
Showing posts with the label Director of the Archdiocesan Office of Worship

Catholic Review Online: Archdiocese establishes office for worship

George P. Matysek Jr. files this important story in the Catholic Review Online . Monsignor Robert J. Jaskot is stepping down as Chancellor of the Archdiocese and has been appointed as Director of the Archdiocesan Office of Worship by Archbishop Edwin O'Brien . As the story explains: The new office will provide support and education to parishes in the area of liturgy and worship. Monsignor Jaskot expects to have the office up and running by September after completing his licentiate in canon law at The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. In addition to heading the office of worship, Monsignor Jaskot will serve as an adjunct faculty member and teach an introductory sacraments class at St. Mary’s Seminary, Roland Park. [...] Monsignor Jaskot said liturgy has always been one of his passions. He holds a licentiate in sacred theology in dogmatic theology specializing in sacraments from the Pontifical Athenaeum of St. Anselm in Rome. His bachelor’s degree in sacred theol