
Showing posts with the label Hans Kung

Morning - St. Anselm, Bishop, Confessor & Doctor - Missa 'In Medio Ecclesiae' - April 21st, 2010

AmP >> Humor: The Pope plays Scrabble A Priest Life >> Official Site for the Holy Shroud of Turin ADW Blog >> A More Awful Thing. A Lament on the Culture of Death (Powerful!) Ars orandi >> Collect of the Day: St. Anselm A Trail of Flowers >> Perseverance Catholic Hour >> Handling the Truth (Sandro Magister) >> Kennedy Case. The Bishop Flunks the Professor (If you have missed this series, please begin now! It is fascinating!) Creative Minority Report >> Papers, Papers Please Domine da mihi hanc aquam >> Dealing with doubt First Things >> An Open Letter to Hans Küng (George Weigel) First Thoughts >> Orientale Lumen (David Mills) Insight Scoop >> The Ukrainian Diaspora vs. the Soviet Union: A Story of the Renewal of the Ukrainian Catholic Church Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> Wednesday, Easter Wk 3: "There broke out a severe persecution of the Church " The C...

Morning - Feria in Paschaltide - Missa 'Misericordia Domini' - April 20th, 2010

A Priest Life >> Tears in Malta: "After 25 years, now I can go back to church " ADW Blog >> On Fetal Pain and the Humanizing of the Abortion Debate A Trail of Flowers >> To behold the sun Creative Minority Report >> Sin and Cafeteria Catholicism Domine da mihi hanc aquam >> On the dangers of telling the truth First Thoughts >> Imagine the Loss of the Christian Holy Places Insight Scoop >> Uh, that's the "Hans Küng Catholic Church," not "the Roman Catholic Church " Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> Tuesday, Easter Wk 3: "you always oppose the Holy Spirit " Ordo recitandi >> Tuesday after the Second Sunday after Pascha Shouts in the Piazza >> William D. Borders The Catholic Thing >> On the Reception of Good Men (Rev. James V. Schall, S.J.) The New Theological Movement >> The Use of the Latin Language in the Liturgy Vultus Christi >> Oremus pro pontifice nos...

Early Roundup - Friday, July 25th, 2008 - Feast of St. James

AmericanPapist >> Humanae Vitae 40th Anniversary Post FIRST THINGS: On the Square >> The Anniversary of Humanae Vitae (Joseph Bottum) The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> Ironia pós-conciliar The New Liturgical Movement >> Fœderatio Internationalis Juventutem - Report following WYD WDTPRS >> LA STAMPA: Hans KÜNG on Pres. Bush and Pope Benedict XVI