
Showing posts with the label How to Set Up Google Reader. Reader Blog Site

Official Google Reader Blog: Google Reader for Beginners

Some of you are like me... You have a number of blogs you just HAVE to follow each day. So, you may make up a folder in your Bookmarks or Favorites, and you do the "daily cycle" to see what is posted. Some of you return as many as 7 times in one day! Google offers a Reader that can function in a variety of ways. Google also now offers a tutorial site on how to set up and use a Google Reader . The icon in the window with this blog address has an orange symbol which allows one to subscribe using an RSS reader. There are other feeds as well such as Feedburner. If you are someone who likes to check out several blogs each day or several times per week, please check out the Google site. It is great, informative and free! Just go here !