
Showing posts with the label L'Osservatore Romano

Afternoon Roundup - Pentecost Friday (Ember day - EF) or Saint Boniface, Bishop, Martyr (OF) - June 5th, 2009

FIRST THINGS: On the Square >> Today's Practical Problem (Brian A. Graebe) New Liturgical Movement >> Another First Solemn Mass on Pentecost The Alphonsianum >> The Words of a Dying Man to Jesus Crucified The Catholic Thing >> Margaret Sanger: Hillary’s Hero (George Marlin) Transalpine Redemptorists at home >> Letter about the Beginning of the Year for Priests WDTPRS >> Polyphonic TLM in Ramsgate, Kent Whispers in the Loggia >> Under Pressure, L'Osservatore Clears the Air

Early Afternoon Roundup - The Ascension of Our Lord (EF) or Thursday of the Sixth Week of Easter - May 21st, 2009

New Liturgical Movement >> Images from Westminster Cathedral New Liturgical Movement >> Ascension Introit: Viri Galilaei The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> Criticism of L'Osservatore Romano builds WDTPRS >> A gloss on Fr. Jenkin’s introduction of Pres. Obama WDTPRS >> QUAERITUR: What do you mean by “liturgy” in need of “reform”? WDTPRS >> QUAERITUR: priests extending hands at the time of ordination WDTPRS >> Some PR advice for the Holy See WDTPRS >> Wiegel on L’Osservatore Romano’s “fideist credulity” Whispers in the Loggia >> L'Osservatore "Simply Observes"

Evening Roundup - St. Peter Celestine (EF) or Tuesday of the Sixth Week of Easter - May 19th, 2009

American Papist >> Why did Obama use "children" over "fetus" to describe the unborn? The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> Letter from Cardinal Hummes on year of Priesthood The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> Petition on Holy Days (return Ascension, Corpus Christi, Epiphany to their correct days) The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> Collect for St Simon Stock WDTPRS >> Bp. Finn (D. KC, MO) on Notre Dame, Obama’s speech WDTPRS >> L’Osservatore Romano… what the…?!?

Evening Roundup - St. Gregory of Nazianzen (EF) - May 9th, 2009

Take the TLM-MD Mass Poll! In the Light of the Law >> Lay ministers of holy Communion should stop offering "blessings-in-lieu-of-Communion" at Mass (Dr. Edward Peters) Preacher and Big Daddy >> E Pluribus Unum (Easter Exegesis III) The Alphonsianum >> Of the Virtues of the Blessed Virgin Mary Shouts in the Piazza >> Anglicans Should Look to the Pope for Unity The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> Cukierski Family Apostolate (truly an amazing family!) New Liturgical Movement >> The Theology and Metaphysics of the Gothic Cathedral - part 3 WDTPRS >> America Magazine… climbing the invisbile ladder WDTPRS >> The puzzling editorial in L’Osservatore Romano WDTPRS >> Lay ministers offering “blessings-in-lieu-of-Communion” at Mass - Nooooo….. Whispers in the Loggia >> Tim on Schools: "These... Are... Worth... Fighting... For"

Evening Roundup - Ember Friday (EF) or Friday of the First Week in Lent (OF) - March 6th, 2009

Standing on My Head >> Fish Eaters The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> Pounding a priest ? (indeed!) The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> Visit to Oxford The New Liturgical Movement >> The Music Speaks Along with the Words WDTPRS >> Pope Benedict’s fascinating Q&A Whispers in the Loggia >> Reading the L'Osservatore Leaves

Early Roundup - Thursday, November 20th, 2008 >> At the Vatican, One Newspaper Is Making Noise. For Some, Too Much (Sandro Magister...fascinating stuff!) FIRST THINGS: On the Square >> Reel Aliens (Russell E. Saltzman) Standing on My Head >> FOCA Standing on My Head >> 89% of Abortions...

Afternoon Roundup - Saturday, May 17th, 2008

Creative Minority Report >> What Part of No Did You Not Understand? (this story was first reported by RORATE CAELI using a translation of a story in L'Osservatore Romano appearing today ) Catholic-Hierarchy News >> Cardinals by Seniority

A Fascinating Contrast Appearing on the Same Day!

Catholic World News today reports that H.E. Archbishop Piero Marini, former Master of Ceremonies to the Holy Father, tells "L'Osservatore Romano" that the liturgical changes following Vatican II are "irreversible ." The motu proprio , the archbishop said, was intended primarily to appeal to those Catholics who have a special connection with the pre-conciliar liturgy . He said that the document was “only a gesture to serve unity.” Meanwhile, Fr. John Zuhlsdorf of " What Does the Prayer Really Say ?" posts a nice story today on the TLM celebrated at Seton Hall University accompanied by a link to over 150 photos ! In attendance were over 50 students, a great many of them seminarians. In his homily Father Grimm stressed the importance of Catholic traditions , stating that the Extraordinary Form is the same Mass of countless saints including Padre Pio and Elizabeth Ann Seton. After Mass students whom never experienced the Extraordinary Form were great...

NLM: Interview with Cardinal Castrillón carries some important comments

Gregor Kollmorgen of The New Liturgical Movement carries an interview from L'Osservatore Romano with Cardinal Castrillon-Hoyos with some fascinating disclosures . Here is just one: [...] "The pope offers to the Church a treasure which is spiritual, cultural, religious and catholic. We have received letters of agreement also from prelates of the orthodox churches, from anglican and protestant faithtful. Lastly there are some priests of the Fraternity of Saint Pius X who, exceptionally, are searching to regularize their position. Some of them have already signed the formula of adhesion. We are informed that there are traditionalist lay faithful, close to the Fraternity, who have begun to frequent Masses in the older rite offered in the churches of the dioceses." His full translation is here .