
Showing posts with the label Lefebvrists

Afternoon Roundup- Feria - (Comm: SS Marcellinus, Peter & Erasmus, Martyrs) - June 2nd, 2010

A Priest Life >> Father Hardon on Family Crisis, Part 2 Ars orandi >> Why Catholics Believe in the Blessed Trinity A Trail of Flowers >> Childhood (Sandro Magister) >> With the Lefebvrists, Ecumenism Doesnt Come Cheap First Thoughts >> Ecological Catastrophe, Uneasy Conscience Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> "I remind you to stir into flame the gift of God " New Liturgical Movement >> Sandro Magister on Dialogue with the SSPX, the Hermeneutic of Continuity and the Progress of Ecclesia Dei Mulier Fortis >> I Love Lourdes... Priests for Life >> Abortion and African Americans Reflections of a Paralytic >> Andrea Bocelli Tells a “Fairy Tale” About Abortion Secondhand Smoke >> “Assisted Suicide: Why Now? ” SECRET HARBOUR >> Here is Christ ! WDTPRS >> Benedict XVI, Pope of Christian Unity, criticized for openness to the SSPX WDTPRS >> QUAERITUR: A TLM ...

Saint Thomas Aquinas - Wednesday, January 28th, 2009

American Papist >> Worse than FOCA: Prevention First Act >> No More Excommunication for the Lefebvrists. But Peace Is Still Far Off (Sandro Magister) Domine, da mihi hanc aquam >> Homily for Saint Thomas Aquinas (repost) RORATE CAELI >> Pope speaks about SSPX in General Audience Whispers in the Loggia >> BXVI Tackles SSPX Whispers in the Loggia >> Amid Clash, a Kaddish