
Showing posts with the label EWTN radio

Papal Visit Schedule, Wednesday, April 16th, 2008

The schedule for Wednesday is courtesy of EWTN which will cover most of the Holy Father's appearances live on TV and on Radio : THE WHITE HOUSE Pope Benedict XVI is received by President and Mrs. Bush at a White House welcoming ceremony, followed by a private meeting between the President and the Pope, and the dignitaries of the two states. Wednesday, April 16, 10:00 AM Eastern Encore April 16, 2PM & 9PM. ADDRESS TO THE BISHOPS OF THE UNITED STATES Pope Benedict XVI gathers with the 350 bishops of the United States for a prayer service and address at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC. Wednesday, April 16, 5:00 PM Eastern Encore April 16, 11:30PM. April 17, 4AM.

"Shepherd One" is about one hour out. I'm deskbound at work! Help!

You can log in to the EWTN site for live coverage! Catholic Register has this great site with blogging and live feed! This blog has both the Radio and TV feeds linked in the lower right menu . Please expect to find a huge volume, however. The radio site or the Catholic Register site may be better for live coverage. I'm sure Catholic Register has its own server so it can handle the volume The New Liturgical Movement has a nice post by Fr. Mitch Pacwa on the Liturgy !

Papal Visit to Washington, DC and New York

Remember to keep it here--on EWTN--for the Papal visit on either radio and TV . I am hearing that Sirius radio will also carry the EWTN feed via radio.