
Showing posts with the label Fr. Paul Mankowski SJ

EWTN Classics: The Prayer of Lady Macbeth: How the Contraceptive Mentality Has Neutered Religious Life

Some messages are classics. Rev. Paul V. Mankowski, S.J., Professor of Biblical Studies at the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome, published this article in the Spring 1993 issue of "Faith & Reason" . It is now in the EWTN Library and it still resonates with profound truth. [...] Suppose for a moment that a Catholic comes to believe that the teaching Church is wrong in condemning contraception but right about everything else. How does he judge the Church wrong in the one case? As we have seen, by reference to some standard that is more reliable than the Church. But how does he judge the Church to be right in the other million-and-one instances? Obviously, only in virtue of the same standard by which he found her defective. It is absurd, not to say insane, to claim that one obeys, or is faithful to, the Church in those areas in which he happens to agree with her because "happens to agree" is the operative phrase. If my pocket calculator has prove