
Showing posts with the label Matthew D'Adamo

Catholic Review Online: Lecture will explore dangers of New Age movement - August 3rd

George P. Matysek, Jr. has a story on an upcoming lecture by Matthew D'Adamo on the New Age Movement in this week's Catholic Review . Here is a brief snippet: Mr. D’Adamo, who has since attended Catholic seminars about the New Age movement and has studied the phenomenon extensively, will give a free talk on the dangers of the New Age movement beginning at 7 p.m. on Aug. 3 at the Church of the Annunciation. Mr. D’Adamo said he is concerned that New Age principles are entering the mainstream and leading people away from the Catholic faith. He cited a book promoted by Oprah Winfrey, titled “A New Earth” by Echart Tolle. Mr. D’Adamo said that the popular volume presents an alluring spirituality and philosophy that is at odds with Christianity. To read the entire story, check Mr. Matysek's article . Note too that Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. of EWTN has written on this phenomenon as well. His book is excellent.