
Showing posts with the label Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter

Morning - Chair of Saint Peter - Missa 'Statuit Ei Dominus' - February 22nd, 2010

ADW Blog >> But Is It Bigotry ? Ars orandi >> Collect of the Day: Chair of St. Peter Catholic Spiritual Direction >> Penance and Mortification – What is the difference ? Creative Minority Report >> Abortion Doctor Mocks Pro-Lifers Domine da mihi hanc aquam >> Satan, the First Poacher First Things >> Why “Freedom of Worship” Is Not Enough (Ashley Samelson) First Thoughts >> Should the Scarlett “A” be for Animal Abuse ? Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> Feast of the Chair of Peter: "I exhort the presbyters " Mulier Fortis >> The Suppository's Supporting Role In "Stand Up" Comedy... New Liturgical Movement >> New Translations Already in Use RORATE CÆLI >> When will the horror of Communion in the hand stop ? (see comments by Fr. Z. on this story below) Standing on My Head >> Abortion Mills Going Out of Business The Catholic Thing >> Let It Snow (Robert Royal) The Spiritual Exerc...

Chair of Saint Peter - Missa 'Statuit Ei Dominus' - February 22nd, 2010

Image Credit: Chair of Saint Peter Missa 'Statuit Ei Dominus' White 2nd Class [Gloria & Creed] [Comm: St. Paul (under one conclusion), Feria ] Latin Mass Propers Online (Click Here) Downloadable Latin Mass Propers, Una Voce, Orange County (Click Here) In the Sight of Angels >> IN CATHEDRA S. PETRI, AP. Chair of St Peter, Apostle 2nd Class, White (Lauds II; commem. of feria at Lauds and Vespers) Gregorian Chant Propers: Cathedræ S. Petri, Apostoli +++++++++++++++ Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter, Apostle USCCB Daily Mass Readings (Click here) Saints of the Day & Link to Daily Divine Office MP3's Saint of the Day: Chair of Peter

19:30 Roundup - Saturday, February 21st, 2009

Breviarium Romanum >> Quinquagesima Sunday: "as 'in a mirror dimly '" Catholic Church Conservation >> Father Wagner explodes ecclesiastical bomb RORATE CÆLI >> The Sunday in Quinquagesima and the Chair of Saint Peter The New Liturgical Movement >> Confession Makes a Comeback WDTPRS >> Charlottesville VA: Dominican Rite Missa Cantata scheduled WDTPRS >> NYT: priest revives confession in his parish, liberal loser runs it down WDTPRS >> Kmiec on Holy See’s Pelosi visit statement, Justice Scalia, duties of jurists

Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter

"Today, the Latin-rite liturgy celebrates the Feast of the Chair of St Peter. This is a very ancient tradition, proven to have existed in Rome since the fourth century. On it we give thanks to God for the mission he entrusted to the Apostle Peter and his Successors. "Cathedra" literally means the established seat of the Bishop, placed in the mother church of a diocese which for this reason is known as a "cathedral"; it is the symbol of the Bishop's authority and in particular, of his "magisterium", that is, the evangelical teaching which, as a successor of the Apostles, he is called to safeguard and to transmit to the Christian Community. When a Bishop takes possession of the particular Church that has been entrusted to him, wearing his mitre and holding the pastoral staff, he sits on the cathedra. From this seat, as teacher and pastor, he will guide the journey of the faithful in faith, hope and charity. So what was the "Chair" of St ...