
Showing posts with the label Episcopal Reaction

WDTPRS: Mass of Ages: Ignacio Barreiro on implementing Summorum Pontificum

Father Zuhlsdorf has a long post on an article taken from the magazine," Mass of the Ages, " written by Msgr. Ignacio Barreiro . The long "point by point" discussion is well worth reading. In short, what is allowed and what is proscribed now that the TLM is again freely available? [...] The strongest of them, and the one I have to ponder a while, is the argument that whoever wishes the principal also desires what is accessory . It seems to me that we can’t just leap to the assumption that all those old decrees and so forth from the Sacred Congregation of Rites are all revived with Summorum Pontificum or that canons in the old Code are still in force, for example obliging women to wear chapel veils, etc. True, true...