
Showing posts with the label Papal Visit

Evening Roundup - Pentecost Tuesday - Missa 'Accipite Iucunditatem' - May 25th, 2010

Acts Of The Apostasy >> Oh No!!! Another Bailout !! (this is hysterical) Bill Petro >> History of Towel Day (great read and a pretty good movie...) Creative Minority Report >> A Fetus is Anti-Abortion ? First Thoughts >> Catholics Killed While on Mission in 2009 First Thoughts >> Does Quantum Physics Render Transubstantiation Meaningless ? (Okay, so the miracle of transubstantiation is made impossible by evidence from a field of science which has such terms as "strangeness," "charmed quarks," and "gluons?" Right...that settles it for me.) Insight Scoop >> Quantum Physics and Transubstantiation (see above) New Liturgical Movement >> Official Photos from 2010 Pèlerinage de Chartres Pentecôte Mulier Fortis >> Admission By Ticket Only... ? RORATE CÆLI >> ¡Feliz bicentenario ! RORATE CÆLI >> Past and future events Standing on My Head >> Mary Glasspool Ordained as Episcopaga...

Afternoon Roundup - Pentecost Tuesday - Missa 'Accipite Iucunditatem' - May 25th, 2010

Catholic Hour >> Protestant "Verses" Catholic Creative Minority Report >> Darn It!! This Little Girl Likes Herself Damian Thompson >> Anxieties over the Papal visit to Britain Insight Scoop >> Tolerated in America, Persecuted Abroad Secondhand Smoke >> Obamacare: Massachusetts Storm Warning The Anchoress >> Lost: Yes, Purgatory – UPDATED The Catholic Thing >> Gliding Serenely into Heresy (Hadley Arkes) The Divine Life >> Fifth era of Catholic-Orthodox relations WDTPRS >> REVIEW: Pope Pius Clock WDTPRS >> WDTPRS: Whit Tuesday Whispers in the Loggia >> "The Culture of Discretion " Whispers in the Loggia >> Why Transitions Matter

Afternoon Roundup - Feria After Ascension - Missa 'Exáudi, Dómine' - May 21st, 2010

Catholic Herald, UK >> Shrouded in mystery: the image on a linen cloth (David V. Barrett) Catholic Herald, UK >> Organisers say most Catholics will have to follow papal visit at home (Mark Greaves & Simon Caldwell) Creative Minority Report >> Fr. Barron: Why Did God Create the World ? Insight Scoop >> Benedict XVI reflects on the "priceless cultural and artistic heritage" of Christianity New Liturgical Movement >> Catholic Music: Behind the Curve New Liturgical Movement >> Parish Book of Chant, Accompaniments The Catholic Thing >> Catholic Identity: Shall We Talk ? (John W. Carlson) WDTPRS >> Bp. Tobin (D. Providence) on the new translation of the Roman Missal WDTPRS >> Prayer request: seminarian with cancer WDTPRS >> PODCAzT 102: Exploring the new English translation of the Roman Canon; voicemail

Early Roundup - Tuesday, April 22nd, 2008

I tip my hat to Amy Wellborn who has a link to this marvelous blog . The Benedict in America blog is a treasure trove of information, has all his Papal addresses in the US, and links to lots of other great items. It is a chronology of his entire visit. Creative Minority Report : Wonderful Story About a Sick Boy and the Pope The New Liturgical Movement : Most Impressive Papal Event The New Liturgical Movment : Pope Benedict Speaks to Youth About Liturgical Prayer WDTPRS : Brick by brick...ring kiss by ring kiss

Early Roundup - Monday, April 21st, 2008

First Things: On the Square >> The Papal Week That Was by Fr. Richard John Neuhaus The Black Biretta : Boycott HBO (Fr. John Trigilio warns of graphic content and offensive language in part of this post) The New Liturgical Movement : Gregor Kollmorgen has linked to some thought about what the "new-old" Papal staff "says" The New Liturgical Movement : Forty Hours Devotion and Eucharistic Process at Notre Dame (the University in South Bend, IN) WDTPRS : NatReview: Kathleen Parker - In Praise of Criticism (commentary by Fr. Zuhlsdorf)

Late Evening - Sunday, April 20th, 2008

RORATE CAELI: "May God bless America !" The Black Biretta : HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MOTHER ANGELICA! The perfect birthday gift for an 85 year old Religious Sister who has built a television network that now broadcasts the Gospel to billions of people worldwide can be found here . Please consider making a donation.

Noon Roundup: Sunday, April 20th, 2008

I have a family commitment today, so this may be the only post. Only the Lord knows! D.C. Catholic: Editorial: Papal Mass at Nationals Stadium (in response to a post by Fr. John Zuhlsdorf of What Does the Prayer Really Say ?) The New Liturgical Movement : Final Coverage for the Papal Visit to the USA WDTPRS : SSPX Refuses to Sign an Agreement with the Holy See WDTPRS : Photos from Card. Castrillon's Pontifical TLM in Rome WDTPRS : Benedict XVI's Prayer at Ground Zero WDTPRS : Fr. Imbelli at Boston College: ad orientem with students

Visitors ask...Papal Mass DVDs and TLM Vestments

How do I get a DVD or CD of the Papal Masses from the Holy Father's visit? EWTN is already offering the DVD for the Papal Mass in Washington, D.C. , but it is out of stock. I would keep an eye on this EWTN location . It is sure to have ALL the Papal Masses eventually. Also, if I get word from the Archdioceses of Washington and New York, I will post a link. I am looking for classical Tridentine Mass vestments and/or items for the Tridentine Mass ( Extraordinary Form ; Usus Antiquior , TLM). Where can I find these? I am not an expert on this and I am sure that other sites have far better lists of suppliers. However, if you look at the very end of the FAQs for this blog , there is a category listing several places which sell Mass vestments and liturgical supplies. Note that one is an Order of Religious Sisters in Scranton, PA who specialize in making vestments for the F.S.S.P.

