
Showing posts with the label Sacred Polyphony

Evening - Apparition of the Immaculate Virgin Mary at Lourdes - February 11th, 2010

AmP >> Video: I Was Born Anna Arco's Diary >> Is Pope Benedict too sentimental about Bavaria ? Creative Minority Report >> I Know We Don't Believe In Karma But... (okay, I admit that I laughed out loud) First Thoughts >> You Kant Believe Everything You Hear (Botulism...classic!) New Liturgical Movement >> Images for Use in Liturgy Programs New Liturgical Movement >> Clarification from ICEL ("that's some Catch, that Catch-22...") New Liturgical Movement >> The Five Greatest Things about Polyphony RORATE CÆLI >> The Death of Spain - new chapter WDTPRS >> Preaching to the converted. rather than preaching to convert .

Solemn High Mass - Feast of the Purification - Saint Bernadette Church, February 2, 2010 - Silver Spring, MD

I just received this from a colleague by email: Solemn High Mass - Feast of the Purification - Saint Bernadette Church, Silver Spring, MD Solemn High Mass in the Extraordinary Form for T he Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Candlemas) - Beginning with the Blessing of the Candles and Procession - With polyphonic propers composed by William Byrd, and the Ordinary from his Mass for Four Voices, sung by Chantry. Tuesday, February 2, 2010, 7:30 PM Saint Bernadette Church 70 University Boulevard East Silver Spring MD 20901 Linked to the Public TLM Events Calendar

NLM: What is going on at Mount St. Mary's?

Jeffrey Tucker of The New Liturgical Movement asks a rhetorical question and then answers it . The article concerns a new CD recorded by the seminarians at the Mount . In short, Mr. Tucker is floored: Someone might further observe that this music never really sounded that good in the 1910-1950s, and then argue that it was dropped for good reason, that it was moldy and had to go. On the other hand, what replaced it was far worse, and I tend to reject claims that the old sentimentalism is aesthetically equal to Glory & Praise. Whatever was wrong with the Montani/Ravanello oeuvre, it was pious and sought integration with the Roman Rite. In any case, it hardly matters, because the singers do an amazing job with the music, and make a very strong case for it actually. I'm blown away by how well these guys sing, and the recording quality is outstanding. Someone had the good sense to put lots of effort into this project. It is very exciting, and I can only hope it becomes a big sel...

Late Evening - Monday, May 5th, 2008

AmericanPapist >> Pope Meets with Head of Anglican Communion, Lambeth on the Minutes Creative Minority Report >> Doctors Deciding Who Dies The New Liturgical Movement >> Fraternity of the Divine Mercy, Italy (gorgeous vestments and TLM photos!) The Recovering Choir Director >> "Crescendo of Polyphony" WDTPRS >> D. of Charlotte: TLM Training for Priests

Christendom College Choir and Schola Gregoriana

As the website indicates , " The Christendom Choir is a men's and women's choir which sings for Sunday and feast day Masses on campus. The choir sings sacred polyphony by such noted masters as Palestrina, Victoria, and Josquin des Prez. Occasionally the group gives performances off campus." This page from Christendom College has a number of choir pieces available for download free using the interface. The choir includes a variety of seasonal hymns and chants. Have a look. It is a nice collection !