
Showing posts with the label Liturgical Music

Evening Roundup - Ember Friday in the Octave of Pentecost - Missa 'Repleatur Os Meum' - May 28th, 2010

Catholic Hour >> Seatbelts and Abortion First Thoughts >> Robert George's New Voice (David Mills) New Liturgical Movement >> Sing a New Song, Please (send this to your Pastor!) New Liturgical Movement >> Marian Festival at St. John Cantius Church New Liturgical Movement >> Winnipeg Residents Establish Society of St. Gregory II and Coordinate Solemn Vespers The Anchoress >> God is not sophisticated enough The hermeneutic of continuity >> Judgementalism The hermeneutic of continuity >> News from Chartres WDTPRS >> SHOCK! A Cardinal is pro-life ! WDTPRS >> Being "judgemental." Fr. Finigan hits for six !

Late Afternoon - Feria - Missa 'Esto Mihi' - February 16th, 2010

AmP >> Pope Benedict: “Witness awakens Vocations ” Ars orandi >> The Traditional Lenten Fast Insight Scoop >> Benedict XVI on vocations, priesthood, and "the ideal of the consecrated life " Love Remains the Same >> The Food of Truth New Liturgical Movement >> Liturgical Musicians: Do We Act Like Children ? New Liturgical Movement >> Contemporary Representational Sacred Art: Some Proposed Issues and Solutions (1 of 2) New Liturgical Movement >> This is the last day to sing Alleluia Priests for Life >> It’s About Protecting Basic Human Rights RORATE CÆLI >> A complete formation for Chicago seminarians SECRET HARBOR >> Cleaning the Temple for God The Divine Life >> St. Onesimus and the formation of the New Testament Canon The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> New media and the priest The League of Bearded Catholics >> Screwtape and Lent The Spiritual Exercises >> In Preparation Vultus Chr...

Afternoon Roundup - Tuesday of Passion Week - March 31st, 2009

American Papist >> *Breaking: Pope Sends Apostolic Visitors to the Legionaries of Christ * (more detail added) The New Liturgical Movement >> Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 3 - The Mass of Holy Thursday and the Mandatum The New Liturgical Movement >> More on Passiontide Veiling and a New Roman Frontal The New Liturgical Movement >> Episcopal Consecration in Charleston, SC The Recovering Choir Director >> Lessons in liturgical music from the Light of the East WDTPRS >> Patrick Buchanan on Notre Shame WDTPRS >> Archbp. Nienstedt writes to the Pres. of Notre Dame

Evening Roundup - Wednesday of the Second Week in Lent - March 11th, 2009

Standing on My Head >> The Good, the Bad and the Ugly WDTPRS >> Air Maria is live streaming the rally in Hartford Connecticut! WDTPRS >> Gov. of CT to committee meeting WDTPRS >> Benedict’s Letter in English: Fr. Z comments (Anna Arco translation)

Evening Roundup - Saturday After Ash Wednesday - February 28th, 2009

The Recovering Choir Director >> “Some thoughts on liturgical music” The New Liturgical Movement >> Msgr. Guido Marini Speaks Again on the Liturgy, Its Forms and Its Importance The New Liturgical Movement >> Italian Conference on Liturgical Reform of Benedict XVI WDTPRS >> QUAERITUR: a priest functioning as a deacon WDTPRS >> POLL: The Sunday Meal

Ten Star Edition: Wednesday, November 12th, 2008

Seminarians for Life >> Hope for Pro Life People Standing on My Head >> Mass in Wartime (see WDTPRS below) The New Liturgical Movement >> Letter from Pontificia Commissio Ecclesia Dei concerning various music questions WDTPRS >> REVIEW: Angelus Press 2009 Calendars (magnificent!) WDTPRS >> Relive the thrills: the USCCB discusses liturgical translation ("this is Pelagian"...) Whispers in the Loggia >> FOCA = Lights Out ? (Bp. Thomas Paprocki nails it)

Early Afternoon Roundup - Thursday, August 7th, 2008

The Recovering Choir Director >> ICEL responds, or not (more in the discussion with ICEL about copyright fees on downloads which adds to the NLM story) The Way of the Fathers >> Pressing for Details (olive 'press,' that is... sigh!)

Early Afternoon Roundup - Friday, May 24th, 2008

Creative Minority Report >> Liturgical Institute Announces Music Retreat (Mundelein, IL) WDTPRS >> QUAERITUR: Where to get a decent cassock in the USA ? (good tips in the comments section) WDTPRS >> Benedict XVI’s Prayer to O.L. of Shenshan, for the Chinese People - also a Fr. Z request Whispers in the Loggia >> History's Deepest Revolution

Early Roundup - Wednesday, April 16th, 2008

Charlotte Was Both : Music in the WaPo (the liturgical music featured at Masses - something initially brought up by Jeffrey Tucker often - gets a major story!) The New Liturgical Movement : Washington Post on the Music Wars The New Liturgical Movement : Requiem Mass (Usus Antiquior) at the Cathedral in Siena The Black Biretta : Vatican Soil: the Embassy of the Holy See (a.k.a. Apostolic Nunciature) First Things: On the Square - Who Will Save Catholic Schools?