Late Afternoon Roundup: April 19th, 2008

The New Liturgical Movement : Sing to the Lord a New Song The Recovering Choir Director : Music List for the Papal Votive Mass (at St. Patrick's today, audio links to EWTN ) What Does the Prayer Really Say : Music lineup for Mass at Yankee Stadium Bonfire of the Vanities : The Pope Says 'Hi" (Washington, DC) Whispers in the Loggia : Grand Inquisitor Faces Inquisition

Papal Visit Schedule, Sunday, April 20th, 2008

Compliments of the USCCB Papal Visit Site Sunday, April 20th 9:30 a.m. - Visit to Ground Zero New York City 12 Noon - PreMass Activities Yankee Stadium 2:30 p.m. - Mass Yankee Stadium 8 p.m. - Departure via Shepherd One JFK International Airport

Papal Address at Catholic University of America To Educators

I am indebted to the USCCB Papal Visit site which has the full text of the address to Catholic Educators given yesterday evening . The site also has the full Papal Visit Schedule in the right menu . Many New Yorkers are seeking this info! Welcome!

Early Roundup - Friday, April 18th, 2008

Amy Wellborn on "Listen and Learn" (with some comments on her story last night and on the Holy Father's visit) RORATE CAELI : " Salvation Comes from the Jews " The Black Biretta : "Reverence, Balance and Good Taste" The New Liturgical Movement : Videos of Papal Visit (links by Gregor Kollmorgen to important repositories) The New Liturgical Movement : Papal Vespers - A View from the Sacristy (with thanks to the Dominicans!) Whispers in the Loggia : He Apologized... He Understood

Papal Visit Schedule, Friday, April 18th, 2008

Courtesy, USCCB Papal Visit Site Friday, April 18 8:30 a.m. - Movement to New York Andrews Air Force Base 10 a.m. - Address to the United Nations United Nations Headquarters 6 p.m. - Ecumenical Prayer Service St. Joseph Parish, Yorkville, NY

Papal Mass Readings at Nationals Stadium

A great many of you are trying to find the Mass Readings for the Papal Mass at Nationals Stadium. Please check the EWTN website here . You will notice on the right under, "Words," a link that reads " Liturgical Texts for the Apostolic Visit ." Clicking this will give you the PDF version. Your browser may also be able to view the pages in HTML. I believe this is from the Vatican and has the Vespers service and all liturgies. There are also the words of Pope Benedict to be said at "Ground Zero."

USCCB Papal Visit Site

Excellent site with current updates and schedules .

Papal Visit Schedule, Wednesday, April 16th, 2008

The schedule for Wednesday is courtesy of EWTN which will cover most of the Holy Father's appearances live on TV and on Radio : THE WHITE HOUSE Pope Benedict XVI is received by President and Mrs. Bush at a White House welcoming ceremony, followed by a private meeting between the President and the Pope, and the dignitaries of the two states. Wednesday, April 16, 10:00 AM Eastern Encore April 16, 2PM & 9PM. ADDRESS TO THE BISHOPS OF THE UNITED STATES Pope Benedict XVI gathers with the 350 bishops of the United States for a prayer service and address at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC. Wednesday, April 16, 5:00 PM Eastern Encore April 16, 11:30PM. April 17, 4AM.

Evening Roundup - Tuesday, April 15th, 2008

WDTPRS : The Holy Father's arrival in the USA The New Liturgical Movement : Australians, Get Thee to a Free Chant Workshop AmericanPapist : Day 1: Pictures of Pope Benedict's Arrival

Willkommen, Papa!

Willkommen, Papa! "Et ego dico tibi quia tu es Petrus et super hanc petram aedificabo ecclesiam meam et portae inferi non praevalebunt adversum eam. Et tibi dabo claves regni caelorum et quodcumque ligaveris super terram erit ligatum in caelis et quodcumque solveris super terram erit solutum in caelis." [ Vulgate, Evangelium Secundum Matthaeum , 16: 18-19 ].

National Catholic Register:

The National Catholic Register has a nice "blog site" set up for the Papal Visit . In addition to a blog by Senior Editor,Tim Drake, the blog also will carry the "live feed" from EWTN. As Drake will be "on the ground," his updates will be really topical. This is another great site to follow the Papal Visit with authentic reaction and Catholic discussion. The site is .

Papal Visit to Washington, DC and New York

Remember to keep it here--on EWTN--for the Papal visit on either radio and TV . I am hearing that Sirius radio will also carry the EWTN feed via radio.