
Showing posts with the label Ministries

Visitors ask...Cathedral of Mary Our Queen, Baltimore

Visitors sometimes land here but don't realize that many of the items they are seeking are archived by Google because they are linked within the right menu in either the collection of Latin/TLM Mass locations or in the Blogroll and Favorite Websites. Such a one is the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen. The Cathedral is the major Cathedral of the Archdiocese of Baltimore . It is located near St. Mary's Seminary and not far beyond Loyola University. Here is a list of the Ministries at the Cathedral . Someone recently was seeking the Schola of Baltimore and I presume this would fit . It is a Schola for Men at the major Cathedral although there may be others of which I am unaware. As Baltimore is the home of the Baltimore Symphony, the Lyric Opera House and the Peabody Institute , I am certain there are other scholas available.