
Showing posts with the label Father John Corapi

Eleventh Hour Election Alert - Fr. John Corapi, SOLT

Fr. Corapi produced a half hour video today that all Catholics (and Americans) should see. It expounds upon what Bishop Rene H. Gracida just said boldly in a recent radio spot. (He is the Bishop that ordained Fr. Corapi a Deacon). As YouTube has a ten minute limit on posts, the entire post is divided into three segments--Parts 1, 2 and 3--of ten minutes each. The video can be found here: Eleventh Hour Election Alert !

Father John Corapi, SOLT

Anyone who watches EWTN regularly certainly knows of Fr. John Corapi. Some may have watched his entire series on the Catholic Catechism, or seen any number of other series this powerful preacher has done. He once estimated, not in boasting, that as many as one billion people may have heard his Catechism series. This is the power and potential of multimedia which has been praised by Pope John Paul II and by Pope Benedict XVI. Father's style of speech is powerful and he clearly loves being a priest. He says that he prepares for every hour of speaking by several hours of prayer before the Holy Eucharist. It is evident. The YouTube below is a shortened version of his original audiotape on his own conversion. If you are traveling this summer, and if you want to listen to some quality Catholic tapes, check his talks available on SOLT . You might even sign up for his newsletter. I did.... Father's John's speaking schedule has slowed down. We need to hear him now on ta...

Holy Week Schedule-EWTN

Here is the Triduum Schedule from EWTN in Eastern Time in the U.S. I call your attention to a one hour " Triduum " show scheduled for 8 AM and again at 11 PM. This is the Triduum series by Father John Corapi, S.O.L.T. that was first produced in the late 90's. It is outstanding! The one hour shows for Holy Thursday and Good Friday are especially so. If you find a chance to watch this series of three shows, please do so.