
Showing posts with the label France

Afternoon - Feria of Epiphanytide - Comm: St. Hyginus, Pope & Martyr - January 11th, 2010

AmP >> Offbeat: Actor Mark Wahlberg’s first date with future wife was taking her to Mass A Priest Life >> U.S. Bishops Call on Parishes to Help Stop Abortion Funding in Health Care Reform ADW Blog >> The Didascalia: A Sometimes Humorous Look at the Liturgy of the Early Church (Sandro Magister) >> Benedict XVI to the Diplomats: Three Levers for Lifting Up the World Love Remains the Same >> Screwtape Lives Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> Monday, 1st Wk: “Come after me " Mulier Fortis >> Standing Up For What Vatican II Actually Said... New Liturgical Movement >> There's no debating taste when it comes to music at Mass RORATE CÆLI >> The Collapse of the Church in France SECRET HARBOR >> Intimacy with God The Black Biretta >> YEAR FOR PRIESTS international clergy conference a COMPLETE SUCCESS WDTPRS >> How to make altar boy program grow by 500% WDTPRS >> Msgr. Guido ...

Eleven Star Edition - Friday, September 12th, 2008

RORATE CAELI >> Pope Benedict on Summorum Whispers in the Loggia >> Another "Blue Mass" Too Many Whispers in the Loggia >> "God Does Not Forget!" Whispers in the Loggia >> "In the Church, Everyone Has a Place" Ars Catholica >> Well, there are at least 12 people...

Late Afternoon Roundup: Friday, September 12th, 2008

AmericanPapist >> Updated: 9 (10) bishops have responded to Sen. Joe Biden >> "To seek God and to let oneself be found by Him" (Pope Benedict XVI) Whispers in the Loggia >> To the World of Culture: Seek God Whispers in the Loggia >> Pope at the Palace


FSSP transform a modernistic free-standing altar into a very beautiful High Altar. The church that this took place in is in France and is now operated by the Fraternity of St. Peter. The complete time for this "Altar-ation" was just about 15 minutes! The music is Jeanne Barbey's "Te Deum."