Vocation Gold Mine: Vocation-Station, Canada
I love the internet. While searching for something else, I stumbled upon this blog--" Vocation-Station "-- posted by a "hermit without a permit" who lists his address as Canada. The blog is rather unique in that it catalogs religious Orders and posts the information as video clips. In the right menu, here is how the Orders are listed by category: "AUDIO only" (5) "Pope Benedict" (4) "the Passion of the Christ" (1) Benedictines (21) Brothers (13) Carmelite (5) Carthusian (6) Contemplative (34) Dominican (9) Franciscan (11) français (13) Gregorian Chant (17) Hermit (5) Into Great Silence (1) Italiano (5) Missionaries (5) Monastic (23) Monastic Community of Bethlehem and the Assumption (2) Nuns (22) Prayer (2) Priesthood (9) Religious Life (3) Seminary (6) Sisters (14) Trappist/Cistercian (8) Vocation (54) Needless to say, this link is going in the Right Menu . To paraphrase the words...