
Showing posts with the label Jubilate Deo

Visitors ask...Jubilate Deo Sunday or Jubilate Deo Mass

I presume this refers to " Jubilate Sunday ." As the inestimable New Advent Catholic Encyclopedia explains , The third Sunday after Easter, being so named from the first word of the Introit at Mass — " Jubilate Deo omnis terra " (Psalm 65). The Introit for this Mass is: Jubilate Deo , omnis terra, alleluia: psalmum dicite nomini ejus, alleluia: date gloriam laudi ejus, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. -- Dicite Deo, quam terribilia sunt opera tua, Domine. In multitudine virtutis tuae mentientur tibi inimici tui. V.: Gloria Patri . . . -- Jubilate Deo, omnis terra . . .

Visitors ask...Jubilate Deo Chants (or Chant Books)

I often get searches labeled "Jubilate Deo Chants" or some such. For more info on anything musical, I'd point you first to the MusicaSacra website , the premier website with regard to sacred music. The "Jubilate Deo" book of chants from 1974 and from 1987 is covered nicely by Adoremus here . Note that this link has MP3 versions of some of these chants for you to download. Adoremus has a hymnal with many of these chants available as described here . Some are also Anglicized. Note that G.I.A. Publications has not only the Jubilate Deo Hymnal, but also the entire library including the Graduale Romanum, Graduale Simplex, etc. To examine this series, check this link for G.I.A .

Adoremus: Jubilate Deo Latin Chants

I am saddened that more Catholics are unaware of or do not actively support Adoremus. This site strives for beauty in our Masses and liturgy and is readily available on the web . The organization publishes a monthly newsletter and asks only for donations for support. Sadly, the questions/answers on the back page concerning routine "irregularities at Mass" or violations of the GIRMs is one of its most popular features. I have noted "seekers" who wish to find basic Latin hymns or even a "smattering of Chant" and want to know where to find it? Well, here is a link to a vital page that is a beginning. This is to what the Second Vatican Council considered to be the barest minimum of traditional Chants and Hymns taken from the Graduale Romanum . It came to be known as the Jubilate Deo and is published here by Adoremus . Note it is linked to an MP3 format. Here is a link to their full Table of Contents on music articles . Please join !