
Showing posts with the label New Advent

Visitors ask...Why is Pentecost called "Whitsunday?"

The totally indispensable New Advent Encyclopedia states: " Whitsunday is so called from the white garments which were worn by those who were baptised during the vigil..." Every Catholic should bookmark the New Advent website...

A treasure trove for information on all things Catholic

I have just added another item to the Blogroll and Favorite Websites to the right side. The site is New Advent . It is listed in menu as a Catholic Encyclopedia but it is far, far more . New Advent is a compilation of encyclopedia , the Summa Theologica , the Church Fathers , the Douay-Rheims Holy Bible (Challoner) and a Library . If you want to find out about the Council of Chalcedon, it is there . If you want to look up Good Friday, the Easter Vigil, a particular saint, Church history, whatever--it is here. This is a treasure trove and I find myself browsing on it from time to time. I just wanted you to know it is here.

New Advent: the Catholic Treasure Trove

Okay, so it's 3:44 AM and you can't sleep. So, what's to read? Suppose you have a hankering for " Dominicae Cenae " by Pope John Paul II? Or, perhaps it's been a while since you've perused " Humanum Genus " by Pope Leo XIII. The New Advent Catholic Library is an incredible resource . From Church Encyclicals to "quick questions" from This Rock's all there. And, if you want to read the Summa , check out St. Catherine of Siena on the New Advent Encyclopedia or read some of the Church Fathers , the links are just along the right upper margin. Now, get some sleep. There's time to read in the morning...