5th Sunday after Pentecost - Missa 'Exaudi Domine' - June 27th, 2010
Image Credit: Catholic Resources.Org - Matthew 5. 20-24 5th Sunday after Pentecost Dominica V Post Pentecosten ~ II. classis Missa 'Exaudi Domine' 2nd Class Green [Gloria & Creed; Preface of the Holy Trinity; 2nd Vespers of the 5th Sunday after Pentecost] [Paschaltide III] Latin Mass Propers Online- Full Latin ( Click Here; VirgoMaterDei.Com ) The Latin version of the Epistle in the link above is incorrect; use this version from Divinum Officium. "Caríssimi: Omnes unánimes in oratióne estóte, compatiéntes, fraternitátis amatóres, misericórdes, modésti, húmiles: non reddéntes malum pro malo, nec maledíctum pro maledícto, sed e contrário benedicéntes: quia in hoc vocáti estis, ut benedictiónem hereditáte possideátis. Qui enim vult vitam dilígere et dies vidére bonos, coérceat linguam suam a malo, et lábia ejus ne loquántur dolum. Declínet a malo, et fáciat bonum: inquírat pacem, et sequátur eam. Quia óculi Dómini super justos, et aures ejus in preces eórum: vultus autem...