
Showing posts with the label Holy Day Obligation

Evening - Fifth Day In The Octave of Christmas - December 29th, 2009

ADW Blog >> The Church Must Be Willing to Be A Sign of Contradiction A Trail of Flowers >> Saint Thomas of Canterbury New Liturgical Movement >> December 29th: King David and St. Thomas Becket New Liturgical Movement >> Introit from the Midnight Mass, Westminster Cathedral OSV Daily Take >> 2009: A turning point for U.S. bishops ? (Russell Shaw) WDTPRS >> WDTPRS POLL: attacks on the Pope and the sedia gestatoria WDTPRS >> REMINDER - 1 January - Holy Day of Obligation

Visitors ask...when is the Feast of the Ascension celebrated?

For those who used the venerable "Baltimore Catechism," the date was 40 days after Easter which meant "Ascension Thursday." Those who follow the Traditional Liturgical Calendar will celebrate the Feast tomorrow (thus the title of the posts referring to today as the Vigil of the Feast of the Ascension ). For the Ordinary Form in the U.S., it is not so simple . Here is the link to . Note that : Answer: Ascension Thursday falls on May 21, 2009, and it will be celebrated on that day in the ecclesiastical provinces of Boston, Hartford, New York, Newark, Philadelphia, and the state of Nebraska . In these Arch(Dioceses), this refers to the Ordinary Form Mass of the Latin Rite as well as the Usus Antiquior . However, the USCCB has decided to allow this Feast to be moved to the Sunday following (which is the Seventh Sunday after Easter) if the Ordinary decides this is beneficial. Therefore, most of the rest of the US commemorates this Feas...

Early Roundup - Thursday, May 1st, 2008

The "roundup" for today has several very important articles about which you should be aware. I will place these three items "first" in the "roundup list" and mark them in maroon. Please be sure to read them! The New Liturgical Movement >> Important Assertions by Cardinal Castrillon The New Liturgical Movement >> Dr. Alcuin Reid on the Transfer of Holy Days of Obligation WDTPRS >> Alcuin Reid on the Transfer of Feasts in the Traditional Roman Calendar to Sundays (more commentary on the same subject above) LatinMassNetwork : Saint Joseph the Worker WDTPRS >> Archd. of Washington D.C. responds, sort of, about Senators receiving Communion at papal Mass

Early Roundup - Thursday, April 24th, 2008

The Black Biretta : Catholic Catharsis (a great post by Fr. Trigilio) WDTPRS : Quaeritur: How to fulfill Holy Day Obligation WDTPRS : Ireland: TLM training for priests WDTPRS : PCED clarifies: Summorum Pontificum 6 allows vernacular readings instead of Latin (this was reported too on The NLM) D.C. Catholic : St. Rose of Lima: Haven for Dissidents ? (Voice of the Faithful alert)