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Evening Roundup - Fifth Sunday after Easter (EF) or Sixth Sunday of Easter (OF) - May 17th, 2009

Creative Minority Report >> Some Thoughts From the Speech (Editorial Comment: I saw none of it so I am posting as comments come in) Notre Dame (a website set up in advance of the commencement) Transalpine Redemptorists at home >> A letter from "J" WDTPRS >> Pondering the Notre Dame Commencement (this is essentially the message for now; there is nothing further...yet) Whispers in the Loggia >> Springtime in the Sanctuary (Ordinations!) Whispers in the Loggia >> "In the End, We Are All Fishermen" - Website Launched

A website called has been launched . The purpose of the site is stated as follows: In defense of the unborn, we wish to express our deepest opposition to Reverend John I. Jenkins, C.S.C.’s invitation of President Barack Obama to be the University of Notre Dame’s principal commencement speaker and the recipient of an honorary degree. Our objection is not a matter of political partisanship, but of President Obama’s hostility to the Catholic Church’s teachings on the sanctity of human life at its earliest stages. Further, the University’s decision runs counter to the policy of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops against honoring pro-choice politicians. We cannot sit by idly while the University honors someone who believes that an entire class of human beings is undeserving of the most basic of all legal rights, the right to live. Additionally, Fr. Jenkins has put some of his students into a position of moral dilemma as to whether they