
Showing posts with the label FOCUS

CNA: Catholics begin ‘ongoing dialogue’ after university’s porn screening canceled

CNA has a thorough report on the "movie flap" at College Park and the role of the Catholic Chaplain, Fr. Kyle Ingels, in helping to present the Catholic side to the campus at-large: CNA spoke with Fr. Ingels in a Thursday phone interview. He said the Catholic Student Center had been “very involved” in the “ongoing dialogue” about the event. He reported that the center had engaged in many calls, e-mails and conversations with students, parents, faculty and administrators about the controversy. Explaining the purpose of the student center’s programs on Catholic sexual ethics, Fr. Ingels said: “We want to promote a healthy dialogue about human sexuality. We believe it is a beautiful gift from God.” He explained there are Bible studies run by the Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS) which address the “big three” issues: sobriety, chastity and excellence. A student center group named “Triple X” discusses Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body. According to a...

Mount Saint Mary's "The Mountain Echo" is Publishing Again!

Father Brian, Seminary grad, returns to his 'dream job' Archbishop sets goals for Baltimore Diocese Campus Ministry adds FOCUS New FOCUS group comes to Mount with mission in mind

The Mountain Echo: FOCUS missionaries coming to campus

Katie Sechrist of Mount Saint Mary's reported April 30th in " The Mountain Echo " that FOCUS is coming to campus this coming Fall . Here is a snippet from Katie's article: "FOCUS will be coming at the invitation of the archbishop of Baltimore and President Powell, there is a great desire for scripture and FOCUS provides trained individuals for that, they will also reach out to others. This will supplement what Campus Ministry is doing," said Msgr. Swetland, who is the East Coast chaplain for FOCUS and will be involved with their training as well as newly appointed Chaplain and Director of Campus Ministry, Fr. Brian Nolan. In order for a team from FOCUS to come to a university, the bishop of that diocese must approve. Since there has been a transition within the diocese, one of the first things that Archbishop Edwin O'Brian did was approve for the group to come to the Mount at the request of President Powell. Please read the article linked here ! Here...

FOCUS - Fellowship of Catholic University Students

FOCUS describes itself in this way : Founded in 1998 by Curtis Martin, FOCUS, The Fellowship of Catholic University Students, is a national outreach to college campuses, to secular and Catholic schools. Through small group Bible studies, large group leadership training, and one-on-one discipleship, FOCUS brings the fullness of life and truth in the Catholic Church to college students and gives the tools to help them share this good news with their friends. FOCUS is working to play a vital role in the new evangelization called for by Pope John Paul II. FOCUS teaches recent college graduates, trains them in the teachings of the Church, Scripture and practical aspects of ministry, and sends them out typically in teams of four to serve on college campuses. FOCUS staff members make an initial two-year commitment to this full-time work. FOCUS works with the blessing of the local bishop and the support of the pastor and existing ministry(ies). FOCUS requires the blessing of t...