father Zuhlsdorf straightens out the confusion as to when the Feast of St. Joseph and the Feast of the Annunciation should be celebrated according to the 1962 Missale Romanum when the former falls during Holy Week . Busy day!