
Showing posts with the label Holy Week 2009

Visitors ask...Saint James the Greater Church, Charles Town, WV - Holy Week, 2009

For some reason, many people searching for the Holy Week schedule for Saint James in Charles Town, WV are missing it. It was posted here; please click this link .

Visitors ask...Schedule for Holy Week at the National Shrine Grotto of Lourdes at Mount Saint Mary's

The full schedule can be found here .

Holy Week Schedule - Saint James the Greater Catholic Church, Charles Town, WV

I just received this good news from my friend at Saint James. The TLM will be celebrated by the Canons of the New Jerusalem at St. James in Charles Town, WV. Palm Sunday, April 5th - 3:00 PM Mass Parish Reconciliation Service – April 8th, Wednesday, 7:00 PM (Dom Daniel will be one of the priests hearing confessions) Good Friday Liturgy with Veneration of the Cross, April 10th - 12:00 noon Good Friday Stations of the Cross, April 10th - 3:00 PM Easter Sunday, April 12th - 3:00 PM Mass Easter Monday, April 13th – 8:00 AM Mass Easter Tuesday, April 14th – 8:00 AM Mass Low Sunday in Octave of Easter, April 19th – 9:30 AM Mass

Finding a Mass or Passion Service During Holy Week in the Maryland Area: How to Proceed

Okay, if you have landed here, you are in the right place, but you will have to do this logically... First, you need to find a Parish. Then, you need to call the Rectory and find out when Masses or Services are held; many have recordings at this time of year. This is not listed in any master database...sorry, I wish I could say otherwise. In the Maryland, DC, Arlington area: First, if you are looking for the Extraordinary Form Mass, the Usus Antiquior , the Tridentine, a Latin Mass or the Gregorian Rite, those Holy Week listings are here (and will be updated all week). If you are simply looking for a "Novus Ordo" or "regular" Sunday Mass (or Passion Service), proceed as follows: Near Baltimore and not near D.C. or its adjacent Maryland suburbs, find a Parish here . In Maryland but on the Eastern Shore near Salisbury or Ocean City, go here . In D.C. or along the Western shore of Maryland along the Chesapeake Bay, find a Parish here . South of D.C. and across the ...

Saint James the Greater Church, Charles Town, WV - Holy Week Update

I am delighted to say that I received an email from my contact at Saint James the Greater in WV. It appears that the Canons of the New Jerusalem plan to return to Saint James for Holy Week this year. When a schedule is finalized, I will post it. In the meantime, please consult this earlier post from a while back . It contains information on a Yahoo email list Group that this Parish is using to keep people informed on the TLM at Saint James. I would encourage you to join this Yahoo Group if this TLM Mass appeals to you as official information about Saint James in WV is released through that Group.

Holy Week and Easter Schedule 2009 for TLM (Tridentine) or Latin N.O. Parishes in MD, DC, VA, PA, and WV

Last update: 03/30/08: This post will be updated as further information comes in . Note that much of this has been gleaned from PDF files of Parish Bulletins. Emails to me of updates to your Parish would be MOST appreciated . The area covered is only MD, DC, VA, PA, DE and WV. Note too that only Latin or Tridentine Mass Parishes are included here. Saint Alphonsus Church, Baltimore, MD Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption, Baltimore, MD (Latin N.O.) Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Gainesville, VA Saint Benedict's Chapel, Chesapeake, VA Saint Catherine of Siena, Great Falls, VA Saint Francis de Sales, Benedict, MD (TLM on Easter Sunday) Saint James Catholic Church, Charles Town, WV (Canons of the New Jerusalem) Saint John the Evangelist, Silver Spring, MD Saint John the Baptist, Front Royal, VA (I presume the Mass for Easter at 12:30 is a Tridentine Mass; also, the regular Monday Mass at 7 AM in the Chapel will be a TLM beginning April 13th) Saint Joseph's Ca...

Holy Week and Easter Schedule 2009 - Saint Alphonsus Church, Baltimore, MD (TLM)

Holy Week and Easter Schedule 2009 - Saint Alphonsus Church, Baltimore, MD (TLM) Sunday, April 5th, Palm Sunday - 11:30 AM - TLM Mass with blessing and distribution of palms Monday, April 6th, N.O. Masses at 7 AM and 12:10 Noon; Confessions from 11 AM to Noon Tuesday, April 7th, Same as Monday Wednesday, April 8th, Same as Monday but with Tenebrae at 7 PM Thursday, April 9th, Confessions 11 AM to Noon; 7 PM - TLM Mass and Procession to the Repository Following Friday, April 10th, 8 AM Rosary and Procession; Noon to 3 PM: Seven Last Words; 3 PM - Liturgy of the Passion and veneration of the Cross; 5 PM - Stations of the Cross Saturday, April 11th, Confessions 11 AM to Noon; 7 PM- TLM Easter Vigil Mass Easter Sunday, April 12th, 11:30 AM - TLM Mass Sunday, April 19th, Divine Mercy Sunday: 11:30 AM - TLM Mass with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Divine Mercy Chaplet and Procession and Benediction immediately following Mass NOTE: I will be happy to post the Holy Week Schedule for...