
Showing posts with the label Funerals

Afternoon -Thursday after Ash Wednesday - Missa 'Dum Clamarem' - February 18th, 2010

First Things >> The Drama of the Christian Funeral (Michael P. Orsi) First Thoughts >> Reno on Theology and Apologetics First Thoughts >> Mississippians Go to Church the Most Insight Scoop >> "In Memory of Ralph McInerny" by Charles E. Rice New Liturgical Movement >> Sing the Offertory During Lent (check this out!) New Liturgical Movement >> Installation of New Abbot of Clear Creek OSV Daily Take >> Washington Archdiocese ends foster care program due to same sex 'marriage' law Seminarians for Life >> Same-sex ´marriage´ Law Forces D.C. Catholic Charities to Close Adoption Program The Catholic Thing >> Arthurus Stratfordus (Brad Miner) The Divine Life >> Swimming the Tiber from Down Under Transalpine Redemptorists at home >> Station at St. George's Vultus Christi >> For My Oblates . . . and Others

Afternoon - Feria of Advent - Missa 'Gaudete' - December 15th, 2009

American Papist >> Update: Everything Health Care ADW Blog >> Talking (Tough) Truth at Funerals (Msgr. Pope is an amazing priest!) A Trail of Flowers >> The Snowman Breviarium Romanum >> Bethlehem, 'House of Bread': "Nisi Dóminus ædificáverit domum " Domine da mihi hanc aquam >> Non serviam ! Insight Scoop >> "O' Unity Tree, O' Unity Tree " Insight Scoop >> WYD 2010 Theme: "If You Want To Cultivate Peace, Protect Creation " Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> Tuesday, Third Wk Advent: "you did not believe " New Liturgical Movement >> Quatuor Tempora: Advent Embertide this Wednesday, Friday and Saturday (great explanation of Ember Days) SUFFERING WORLD >> Burn them! or "Catholic Room 101 " SECRET HARBOR >> Cultivating Our Spiritual Second-Sight The Catholic Thing >> Rerum Novarum (Robert Royal) The Way of the Fathers >> What's...

Early Evening Roundup - Pentecost Friday (Ember day - EF) or Saint Boniface, Bishop, Martyr (OF) - June 5th, 2009

Acton Institute PowerBlog >> The Government Stole Andrew's Quarter (video) In the Light of the Law >> State-sanctioned suicide and ecclesiastical funerals (Dr. Peters peers into the future once again for us...) New Liturgical Movement >> USCCB Getting the Hang of Things (Directory of NAB Psalms and responses posted!) Preacher and Big Daddy >> Parochial-School Graduation Sermon (I agree with commenter, Mary) WDTPRS >> New possible Secretary for Cong. of Divine Worship ? WDTPRS >> QUAERITUR: Birettiquette

WDTPRS >> Praying for the dead

Fr. John Zuhlsdorf catechizes all of us when he reminds us that funerals involve praying for the dead . Please read his post today. It clears up many misconceptions that have crept into our consciousness. Also, Fisheaters has a list of prayers that are appropriate . The days when priests would say as many Masses as possible on All Souls Day are long gone. I recall when all three altars--yes, we had three--were being used to say Mass for the souls in Purgatory.