
Showing posts with the label Paul Scofield

Jimmy An Actor for All Seasons

Lest I forget, Steven D. Greydanus posted the news that the gifted British actor, Paul Scofield, has died . Mr. Scofield had many memorable roles as this post notes, but he is best known for his depiction of Saint Thomas More, Lord Chancellor of England, under King Henry VIII . The film was an adaptation of a stage play by Robert Bolt and Mr Scofield had played the part on stage. Mr. Greydanus reviewed the film which is listed on the Vatican's best films list . One of my favorite lines of the film mentioned by several of those who commented is a part of an exchange between St. Thomas More and the Duke of Norfolk: And when we die, and you are sent to heaven for doing your conscience, and I am sent to hell for not doing mine, will you come with me, for fellowship? Please read the post, see the movie, and marvel at Scofield's craft in bringing this saint to life ...