
Showing posts with the label Parishes

Find A Catholic Mass! - Google Utility

I've just entered a new "Google-based" utility to the header which is located up there ^ ! It is called Find A Catholic Mass . The site shows a Google map of the US. One can enter any location in this fashion: 'baltimore, md' or whatever ('dublin', 'york, pa'). The location then shows up with all Parishes indicated and their websites linked if there is one. Neat! Bravo!

Holy Saturday, April 11th, 2009 - I Am Looking for An Easter Mass, A Vigil Mass, Propers for Easter!

STOP! Don't Leave!!!! Let me help!!!! This blog can help. Notice that right above in the Blue Field called the "header," where it says "TRADITIONAL LATIN MASS IN MARYLAND," there are hyperlinks. Those go to locations. So, if you are looking for the Propers for the Vigil or Easter , click #3! If you are looking for a Traditional Latin Mass or Extraordinary Form Mass , click #1. If you are looking for a Mass outside of Maryland (that means you landed here from Kansas, New York, California), click #2. You can Google again, but many land here later...I know that from experience! One gem is called . It is fantastic because it is International and will locate a specific Church in your area, or a time for Mass to begin, or what language Mass it is in! Finally, if you go down the UPPER RIGHT SIDE of this menu (over here-->>), I do have some parishes linked that offer the Latin Mass (Novus Ordo) or the TLM. For those in this are...

Religious Life Directory, Maryland

I have posted the Religious Life Directory in Maryland and added it to the right menu bar under Blogroll and Website Favorites. I am deeply indebted to the Deo est Gloria ministry which keeps up this directory. Please use this hyperlink as the hyperlinks below change constantly and may become obsolete here. Adamstown, MD: La Salle Brothers. Brothers of Christian Schools, Baltimore District, 2535 Buckeystown Pike, P.O. Box 29, Adamstown, MD 21710. [M] Baltimore, MD: Carmelite Monastery, 1318 Dulaney Valley Road, Baltimore, MD 21286-1399 . [W] Jesuits. Society of Jesus, Maryland Province Offices, 5704 Roland Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21210-1399. [M] * Jesus. Little Sisters of Jesus, 400 N. Streeper St, Baltimore, MD 21224. [W] Josephites. St. Joseph's Society of the Sacred Heart, Inc. 1130 N. Calvert Street, ...

Archdiocese of Baltimore and the Archdiocese of Washington

In checking my Sitemeter blog logs for yesterday, I was stunned to see the number of individuals seeking Lenten Services in either the Ordinary form or the Extraordinary form for Ash Wednesday. Then, I clicked the link on my blogroll for , the ubiquitous repository of Masses and the Sacraments around the world, and found that their server was then and still is down. For those locally (and the logs indicated many of you who visited were local) I have added hyperlinks to the blog menu to the Archdiocese of Baltimore and for the Archdiocese of Washington . Both Archdioceses have amazingly user-friendly websites that list parishes, their locations and even hyperlinks to the Parishes. Some of the parishes post their bulletins and these had great details on Lenten services, and Ash Wednesday specifically. Hope this helps you in the future! +A.M.D.G.+